Duimon - HSM Mega Bezel Graphics and Presets - Feedback and Updates

Hey everyone! Just had a thought I’d like to share.

While I very much enjoy doing these graphics, and this project has in a very real way, improved my quality of life…

I would just like to take a moment to remind everyone (And myself. :wink:) of something.

Out of the box HSM’s shader, with the Carbon Fiber background, the perfectly executed bezel & frame, frame shadow, background vignette, screen vignette, tube glass overlay, screen edge shadow, and of course the reflection that stands up to very close inspection, is one of the most thoughtful, well executed works of art I have ever had the privilege of using.

@HyperspaceMadness My sincere gratitude for giving me something I can eagerly spend so much time on.


In support of the requested preset feature now in the newest build of the shader, I have created Overlay-Hybrid graphics for the logo versions of all systems except the GBA and Wii. (GBA will soon follow. :innocent:)

They can be found in a new Overlay-Hybrid folder in my HSM Graphics repo. :grin:

I will very soon include instructions in the folder README.


Thanks @Duimon, This is really nice to hear.

A fair amount of trial and error and good user feedback went into making it look ok. The carbon fiber and frame I had seen in a couple of places, so I took my inspiration from there, my main direction was to try to keep it simple and make it non-objectionable since everyone has varying taste in overlays. Then people can dress it up the way they want.

I hope for it to be our swiss army knife where we can each leverage the features to have an easier time dealing with all the different resolutions & aspect ratios and offload some of the frustrating parts of making these bezels to the shader.

Thanks @Duimon for your awesome backgrounds that you’ve put in meticulous hours into, The composition & all the details really make them shine, They really are something special :smiley:


One more update before I retire for the evening.


I figured I had better do something with the new features! :grin:

Edit: Updated the screenshot. (Background vignette was dimming the power LED and the outer bezel highlights. :frowning_face: I forgot to turn it off. :blush:)


Here’s a second NDS WIP shot.

I added a missing ambient highlight to the lower hinge edge, tweaked the hinge gradient and it’s drop shadow, added in start & select buttons, and tweaked the outer bezel glow/shadow.

In the shader parameters I adjusted the bezel corner highlight rotation, added a very thin frame with an increased corner radius, and adjusted the screen positioning.

I think it’s looking really good! :grin:

I plan on doing a top/bottom version geared towards portrait displays.


New one by request. I think it is ready for release!

Or with a bezel logo.

SEGA Master System!

I REALLY took liberties with this one. More than most, it is representative, not realistic. I could have done what I did with the ZX and 2600 (plopped a realistic console on the screen) but I wanted more balance. (I completely eliminated most of the console and concentrated on the decals.)

I like it! :grin:


Forgot to post the version with subtle light glare on the shiny decal surface. :frowning_face:


Hi @Duimon thanks for doing this! I think you did a great job I love all the details with the vents and cartridge slot!

I think for my taste that the decal is kind of distracting. One of the things I really liked about the Master system were its sloped sides. Below is an overlay I did a while ago, where I apparently went the exact opposite direction :wink:

What do you think about adding in more of the sides? And maybe the decal could be darkened a bit. It’s totally cool if you want to keep it as is, it’s your graphic and it’s already very well done :slight_smile:



Yeah I struggled a bit with this one. If you make it realistic you end up with no decal at all. I think the decal is cool. I did de-saturate it because I also thought it was distracting. The real red is BRIGHT!

I could easily do an alternate without the decal. (The decal was the most time consuming.) It would end up looking mostly like what you did, but would be 4K and vector. How would that be my friend?

There is also this one by OrionsAngel using the same wallpaper source we both stumbled on. (It is good wallpaper.)

What I don’t want to do is redo what he did. :frowning_face: Not that it isn’t great but that’s just not what I want to be about. :slightly_smiling_face:


I like the logo on the bezel personally.

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LOL. Thank you my friend!

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Yeah I totally understand, how about something vaguely like this? (It’s pretty funny how closely these graphics match as I only squashed the sides and it almost lines up.

I’m not exactly sure about how to fit the red diagram elements in in a pleasant visual organization that isn’t cropped in awkward spots, but I’m sure that was something that was something that you also had to fight with a bit

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Not really. :slightly_smiling_face: I mocked up the wallpaper as a template. It’s kind of an upgraded clone.

I wanted to do something like that and couldn’t figure out a way to show enough of the symbols on the decal. Let me play around a bit. If it was easy it wouldn’t be fun. :grin:


Just a quick idea. If I really mess with the symbol placement, (Unrealistic.) I could squeeze them in.

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Yeah, I think the rearranged symbols work :slight_smile:

Maybe you misunderstood, the sides I tacked on are the sides from my overlay, and they seem to match your background

Yeah, I was assuming you and I used the same wallpaper image as a source.

I will continue on with this idea, I am hopeful.:grin:

I don’t mind. I like to inspire and if you can improve it. Go ahead. I like that we have more options on the bezels that we wanna use. We all benefit.

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I think I have it worked out. :grin:

Not much of the sloping sides are there, but they are there. I also darkened the red a lot to ease distraction.

It’s a bit busier than the first, but I like it. :blush:


Yeah I like it, looks really nice!

I went in and made some of my infamous OCD changes. :wink: (Maybe a couple more significant.)

I am very happy with it. Thanks @HyperspaceMadness for providing the feedback this thread is 75% about!

There has been a wonderful amount of feedback over the weeks. Thanks to everyone!