Mega Bezel Reflection Shader! - Feedback and Updates

Just when I thought you were done pullng surprises out of your hat.:grin:

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Yes, I have tended to use the image I’ve pasted below. It’s good to use it with an alpha/transparency adjuster so that you can get the effect just right - I find 100% can be a little too much.

I actually used it with your shader as an overlay, but the corners don’t match exactly so it’s hard to get the sizing right. Perhaps the edges could do with a little smoothing too.

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Just a note if you want to use something like this as the top image in the Mega Bezel there are a number of different options for the masking, so you can set the mask to inside the tube area and you don’t need to worry about the corners of the tube as long as the image is big enough. There are also different blending options, e.g. normal, add and multiply.

Also, thanks for your image!

Do you have one with the scratches and no highlight?

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Sounds good regarding the options you mention - can I do that with the current bezel or would you need to update it? I’ve not programming knowledge unfort.

That is the only one like that which I have, but I can do some digging if you’re looking for something else? Or I could try and edit that one in PS to remove the highlight (I realise that it probably clashes with the tube effect you have in your bezel/shader).

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Yes you can do this with the current shader, if you want to swap out the tube glass image you just need to change the path in the preset.

You can also swap out the “top image” and adjust the top image opacity, top image mask mode and top image blend mode parameters.

Also don’t worry about removing the highlight I can probably work with the image you provided.

I think this is the image that @Orionsangel uses in his overlays. Maybe he has a good source image?



HyperspaceMadness creation is the reason i signed into libretoforums, thanks a lot for the awesome work man and i havent seen your shader yet just scrolling reading and this page and watching it in YT. BTW im enjoying playing games now via retroarch and my 480i 27 inch wega tv, but i think this tv doesnt add enough scanlines at least to my eyes, anyone here know how to give a little boost to a crt image with retroarch shaders? Thanks to everybody!


That’s a really good question! I guess you could try fake scanlines or any crt shader without a mask. Using one with a mask would give you something crazy I think.

I’m only guessing because that is a question I have never heard before.

Hi @Digitech I’m wondering if you are not seeing as much scanlines on the wega because you are sending out the image from retroarch at full res 480p, which on 240p content (Arcade, snes, genesis) means that every other line is filled in by the image instead of left black. This is how the original systems worked (one line active, one line black in a 480p signal) and why they had such a pronounced scanline look. I’m not sure if there’s a shader which turns every other line off, but I think that might be what you need if you are wanting to use a shader to fix it. There are also hardware which handles the upscaling to the crt which could be an option too.

Thanks for the replys guys, actually im using a 1024x768 CRU custom resolution to send a 4:3 picture to my 480i crt tv with a portta hdmi to component converter, that device has limited resolutions that accepts so i think there may be the problem, ntw im a graphic designer and started to make some systems overlays that id like to share with to use them with your reflection shader, thanks a lot for your work

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Couple of things to keep in mind (depending on how familiar you are with the shader) the shader actually generates the entire bezel and crops the screen for you. This makes creating graphics much easier. This was one of the main things HSM wanted to do for artists when he began this.

So these are not traditional overlays, but background images.

I have a repo of graphics I’ve done that you can take a look at to see what layout seems to be ideal with the shader.

If you plan to do RA overlay versions also. I have a source repo for mine that contain a vector generated bezel among other things. They are open source so you are welcome to use anything that might help you along your journey.:grin:

I look forward to seeing your work!

Here’s another in progress update on the Nintendo DS Presets, the shader switches between splitting horizontally or vertically depending on if the screens are top/bottom or left/right

The Horizontal Layout is now working

There are different looks that can be chosen for the middle area:

Let me know what you think :slight_smile:


That looks incredible! Can’t wait to try it out.

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I think it is looking great and your solution doesn’t require actually generating a center bezel, which I imagine would be almost impossible. :wink:

Will this also works for 3DS?

Awesome work Duimon, im pretty sure ill hang out here a lot lol, HSM very nice effect with the dual screens, i just made an overlay for the super nes but i havent even installed the reflection shader lol, i already included the screen because is my actual sony tv, its ready to use with RA but what do i have to do to make it work with the reflection shader


The last one was for a 1920x1080p screen with 8:7 ratio, this is for a 4:3 ratio


Im seeing that the site converted the original pngs files to jpegs without transparencies, any tips where to host them if anyone want to use them or tweak them, sorry for the abuse of posts guys i feel like a child in a candy store here


Yes I think this should work for 3DS, but I haven’t tested on it. The way it works it just takes whatever image there is and splits it down the middle and then creates extra space between the two parts of the screen.

Edit: It works on 3ds with Citra

I’m going to try an experiment to see if we could get two bezels by trying to get the shader to see the each section as a separate space. We’ll see how that goes, because it would be really cool to have two bezels for a bunch of the games.


I was hoping you would be up for an adventure! If it works it sounds like the screens could be different sizes as well and take advantage of desmume’s big & small setting!

I’m wondering also if this would then work for games that have two screens in MAME like “SEGA System Multi 32” and “Nintendo Playchoice”.

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I think this should work if the emulator places the screen top and bottom.

Super Punchout!

Note: The layouts where one screen is much smaller than the other will actually be more difficult because from the image I can’t know where the small screen’s boundaries are.