Hgoda90 - Mega Bezel Graphics + Varieties

I have created variations of different graphic sets for RetroArch. The settings are posted in their own posts and they also can be gotten off of the GitHub page as shader files.

To change the parameters content must be loaded first to access the Quick Menu. Follow Quick Menu > Shaders > Load and select the Shader you want to change values for. Select Shader Parameters and then scroll down to where the values need changing. If [Device Image Layer] values need changing scroll until it is on the screen and press left, value goes down, or right, value goes up, to change the value. Once you are satisified with the changes and want to save just go back once and select Save. Out of the selection pick the one that you desire.

For those who would like a variation of a shader, just post what variation you want and what preset pack the graphic is in. I only do graphic variations, so be sure to specify that you want a VARIATION.

Thanks to @Duimon, @Soqueroeu, @OrionsAngel and @lfan for letting me create “variations” of their awesome work.

Thanks to @Big_al for helping find problems with presets.

Downloads Needed


All the files are custom made and no extra files are needed. Shader parameter files are placed inside their own folders.

Console Arcade

Mega Bezel Glass

lfan System Overlays

To Use:

  1. Download overlay zip file
  2. Extract a set of the png overlay files to “Mega_Bezel_Packs\Hgoda90-Graphic-Varieties\lfan – System Overlays/__global/images"


OrionsAngel Overlays

To Use:

  1. Download and Install the desired preset pack


Soqueroeu Mega Bezel TV Backgrounds

To Use:

  1. Download Soqueroeu Mega Bezel TV Backgrounds
  2. Place Soqueroeu-TV-Backgrounds_V2.0 folder in the Mega_Bezel_Packs folder as instructed by Soqueroeu


Cyber Shader Preset Pack

Super Nintendo with Cyber Shader Preset





I am literally confused if this is anything. :confused:

It’s a criticism of the upscaling being used in the shaders.

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looks like it’s scalefx’ed and then downsampled back to 240p for use with CRT shaders?


Gameboy Advance SP - Pokemon Versions

Charzard                             Green Rayquaza
--------                             --------------
[Device Image Layer]                 [Device Image Layer]
    Hue Offset: 4                        Hue Offset: 148
    Saturation: 170                      Saturation: 195
    Brightness: 138                      Brightness: 53

Kyogre Blue                         Pikachu Yellow
-----------                         --------------
[Device Image Layer]                [Device Image Layer
    Hue Offset: 230                     Hue Offset: 44
    Saturation: 116                     Saturation: 178
    Brightness: 150                     Brightness: 200

Red Grouden                          Torchic Orange
-----------                          --------------
[Device Image Layer]                 [Device Image Layer]
    Hue Offset: 360                      Hue Offset: 34
    Saturation: 100                      Saturation: 180
    Brightness: 85                       Brightness: 200

[Device Image Layer]
    Hue Offset: 180
    Saturation: 200
    Brightness: 75


Gameboy Advance SP - Limited Edition

Only set Colorize to 1 for the ones that are noted to be 1.

Naruto                               SpongeBob
------                               ---------
[Device Image Layer]                 [Device Image Layer]
    Hue Offset: 23                       Hue Offset: 60
    Saturation: 155                      Saturation: 154
    Brightness: 200                      Brightness: 194

Tribal                               Zelda Gold
------                               ----------
[Device Image Layer]                 [Device Image Layer]
    Hue Offset: 222                      Colorize: 1
    Saturation: 10                       Hue Offset: 43
    Brightness: 149                      Saturation: 106
                                         Brightness: 166


Gameboy Advance SP - Limited Standard Colors

Only set Colorize to 1 for the ones that are noted to be 1.

Cobalt Blue                          Flame Red
-----------                          ---------
[Device Image Layer]                 [Device Image Layer]
    Hue Offset: 251                      Colorize: 1
    Saturation: 174                      Hue Offset: 360
    Brightness: 114                      Saturation: 134
                                         Brightness: 146

Graphite                              Onyx
--------                              ----
[Device Image Layer]                  [Device Image Layer]
    Hue Offset: 44                        Hue Offset: 0
    Saturation: 32                        Saturation: 0
    Brightness: 26                        Brightness: 12

Pearl Blue                           Pearl Green
----------                            -----------
[Device Image Layer]                 [Device Image Layer]
    Hue Offset: 203                       Hue Offset: 108
    Saturation: 48                        Saturation: 80
    Brightness: 186                       Brightness: 116

Pearl Pink                           Pearl White
----------                           -----------
[Device Image Layer]                 [Device Image Layer]
    Hue Offset: 332                      Hue Offset: 84
    Saturation: 36                       Saturation: 4
    Brightness: 112                      Brightness: 166

Platinum                             Surf Blue
--------                             ---------
[Device Image Layer]                 [Device Image Layer]
    Hue Offset: 0                        Hue Offset: 206
    Saturation: 0                        Saturation: 113
    Brightness: 70                       Brightness: 164


Cyber Lab Shader Preset

Default Shader

The lettering looks close to the same, to me.


I will be doing the DS Lite variations tomorrow, since that is what the graphic looks like.



Don’t forget this part.


There maybe times between HSM Mega Bezel Reflection Shader updates when my preset package in my thread might be more up to date than the one in the Mega Bezel package.

By the way, just out of curiosity, do the colours Red, White and Black in your avatar have any special significance to you?

I won’t. I will probably do it first since it shouldn’t take to long.

No they don’t. It is a close up of Kratos’s face, the main character from God of War.

Edit: I forgot to mention that it is my avatar because God of War is my favorite video game franchise.


Gets coffee and sits in a chair :sweat_smile: :joy::joy:

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Combine Duimon Graphics to Cyber Shader Preset

To combine the two all you have to do is just change the #reference line in Duimon Parameter files.

Open any Duimon Graphic Parameter file that you want to change in a text editor.

Change the first line, #reference “…/…/…/…/…/shaders_slang/bezel/Mega_Bezel/Presets/Base_CRT_Presets/MBZ__1__ADV__GDV.slangp” to #reference “…/…/…/…/…/Mega_Bezel_Community/CyberLab/MBZ__1__Advance_Full_Reflections/shader preset folder/name of shader file wanted”.

It is simple as that. I would highly recommend that any Duimon files that you change to create your own custom folder for them. If you don’t keep them seperate than they will get over written when the Duimon Parameter Files are updated.


@Cyber I just went ahead and added at the top that if somebody wanted the updated versions, they could download it from your thread.

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I just don’t want things to turn into a back and forth of criticism because I honestly get enough of that watching politics.

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I completely agree and understand, and I’ve said my piece. Let’s focus on your project which is very welcome.

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Just to get somebody else’s opinion, do you think people will understand the way to do the combination as I explained?

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I might even get to do New 3DS XL.


Edit: I should mention that I am only going to be doing the released versions for DS and 3DS since there are so many limited editions. Looks good even on the Horizontal View.


I’m enjoying playing around with coloring and seeing what random stuff I come up with. Looking at your preset settings helps give me an approximation and then I tinker from there.