Lakka 2.0 full release?

Hi guys.

Thanks for great work. I was wondering when can we expect the fI’ll release of lakka 2.0?

And 2 other questions

1 will there be clear logo support for the games same as launch box.

2 will there be new menu drivers like retro pi?

Thanks guys keep it up.

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Hello, there will be an RC4 before the final release. And there will be only bugfixes compared to the RC3, no new features. New features will be in Lakka 2.1.

Cool thanks for the reply.

But on 2.0RC4 for the Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 you’ll enable the PUAE core, is that correct? That means Amiga games on the raspberry pi under Lakka, It’s anyway a huge new feature for us :wink:

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@gouchi say it

I confirm that PUAE will be there in the RPi images for RC4. When you want a new core included, just ask and we will add it.

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May I dare to ask? The libretro ports of Vice C64 Emulator and / or Frodo… if they could be made available under Lakka, well… that would be a dream come true :smiley::smiley::smiley:

Well gamecube would make lakka perfect. But that’s to much to ask I am afraid.

I ran into a problem. All my games I start on rc3 run some way too fast and no audio. Like if fast forward is pressed. Is this a know issue?

may i dare to ask too? would be interesting to have a pcsx2 emulator for linux in x86 Lakka :slight_smile:

I’ll try to add vice and frodo today. Gamecube should come in the next months. PCSX2 is known to be not very portable, but there are alternatives.


Wow that’s great. I’ll await the grand surprise then. Thanks


THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU :kissing_heart: :kissing_heart::kissing_heart::kissing_heart::kissing_heart::kissing_heart:

I’m aware that the Vice core is not yet available on Lakka, but might I also ask you if you could ask a small feature for Vice on Lakka, if you haven’t already thinked about them ?

IMHO when someone will use Vice without a keyboard, it would be handy if under Vice we could map two important functions to the left and right triggers on the controller (or otherwise on SELECT and START buttons):

  1. Show (or hide) a virtual on-screen keyboard to enter some keys with the controller

  2. Swap joystick ports on the fly. This is a feature already supported by Vice, and it’s super handy because depending on each C64 game, you can have the first player controlled by jostick in port 2 and the second player controlled by joystick in port 1, and vice-versa. You can never tell in which port you’ll have to put a joystick. Being able to swap the controllers on the fly allows anyone to play a game without having to exit from the core, remap the controllers in Lakka and then resume.

Thank you. I’m still jumping for joy because of the inclusion of this core ^___________^

I’m not sure if 1) is easy, but 2) could be already possible using the game specific core configs.

I included Vice in Lakka yesterday and tested it, it was working well. I should release RC4 today or tomorrow.


Awesome! Thank you very much!

First of all, thank you for what you doing.

I want to ask about possibility to make lakka read ROMs folder from external hdd or USB flash memory instead of SD card. lakka is installed on SD card, but I want it to read ROMs folder from USB source.

Because scanning ROMs takes too long, especially when you have +15000 ROM

I’m not asking to include a futeare in next release, but if there is anyway to do it wit changing in lakka system files?

This is already supported. Just put your roms in an USB drive and plug it. It will appear in your ROMs folder.

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RC4 is out


Nice! Thank you for adding FCEUMM back to the roster, as well as updated joypad configurations. I have had some trouble with configuring controls on certain cores since freshly installing the RC builds. Looking forward to testing it out.

Does it include the latest 240p firmware?