Hari's 1080p Shader's Presets & Screenshots

Hello Hari-82. Indeed it was for the retroarch version. I was using 1.10, under a retrobat compilation (very good and selective, by the way) and I was not aware of certain improvements in this regard. I have transferred all the configuration (which was quite a lot) from the version I had to the new one, and now there are no problems with either your presets or the megabezels. Obviously I have kept a backup copy of the original in case I encounter any incompatibility, since the way I had it worked excellent. I have to enable the overscan for full scaling in Retrobat to see if the change is worth it, since without it the game area seems a little small and I waste the 27" monitor installed on my arcade cabinet. Thanks and tinker with your presets.

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New Update (updated download link in the first post) with some small changes to main presets (affecting most presets) and also reworked:

01 - SLOT MASK - C

shots taken with beetle psx (native res) with:

1 - Standard/Slot Mask/01 - SLOT MASK - C.slangp

@fenix76 glad it all worked out! for long time I was playing without integer scaling but there was always something that didn’t feel right with most shaders. Then I moved to integer scaling (without overscale) and the difference in “space” was noticeble but I kept it for a while, now after few month, I got used to this set up and actually full-screen feels too big for me :sweat_smile: (I use a 24" screen at less then a meter away ).


I was trying with the smaller playing area for a while, but in the end I decided on a larger area, but not as big as it would be when overscaled. Normally I use bezels (the bezel project) because I don’t like black space if they are on the sides. When activating overscale there is a certain space (especially above and below) that is eaten up by the bezel… can the overscale be defined so that the image does not grow as much and only a percentage? This would allow me to adjust the game area to the desired size (for 16-bit games and below I do leave the area a little smaller, as I think it suits them better, showing the reflections of the great koko-aio shader, but in arcades I hide them and I’m left with a larger area). By the way, I haven’t tried your presets a little yet, but they look great…for certain systems above 16 bits I was still using a preset of yours that you posted a while ago in another thread, because it looked great on them.


with integer scaling, especially on 1080p, there is not much to do to change the size. If you want to adjust size the only way to go is to disable integer scaling. also there are some systems or arcade games that use different resolution that can scale well with integer scaling (master system is one of them and for arcade try legend of hero tonma).

this is how I have my set up with overlay (without any overscale)

this with:

/1 - Standard/Shadow Mask/04 - SHADOW - EXTRA.slangp

Integer scaling ON - Overscale OFF

this is:

/9 - Extra/1 - Megabezel/1 - Aperture Grill - MBZ - STD - GDV.slangp

Integer scaling OFF - Overscale OFF - Aspect ratio FULL integer scaling is done within the Megabezel’s parameters -> same “screen” size as the previous one

this with:

/1 - Standard/Aperture Grill/03 - APERTURE - SOFTER.slangp

Integer scaling ON - Overscale OFF

Master System

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Hello Hari-82. I was testing integrer scaling but the result is too much amalgamation of screen sizes, for arcade games…some with an acceptable size, others smaller, others very small…could it be something in my configuration or is it like that? On the other hand, although I know that you recommend the use of integer scaling, but what is the downside of not using it with your shaders? I tried some and they didn’t look bad, but just because I don’t see it in a quick test doesn’t mean It don’t have it.

Sorry for my english of Google Translator.

Yes, arcade games have a variety of different resolutions so that with integer scaling there is no one-size fit all. What I do is having a “modded” oversized overlay that have a background so that when I load an arcade game if it doesn’t fit I just go to overlay options and change (landscape) Overlay Scale and then save game override, I know is not automatic but that’s the way that takes the least amount of actions to do it. :sweat_smile:

What games gives you a very small size? usually for older games (like tonma or r-type) the size gets bigger. with “newer” games does not go below “normal” size see the snk vs capcom posted above (896 vertical pixels)

You can try without ineger scaling but you might notice some moire effect in same games (especially when there are single color background), is not the biggest deal but for me was not something I wanted to deal with anymore so I switched to integer scaling and forget about it :sweat_smile:. You might rarely encounter it!


Parasite Eve, 1998. Beetle Psx native res.

/2 - NTSC/Aperture Grill/01 - NTSC - SHARP.slangp

Better rendition in full screen on native 1080p display

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New update! rework of all the presets and now using guest.r’s latest release. link in the first post!

Comments and suggestions are welcome!


small update with some minor changes to standard and ntsc presets.

Screeshots taken with: 01 - NTSC - APERTURE.slangp


Beautiful pics of one of my favourite games man! Took me a while to actually play it, then another very very long time to eventually beat it!

Super Castlevania IV will always have a place in my gaming foundations and fundamentals, especially where the soundtrack and graphics in general are concerned but this one plays so much faster, which increases the excitement and fun factor in many ways and it brings back a little bit of the classic NES style gameplay mechanics which make everything much more run ‘n’ slayish!


Yeah, Chi no Rondo is a real masterpiece, and since many years it is my favorite Castlevania entry, Synphony of the Night is great (also Dawn & Aria of sorrow) gaming experience and with very high values of production but nowadays I tend to prefer linear games with an arcade “attitude” and Rondo of blood is the best of them all in my opinion, sprite work is great (most of them reused in SOTN) CD soundtrack and rocksolid gamplay and difficulty curve!


New update, wet through many changes now using mostly Halation+ as mask mitigation, I think IQ is improved and now there is a better balance in color and contrast.

Link in the first post.




New update available (link in the first post)

  • Shadow and Slot masks variants re-implemented
  • Composite variants for standard presets using ntsc adaptive
  • new preset for internal upscaled resolutions using smart scanlines
  • small general improvements to base presets

New update available

  • New preset based on @Hyllian 's crt shader [crt-hyllian.slangp], I appended and prepended gauss_4tap.slangp and gizmo-composite-blur to give it a different spin (I think hyllian’s own presets are just perfect so I wanted to experiment to get something different), very happy with the results and it is now my default preset since few weeks!

  • Re-organized presets and moved the “composite” variants in the NTSC folder (now in their NTSC - ADAPTIVE own folder).

  • few other small changes and new presets (01 - Composite - Aperture - C.slangp is now my default ntsc/composite preset)

Few random shots with 05 - Hyllian + mods - A:


New update, added a new preset:

  • …/1 - Standard/05 - Aperture - A + mods

It is a modified version of 01 - Aperture - A


Great job as usual! Have you seen these @RetroCrisis?


New update:

  • Few modifications to some base presets
  • Trimmed some presets out

screens from:

../3 - Edge Smoothing/Aperture Grill/Aperture - A - XBRZ 4.slangp


I love Hari-82’s work. Been meaning to make a video forever!! The world needs these.


And the world shall recieve. @Hari-82 this one is for you my guy.


Just watched the video! :nerd_face:

thanks a lot to @RetroCrisis for doing it, honored to be in one of his video tutorials! :partying_face: :partying_face: :partying_face:

Hopefully some people will find some of my preset useful! :innocent: