Makes me happy to hear every time I also love updating
but I’m glad I could contribute in a small way to the project
I have completed work on creating custom night lighting images for the Basic and Basic-Reflect graphics that have an LED.
As you can see they look the same but, since the Basic don’t have an LED layer, I had to use my old method.
The new night graphics and presets are in the repo!
This brings the preset count to 1532 and we still have Potatos waiting to be done.
Now that’s out of the way I will get the 64C ans SEGA Pico presets done and do a couple monochrome monitors as I promised.
That is an amazing amount of presets, @Duimon!!
BTW, Samwise Gamgee is eagerly awaiting the Potatoes, so he can put them in his stew.
Is that for Second Breakfast or First Lunch?
64C and SEGA Pico are in the repo, along with their Overlay counterparts.
Here is the IBM 8503 VGA Monochrome.
Apparently it had a slight green cast. (I love the Hue, Gamma, and Saturation parameters for monochrome!)
I will also be doing the 4707 POS IBM monitor, although it was only a 9" screen we can pretend it was larger. (I like some of the details.)
In addition I am doing some R&D on Texas Instruments, Atari, and Commodore Monochromes.
(I should probably do a B&W TV. )
Well… apparently after I did all the hard work on the Basic night preset graphics. I forgot to turn on Night mode for the presets that don’t have LEDs.
I am currently fixing them.
Edit: All better!
Thanks to @zachmorris who enlightened me on the test-word switch hotkeys for the PDP-1. (Why wasn’t I aware of those? )<---- turns out I never actually read the new hash xml. I have been emulating this thing so long I thought I didn’t need to.
Here is the PDP-1 running the “Munching Squares” visual effects demo.
Super, super cool!!!
On a related note. When you have your head burried deep in a project sometimes you miss things. A fresh set of eyes goes a looooooong way!
Thanks to @Cyber, @Unparallell and all the other members of the bug squad.
You have no idea how important you are!
Edit: I read a lot of this thread over from the beginning quite often. It is amazing to me all the feedback this community has given and continues to give.
You guys are awesome!
So… my RTX 3070 Ti came a day early. I can now play anything RA can throw at me in 4K using the ADV shader preset. I am very happy.
I have been trying out a few AAA games with raytracing and DLSS.
@HyperspaceMadness the integer scaling thing is a godsend.
I have a definite CPU bottleneck going on but… one thing at a time.
YouTube is telling me you need to swap the thermal pads on you GPU XD (jkjk; it does help tho)
Sounds awesome tho, happy/excited for you
I had fun today I had to make a few edits to a profile to get it working but ended up with this for vertical Nintendo DS at 1440x2560
It might be a pixel off (hard to say) and I don’t think I “did it properly,” because it’s buggy - if you scale in windowed mode, it almost works (at some scales) but doesn’t at others. I also don’t know if you could zoom out (to choose to see more of the NDS artwork), I tried every option I could find and didn’t quite get it but it looks great either way. Thank you @Duimon @HyperspaceMadness and the shader authors!
#reference ":/shaders/Mega_Bezel_Community/Duimon-Mega-Bezel/Presets/Standard/Nintendo_NDS/NDS_Vertical_Alt-[STD]-[Guest].slangp"
HSM_INT_SCALE_MODE = "1.000000"
HSM_SCREEN_POSITION_Y = "-39.000000"
*edit: added 4th image for symmetry
Very nice! I actually have an NDS 4K Vertical graphic in the “_4K_Vertical” folder.
Eventually I will update it to use some of my new methods.
So cool, Metroid Prime Pinball is one of my favorites
It would be interesting to have this design to be scalable with the screen, so you could run it like this on a smaller vertical monitor, but you might want to “zoom out” so the screen is smaller if you were running it on a 43-48"
I’m not sure if this is better reached with separate graphics or one graphic that we zoom out on…
I don’t think the current dual screen implementation would allow a simple “zoom out”.
We could, (If we used the GDV preset.) have multiple presets with diferrent zooms. (The Vertical NDS graphic method the @drstupid used would serve us the best in this case.)
Hmm, I think the scaling mode to scale with the screen would work.
But perhaps we should just have an overall viewport zoom and position offset which would allow a really simple zoom in on a graphic & screen without any detailed tweaking.
Hello everyone!!! First of all i want to say Thank you!! for all the works and effort you did on this shaders (and also thank you to the people who helped him to make it this possible :D)
now to the point… (sadly) i have a problem, more specific with the aero fighters, you know, that neo geo vertical shooter, i cant made works correctly, on all the others games works perfect but with this one not (and i think if i encounter with another vertical game for sure will not works properly too) i dont know what more to do.
Welcome to the Forum!
So I am guessing that you are using FBNeo. FBNeo does the “correct” thing and tells Retroarch that it is rotated, so that Retroarch can rotate it correctly, but the problem is that the entire viewport (Read whole monitor/window/screen) gets rotated.
I will be implementing something in the Mega Bezel to deal with this by rotating the viewport back, but until that’s done there are possibly some workarounds you could use.
Take a look at this which might help
yeah i am using FBNeo xD is more easy to download roms for it than mame… i think i will try mame again then since looks like is more easy (i will read the post you mention anyway, thank you sooo much for the help ^^