Hari's 1080p Shader's Presets & Screenshots

oh well, can’t say much about that :sweat_smile: not many pixels to see there… :nerd_face:

but if it works most probably the problem is in the “spaces” in the reference paths, probably linux does not like that, I will need to rename everything to make it work, give me some time (later today or tomorrow) and I will try to do it…

Can you confirm it works?

the shader loads but i get this


does the game get stuck?

I’m not sure what that has to do with the shader preset at all :thinking:

nope it runs

but after looking what sonkuns shader does in analog the contrast that is set to -0.05 is what breaks it sonkun has set it to 0.00 @sonkun what setting did you use instead of contrast in the analog controls setting

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as you can see with contrast to 0.00 it works


oh ok that’s good!

so probably the problem was in the filenames, as I said I will try to rename the whole thing.

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i also had some problems with spaces in filenames in the linux terminal i can’t run a file name bash file name.sh it will try to run file & then name.sh you use bash “file name.sh” or change it to file-name.sh

is it possible to have your preset in shaders/shaders_slang instead of shaders

New version v2.03, paths and filenames changed removing spaces.

special thanks to Notepad++ to make the process painless :nerd_face: :nerd_face: :nerd_face:


for that to work you should only change all the instances of




in the files contained in the folder:



BORDER = "../../../Mega_Bezel_Packs/


BORDER = "../../../../Mega_Bezel_Packs/

from uborder presets

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After I disabled contrast I pretty much just started playing around with the tint settings along with cranking up saturation, wanted colors to pop a little extra even if it goes against “how it’s suppose to look”, that’s about it. Also turned LUT1 on for the NTSC colors.

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@Hari-82 still not working same error

[ERROR] [Vulkan]: Failed to create preset: "/home/username/.var/app/org.libretro.RetroArch/config/retroarch/shaders/hari/01-Standard/Shadow-Mask/010-Preset-A-Shadow-Mask.slangp".
[ERROR] [Vulkan]: Failed to create filter chain: "/home/username/.var/app/org.libretro.RetroArch/config/retroarch/shaders/hari/01-Standard/Shadow-Mask/010-Preset-A-Shadow-Mask.slangp". Falling back to stock.
here is the hari patch for a preset
#reference "../../base/shaders/GRADE-GUEST-ADVANCE.slangp"
#reference "../../base/1-standard/SHADOW-A.params"

i found the problem linux is case sensitive the shader looks 01-standard but the folder is called 01-Standard

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hi how do we add the Glass.params effect to the shader I’ve been trying since this morning I can’t do it

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I just updated the v2.03 changing folders and reference to lowercase :nerd_face:

@bactino yeah, I forgot to write it in the changes but I removed the glass preset because I need to re-work them a little to be usable, I will reintroduce them once they are ready!

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still need to change contrast to 0.00 not -0.05 so that i don’t get a black screen so in the params file g_cntrst = “0.000000” needs to be set to

if you want to make that change go in:




and change

g_cntrst = "-0.050000"


g_cntrst = "0.000000"


i know that is why i posted the the exact word for the line g_cntrst also now i have a backup for that line that breaks for me

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Small update, added a X68000 P1 Expert preset for uborder shader,

Love this overlay by @Duimon and couldn’t resist to make a preset for it!


New update, probably the last of this year :nerd_face:

Improved brightness, re-implemented glass preset, made various small changes and added a new magenta-green mask layout

random shots:


Nice way to end the year off with haha. I see that Shadow Mask in there.

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