Hgoda90 - Mega Bezel Graphics + Varieties

I got the idea of customizing OrionsAngel’s custom console overlays with the bezels being the color of the border.


I have gotten all the bezels and noticed that some would most likely be better not to match the border color. I will try to get them done as quickly as possible, since there is 108 of them, it might take a little while. These are going to be a Overlay + Shader combo. I am thinking about adding the colors to the topic with shots of each.

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After experimenting a little, I am thinking about going ahead and doing them as straight shaders with bezel color variations.


A lot of the graphics that @Orionsangel used as a base were fairly high resolution vector icons by ReignStumble. I’ve always liked them and it would be a pleasure to get a peek at the source to see his technique. (He has become a ghost.)

This work by @Orionsangel was the original inspiration for my Mega Bezel graphics project.


Just finicking a little more to keep the thin bezels from the overlay images.


OrionsAngel Panasonic 3DO

Overlay Demo / Overlay Download

Outline Global Settings                Outline Alt Global Settings
-----------------------                ---------------------------
[Aspect Ratio]                         [Aspect Ratio]
    Explicit Aspect Ratio: 1.329000        Explicit Aspect Ratio: 1.334000
[CRT Screen Scaling]                   [CRT Screen Scaling]
    Non-Integer Scale %: 83.17            Non-Integer Scale %: 83.17
[Position Offset]                      [Position Offset]
    Position X: 1.00                       Position X: -4
	Position Y: 4.00                       Position Y: 6
[Bezel & Frame Color]                  [Bezel & Frame Color]
    Noise: 10.00                           Noise: 10.00
[Frame]                                [Frame]
	Frame Thickness: 20.00                 Frame Thickness: 20.00
	Outer Corner Radius: 2.00              Outer Corner Radius: 2.00

[Background Layer]                     [Background Layer]
    Scale Aspect: 0.00                     Scale Aspect: 0.00

3DO Blue
[Bezel & Frame Color]
    Hue: 196
	Saturation: 90
	Brightness: 72

3DO Gold
[Bezel & Frame Color]
    Hue: 42
	Saturation: 51
	Brightness: 71	

3DO Green
[Bezel & Frame Color]
    Hue: 138
	Saturation: 80
	Brightness: 69.40

3DO Red
[Bezel & Frame Color]
    Hue: 357
	Saturation: 90
	Brightness: 92

3DO Silver
[Bezel & Frame Color]
    Hue: 0
	Saturation: 0
	Brightness: 64

3DO Plain
[Aspect Ratio]
    Explicit Aspect Ratio: 1.337000
[CRT Screen Scaling]
    Non-Integer Scale %: 82.17
[Position Offset]
    Position X: -2.00
	Position Y: 3.00
[Bezel & Frame Color]
    Hue: 206
	Saturation: 26
	Brightness: 11
    Noise: 10.00
	Frame Thickness: 20.00
	Outer Corner Radius: 2.00

[Background Layer]
    Scale Aspect: 0.00

I thought posting individual systems, like previous posts, would look the be best and keep everything neat. The previous post is the idea and layout I went with, of course. I am going to do one or two a day, so I don’t get tired of going through everything. Next up:


OrionsAngel Super Nintendo US

Only the non-Outline versions of overlays will be needed for these.

Overlay Demo / Overlay Download

SNES Global Settings
[Aspect Ratio]
    Explicit Aspect Ratio: 1.327300
[CRT Screen Scaling]
    Non-Integer Scale %: 82.57
[Position Offset]
    Position X: -3.00
	Position Y: 6.00
[Bezel & Frame Color]
    Noise: 10.00
	Frame Thickness: 20.00
	Outer Corner Radius: 2.00

[Background Layer]
    Scale Aspect: 0.00

[Bezel & Frame Color]
    Hue: 228
    Saturation: 3
    Brightness: 60

SNES Purple
[Bezel & Frame Color]
    Hue: 256
    Saturation: 49
    Brightness: 42	

[Bezel & Frame Color]
    Hue: 10
    Saturation: 100
    Brightness: 92

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OrionsAngel Super Famicom

The plain overlay is not used with these settings. The outline overlay is used as the plain overlay.

Overlay Demo / Overlay Download

Super Famicom Global Settings
[Aspect Ratio]
    Explicit Aspect Ratio: 1.361300
[CRT Screen Scaling]
    Non-Integer Scale %: 80.97
[Position Offset]
    Position X: -2.00
	Position Y: 7.00
[Bezel & Frame Color]
    Noise: 10.00
	Frame Thickness: 20.00
	Outer Corner Radius: 2.00

[Background Layer]
    Scale Aspect: 0.00

Super Famicom Blue
[Bezel & Frame Color]
    Hue: 197
	Saturation: 100
	Brightness: 92

Super Famicom Dark Gray
[Bezel & Frame Color]
    Hue: 192
	Saturation: 7
	Brightness: 27

Super Famicom Green
[Bezel & Frame Color]
    Hue: 92
	Saturation: 77
	Brightness: 73

Super Famicom Light Gray
[Bezel & Frame Color]
    Hue: 192
	Saturation: 3
	Brightness: 61

Super Famicom Red
[Bezel & Frame Color]
    Hue: 355
	Saturation: 100
	Brightness: 90

Super Famicom Yellow
[Bezel & Frame Color]
    Hue: 53
	Saturation: 100
	Brightness: 100

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OrionsAngel Super Nintendo PAL

The plain overlay is not used with these settings. The outline overlay is used as the plain overlay.

Overlay Demo / Overlay Download

Super Nintnedo PAL Global Settings
[Aspect Ratio]
    Explicit Aspect Ratio: 1.361300
[CRT Screen Scaling]
    Non-Integer Scale %: 80.97
[Position Offset]
    Position X: -2.00
	Position Y: 7.00
[Bezel & Frame Color]
    Noise: 10.00
	Frame Thickness: 20.00
	Outer Corner Radius: 2.00

[Background Layer]
    Scale Aspect: 0.00

Super Nintendo PAL Blue
[Bezel & Frame Color]
    Hue: 197
	Saturation: 100
	Brightness: 92

Super Nintendo PAL Dark Gray
[Bezel & Frame Color]
    Hue: 192
	Saturation: 7
	Brightness: 27

Super Nintendo PAL Green
[Bezel & Frame Color]
    Hue: 92
	Saturation: 77
	Brightness: 73

Super Nintendo PAL Light Gray
[Bezel & Frame Color]
    Hue: 192
	Saturation: 3
	Brightness: 61

Super Nintendo PAL Red
[Bezel & Frame Color]
    Hue: 355
	Saturation: 100
	Brightness: 90

Super Nintendo PAL Yellow
[Bezel & Frame Color]
    Hue: 53
	Saturation: 100
	Brightness: 100

Keep up with the Nintendo theme and go with NES/Famicom next.

OrionsAngel Famicom

Overlay Demo / Overlay Download

Outline Global Settings                Plain Global Settings
-----------------------                ---------------------
[Aspect Ratio]                         [Aspect Ratio]
    Explicit Aspect Ratio: 1.363300        Explicit Aspect Ratio: 1.355300
[CRT Screen Scaling]                   [CRT Screen Scaling]
    Non-Integer Scale %: 81.97            Non-Integer Scale %: 81.77
[Position Offset]                      [Position Offset]
    Position X: 3.00                       Position X: 3.00
	Position Y: 9.00                       Position Y: 9.00
[Bezel & Frame Color]                  [Bezel & Frame Color]
    Noise: 10.00                           Noise: 10.00
[Frame]                                [Frame]
	Frame Thickness: 20.00                 Frame Thickness: 20.00
	Outer Corner Radius: 2.00              Outer Corner Radius: 2.00

[Background Layer]                     [Background Layer]
    Scale Aspect: 0.00                     Scale Aspect: 0.00

Famicom Red
[Bezel & Frame Color]
    Hue: 0
	Saturation: 100
	Brightness: 44

Famicom Vanilla
[Bezel & Frame Color]
    Hue: 42
	Saturation: 21
	Brightness: 95

OrionsAngel Famicom Disk System

Outline Global Settings does apply to Outline Alt as well.

Overlay Demo / Overlay Download

Outline Global Settings                Plain Global Settings
-----------------------                ---------------------
[Aspect Ratio]                         [Aspect Ratio]
    Explicit Aspect Ratio: 1.321300        Explicit Aspect Ratio: 1.319300
[CRT Screen Scaling]                   [CRT Screen Scaling]
    Non-Integer Scale %: 83.77            Non-Integer Scale %: 83.37
[Position Offset]                      [Position Offset]
    Position X: -2.00                      Position X: -4.00
	Position Y: 3.00                       Position Y: 4.00
[Bezel & Frame Color]                  [Bezel & Frame Color]
    Noise: 10.00                           Noise: 10.00
[Frame]                                [Frame]
	Frame Thickness: 20.00                 Frame Thickness: 20.00
	Outer Corner Radius: 2.00              Outer Corner Radius: 2.00

[Background Layer]                     [Background Layer]
    Scale Aspect: 0.00                     Scale Aspect: 0.00

FDS Black
[Bezel & Frame Color]
    Hue: 0
	Saturation: 17
	Brightness: 16

FDS Gray
[Bezel & Frame Color]
    Hue: 0
	Saturation: 0
	Brightness: 100

[Bezel & Frame Color]
    Hue: 1
	Saturation: 96
	Brightness: 89

FDS Yellow
[Bezel & Frame Color]
    Hue: 46
	Saturation: 100
	Brightness: 97

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That is a pretty bright red. :astonished:


OrionsAngel Nintendo Entertainment System

The overlays marked as outline are not used.

Overlay Demo / Overlay Download

Global Settings
[Aspect Ratio]
    Explicit Aspect Ratio: 1.327300
[CRT Screen Scaling]
    Non-Integer Scale %: 82.97
[Position Offset]
    Position X: -3.00
	Position Y: 6.00
[Bezel & Frame Color]
    Noise: 10.00
	Frame Thickness: 20.00
	Outer Corner Radius: 2.00

[Background Layer]
    Scale Aspect: 0.00

NES Black
[Bezel & Frame Color]
    Hue: 348
	Saturation: 12
	Brightness: 17

NES Gray
[Bezel & Frame Color]
    Hue: 300
	Saturation: 5
	Brightness: 53

NES Light Gray
[Bezel & Frame Color]
    Hue: 300
	Saturation: 1
	Brightness: 75

[Bezel & Frame Color]
    Hue: 348
	Saturation: 100
	Brightness: 74

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Going for Atari 2600, 5200 and 7800 next.


OrionsAngel Atari 2600

Overlay Demo / Overlay Download

Outline Global Settings                Plain Global Settings
-----------------------                ---------------------
[Aspect Ratio]                         [Aspect Ratio]
    Explicit Aspect Ratio: 1.327300        Explicit Aspect Ratio: 1.327300
[CRT Screen Scaling]                   [CRT Screen Scaling]
    Non-Integer Scale %: 83.77            Non-Integer Scale %: 82.57
[Position Offset]                      [Position Offset]
    Position X: -3.00                      Position X: -3.00
	Position Y: 8.00                       Position Y: 6.00
[Bezel & Frame Color]                  [Bezel & Frame Color]
    Noise: 10.00                           Noise: 10.00
[Frame]                                [Frame]
	Frame Thickness: 20.00                 Frame Thickness: 20.00
	Outer Corner Radius: 2.00              Outer Corner Radius: 2.00

[Background Layer]                     [Background Layer]
    Scale Aspect: 0.00                     Scale Aspect: 0.00

Atari 2600 Black
[Bezel & Frame Color]
    Hue: 0
	Saturation: 18
	Brightness: 13

Atari 2600 Brown
[Bezel & Frame Color]
    Hue: 19
	Saturation: 58
	Brightness: 54

Atari 2600 Gray
[Bezel & Frame Color]
    Hue: 33
	Saturation: 11
	Brightness: 31

Atari 2600 Orange
[Bezel & Frame Color]
    Hue: 30
	Saturation: 85
	Brightness: 96

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OrionsAngel Atari 5200

Overlay Demo / Overlay Download

Plain Global Settings
[Aspect Ratio]
    Explicit Aspect Ratio: 1.331000
[CRT Screen Scaling]
    Non-Integer Scale %: 81.17
[Position Offset]
    Position X: -5.00
	Position Y: 3.00
[Bezel & Frame Color]
    Noise: 10.00
	Frame Thickness: 40.00
	Outer Corner Radius: 2.00

[Background Layer]
    Scale Aspect: 0.00

Atari 5200 Black                        Atari 5200 Silver
----------------                        -----------------
[Bezel & Frame Color]                   [Bezel & Frame Color]
    Hue: 0                                  Hue: 180
	Saturation: 0                           Saturation: 1
	Brightness: 6                           Brightness: 86

OrionsAngel Atari 7800

Overlay Demo / Overlay Download

Outline Global Settings                Plain Global Settings
-----------------------                ---------------------
[Aspect Ratio]                         [Aspect Ratio]
    Explicit Aspect Ratio: 1.383300        Explicit Aspect Ratio: 1.409300
[CRT Screen Scaling]                   [CRT Screen Scaling]
    Non-Integer Scale %: 79.57            Non-Integer Scale %: 78.77
[Position Offset]                      [Position Offset]
    Position X: -3.00                      Position X: 2.00
	Position Y: 1.00                       Position Y: 1.00
[Bezel & Frame Color]                  [Bezel & Frame Color]
    Noise: 10.00                           Noise: 10.00
[Frame]                                [Frame]
	Frame Thickness: 40.00                 Frame Thickness: 40.00
	Outer Corner Radius: 2.00              Outer Corner Radius: 2.00

[Background Layer]                     [Background Layer]
    Scale Aspect: 0.00                     Scale Aspect: 0.00

Atari 7800 Black
[Bezel & Frame Color]
    Hue: 0
	Saturation: 0
	Brightness: 7

Atari 7800 Blue
[Bezel & Frame Color]
    Hue: 201
	Saturation: 100
	Brightness: 76

Atari 7800 Gray
[Bezel & Frame Color]
    Hue: 0
	Saturation: 0
	Brightness: 88

Atari 7800 Orange
[Bezel & Frame Color]
    Hue: 34
	Saturation: 100
	Brightness: 100

Edit: Just fixed some of the settings after widening the frame.

Tomorrow comes Intellivision and ColecoVision.