yep been waiting since yesterday for a account activation mail
Just finished Lords of Thunder for the Mega CD, this version is much easier then the PC Engine CD one, I could complete this one on normal difficulty on the very first try without using any continues.
Soundtrack is amazing and it is very nice experience that just takes about 30 minutes!
Shader preset used is
01 - Composite - Aperture - B.slangp
From /02 - NTSC/02 - NTSC ADAPTIVE/
New Update 16/11/2024
Added a new folder “0 - Quick Select”
It contains a selection of presets (with some mods) for standard content for a quick selection.
- Sharp (A, B, C)
- TV (A. B, C) -> a slightly softer and modded version of standard sharp presets
- NTSC (A, B, C) + an extra preset “simil RF” (D)
- 3 different Edge Smoothing presets
Each letter have a different mask set up
Link in the first post,
Some example and comparison:
There is another folders named 9-extras an base, the extra is meant to be used by user too or is for use for shaders in 0-quick select folder?
Edit: Tested all shaders and a few failed to load:
hari\9 - Extra\1 - Megabezel
2 - Slot Mask - MBZ - STD - GDV.slangp
hari\9 - Extra\2 - Systems\Handheld LCD\Lynx
Linx + Bezel - A - 5x.slangp
hari\9 - Extra\2 - Systems\Handheld LCD\WS
WonderSwan + BEZEL.slangp
hari\9 - Extra\3 - Heavy Dedithering
Dedither A - STD.slanp
Dedither B - NTSC.slangp
These shader failded to load.
Oh! you are correct! that folder should not be in the release! forgot to remove it before uploading it!
my bad!
The “base” folder is a service folder where the parameters used by the presets are, not to be used by the users!
Updated the zip file on git hub, now should be ok!
Thanks for pointing that out!
New Update, 04/12/2024
Installation folder is now : Retroarch_main_folder/shaders/hari
Some changes in random order
- re-worked base presets (lowered mask intensity to be able to better handle mitigation and scanlines)
- cleaned up folders, shaders and presets structure
- re-implemented Megabezel presets
- added Uborder presets (more info in the txt)
- added “Glass” variation (using glass.slangp)
- added a txt file with explanation of most presets/variations
- changed installation folder
This was a big rework after almost a week of deep dive and countless iterations!
Nice! I’ve downloaded those overlays one by one, at least they’re not many.
One suggestion is to install any overlay pack in its natural/intended folder and you point your presets to its own folder structure. In case of this Duimon Retroarch Overlays, it probably is installed inside Retroarch’s overlay folder. This way, it’s easy to download the whole pack and unzip there. It will work for overlays and for your presets using only one storage folder.
Yeah, that’s a good idea!
What do you think? would that be:
or something else?
For it to be organized, it’s better to create a folder inside overlay with the pack name, so this would be:
That’s because if someone want to use it as overlays, he/she can download all pack and put inside it, not only Logo.
What happened to the grille, slot and shadow mask presets? now are only A and B types.
To me the color seems a little washed out comparing with the earlier version.
I think that (after going back and forth a lot in last few days ) older presets were a little too blown out, they do look more saturated but the image was less balanced (in my eyes and monitor). Also keep in mind that our eyes can get accustomed and “normalize things”, try if you can to play a game with the new preset (lets say standard - A or B) for a while (10-15 mins) then try to load the old one, it will probably result in a harsher image. But anyway it also depends on set ups, monitor and taste!
What I think is kind of objective is that scanlines and mask look better now (more tidy):
new on the left - old on the right
Anyway this is just the first release of this “new” version, I might change things around and add more variations in color & feel!
Aperture grill is alive and well in both A & B standard and NTSC!
I might add shadow mask later even tho it feels a bit redndant, thats why I kept them out at this stage.
slot mask, is still present in some form (with no scanlines) in folder 6, I got to the conclusion that 1080p and scanlines+slotmask never truly does it for me…
I was thinking that Retroarch-Overlays literally meant Retroarch’ overlays
Ok then! tomorrow I will update paths to
Yes, :P! But we’re following a logic here. Each overlay pack should have its own folder inside RA’s overlay. It’s more natural to call it the pack name so that you know from where it came.
I like the smoothness of the left one but the colors more on the right image.
New Update, 05/12/2024
- Added Color Variation (now A and B have more vibrant colors)
- Glass Variations moved to its own folder
- Changed Uborder overlay’s paths to match Duimon’s folder structure (more info in the txt)
Thanks a lot!
Nice to see some glass texture in the overlay!
I definitely prefer the right image. The colours seem more vibrant and the text dark lines in the text seems more pronounced.