Hyllian shaders and presets

I found an issue with the Hyllain composite 4k presents (all of them), they are broken because of naming change.

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Thanks, I’ll fix them in the next release.

These are looking really awesome @Hyllian!


All the other 1080p presets work fine for me. Only guest-composite-sharp won’t load. I only tested it on my phone not on my pc.

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EDIT: found the problem. It’ll be fixed in the next release. Thanks for the log.

Hey, I appreciate that! Thanks!

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New release: hspack-24-02-24-r1

  • Some paths fixed. Should fix many presets. Thanks to @yuzqailo and @ComfyTsu!
  • Added more 4k presets.

I recommend deleting old versions before installing this, because some presets were renamed.


Hi, anyone know where Hyllian’s crt royale presets are hosted? The old link isn’t working

In this pack I update almost everyday: pack

Ah, didn’t realise the royale presets were included with that. Thanks

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would like to know mr hylian, as i have already saw it with other presets which uses the same crt mask across kinda all crt presets, including ones which aren’t yours such as sonkun, original guest and original royal, for my 1080p 45-50 inches tv i had seen a pattern of vertical rows of magenta phosphors, was this intended? or is it a side effect of preset creators making their presets over at 4k tvs downscaling to 1080p or is it because is more intendeed for 30 inches monitors? in things such as hylian preset this side efffect “fixes itself” by changing the phosphor layout from 2 to 3

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Maybe this TV is BGR and not RGB? The presets were made for RGB displays. Mask3 works on both RGB and BGR, though, and that’s why it worked for you. OTOH, mask3 isn’t so accurate as mask2 on RGB displays, though. There’s a parameter that you can change from RGB to BGR.


mask 2 won’t fixed itself with bgr arrangement, and yes i have a bgr tv, it only changes the order in which magenta vertical rows appear instead beginnning from right instead of left, the order always in mask 2 is normal bad, normal, bad, normal, bad

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It’s hard to know why this happen. Indeed I only test on monitors RGB with less than 30 inches. Maybe in bigger screens the mask is too visible if you get too close. Can you take an offscreen of these lines? Another possibility is that your TV has an odd subpixel arrangement, like green bigger or smaller than R and B. Or some WBGR arrangement. Anything that isn’t exactly BGR or RGB with identical subpixels. You can take a good idea of the subpixels by taking a shot of them 10cm away using these camera options: mode PRO, ISO 100, White Balance 5000, Shutter speed 1/60, Magnification Max Zoom (Macro). Maximum photo resolution.


Is there a reason why crt-royale is the only present with “-ntsc” only? I am confused by this with compared to the other presents from the hyllian and guest folders that include more descriptive names.

No reason. I was deciding to use only ‘ntsc’ in presets that use ntsc-adaptive shaders and only ‘composite’ on presets that use other shaders to simulate a composite input. Maybe it’s better to use ‘ntsc-composite’ and only ‘composite’ to be more easy to identify. I’ll rename again in the next release.

there is it, what do you think of them?

Are these from tv subpixels or from the subpixels created by the mask?

If from TV, tehy look BGR to me. So, no idea why the magenta vertical line appears. But, looking closely I can see the red is overlapping blue slightly and a thin black line separates the other subpixels.


yes indeed this is the tv subpixel layout, is there anything i could possibly do to adjust the crt mask to my subpixel layout?, also i’ll take a picture of the vertical row problem later

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All masks work only if subpixels are RGB or BGR evenly spaced, because the code to apply masks divide the pixels in subpixels with equal width. The only way to work on your case would be to code a very specific mask to adjust to different subpixel widths.

here is it this is guest r mask 6 by the way