Mega Bezel Reflection Shader! - Feedback and Updates

noticed this error with dual screen settings now …it seems it takes the refelction for the full image for both screens now


I’ll check this out, it might be related to my fix for the rainbowing.


i have no clue i just wanted to mention it ^^

Is it me or does it look better?


Hello everyone, I know it may seem like a stupid question, but are there any performance differences in using RetroArch, and above all HSM Mega Bezel Shaders, between Windows and Linux? Thanks for your help.

This is a really good idea!

I’m thinking about turning this on automatically for all Sega consoles which are appropriate (which may be all of them)

I think the performance is the same, maybe @hunterk can comment.


thx i also thinking to make another thread OR collect CROP settings via pm

(guess first idea would be the best)

so nearly everything is setup automatic

so far i made an WILDCARD TV presets that loads/checks the following stuff

  1. -SHADER (loads a basic  MBZ preset)
  2.   -BASE (add my "base" preset changes)
  3.    -VARIATIONS (choose between the normal or wooden overlay)
  4.       -FIXES (SEGA brightness fix/ ps1 box blur etc.)
  5.         -VIEW(ZOOM and TILT if used)
  6.           -CROP PER CORE (like base crop for N64)
  7.              -CROP PER GAME(additional per game cropping if needed)
  8.                 -SINDEN LIGHTGUN FRAME (enables the frame depending on game name)

and for Arcade overlays it works like this

  1. -SHADER (loads a basic  MBZ preset)
  2.   -BASE (add my arcade or vektor preset changes)
  3.   - ROTATION (looks for the Rotation )
  4.      -ARTWORK (loads specefic Artwork and fitting settings per Game)
  5.       -FIXES (SEGA brightness fix etc.)
  6.         -VIEW(ZOOM and TILT if used )
  7.              -CROP PER GAME(additional per game cropping if needed)
  8.                 -SINDEN LIGHTGUN FRAME (enables the frame depending on game name)

i guess that would take over the most work


Perf should be roughly similar between Windows and Linux. It all comes down to the GPU drivers, so unfortunately out of our hands and subject to change unexpectedly.


I started turning it on for all of them because 1) I didn’t know which ones it was supposed to be for 2) It looked better on each one I tried.

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New thread to talk about shader wildcards


So, does anyone knows how to solve this kinda 3:4 ratio? This kind of behavior is happening in the swanstation core, although it only stays like this in this game.

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Go into the shader parameters and set the aspect ratio orientation to horizontal.

Just FYI, I’m putting in something for the next release to force 4:3 and horizontal for the PS1 cores


Thanks mate! I was sailing into undiscovered waters here 😂


Hey hyper,

I was looking at your ntsc smooth adv preset and tried to tweak it to my tastes.

I think it looks great but as for the ntsc options, why are all set to 0.33 specifically? is there a reason for it?

I tried to up the scaling and found that 39 looks better while still retaining the blending, is it more crt accurate at 0.33?

Yeah, it’s set to 33.3 because it is counteracting the 3x scale which happens in scalefx. Also in my testing it seems to match the amount of blurring which happens to the non-smoothed presets.

Do you find the 39 value matches the non smoothed preset better?

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I think this might be spot on here as I needed to use I think a NTSC Resolution Scaling value of 0.3333333 in order to get the waterfall in Sonic The Hedgehog to blend properly as well as have the rainbow artifacts in their correct orientation. Whereas with the other NTSC presets which didn’t use ScaleFX, a value of 1.000000 did the same.

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Which is wich?


Are you sure I’m eligible to participate? Lol

They look really close as in extremely close. Great work! I think I can confidently tell which is which though.

You might need to have both pictures slightly out of focus to “fool” the more discerning eyes but without zooming I’m not so sure if I could pick either one out.

I think you can have some fun with the folks over at r/crtgaming with these comparisons.

Many of them might actually appreciate such a close and accurate rendition of a CRT like image.

Then there’ll always be the zealots who might emerge out of the darkness, pitchfork in hand shouting, “Yeah, but how is it in motion?”