Mega Bezel Reflection Shader! - Feedback and Updates

The regular HSM advanced CRT ones, I just created a new png with @Duimon’s Night TV3 overlay and added a 16:9 border to it and now I can keep Retroarch’s aspect ratio to Core Provided (as soon as it is set to full or 16:9 the aim is off) hence in this example I am on Genesis Plus GX playing Rescue Mission and still use HSM shaders, here’s the result :smiley:

And onow I can also switch to 16:9 without having to fiddle with offset settings of the gun.

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i wonder why this works better for you

this is how i play non arcade lightgun games without any problems

and arcade games just have the cab ,artwork and some have the screen is a bit tilted what also works with the auto border :man_shrugging:


Really don’t know why. But basically the more I would aim to the sides let’s say to the left (but exactly the same behaviour to the right), the more the cross-hair would drift further away to the left. I reckon this might be due to unstable Sinden software settings.

i use the beta software and don´t have any problems

besides some lighting issues at first and based on your pic i don´t think thats the problem ^^

…but who knows if it conflicts with any stuff or other drivers at the end

i also saw some folks really had trouble to setup the gun and for me it was nearly plug&play like :man_shrugging:

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Hi, Is there any way I can manually edit the shadow mask/slot mask layouts/arrangements? I’m stuck in a bit of hard place, as none of the mask options produce the layout necessary to properly reproduce certain 1980s RGB CGA CRTs. Here is a close up of the real monitor and slot(shadow) mask arrangement:

Here is an exaggerated close up of the shadow mask produced with Mask #1 in the MegaBezel shaders(this is the closest but as you will see, not what I need. I have resized and exaggerated the mask to be bigger inside the shader options so one can see):

Open the above fullscreen to see what I mean. Pay close attention to the grey stonework.

The issue at hand is on the real CRT, you have a horizontal black line separating gap contiguous triads. On the shader, you have a grey or white line separating these, with a black line above and below that grey line, thus creating graphical imperfections. Here is a crude mspaint I whipped up demonstrating the difference(fullscreen to see clearly):

As you will observe, in the MBZ shader you have double horizontal black bars between each triad with a grey line artifact(or whatever color is present on the pixel) between them, whereas on the real monitor the triads aren’t grid like, but almost overlapping waffles with a single thin horizontal black bar between them and nothing else.

Because of this imperfection in the existing shadow mask options, artifacts are produced on solid color zones of images that do not represent what is actually produced on the real CRT. I realize mask option 1 isn’t supposed to represent this CRT, so it isn’t actually an imperfection per-say, but it would be neat if we could add an additional option for this mask layout, or edit the existing one.

The beautiful Tandy CM-5 monitor is an important part of PC gaming history and would love to reproduce this as accurately as possible. In the 1980s there was not a better 16 color 320x200 monitor available for gaming that captured the gritty, antiquated atmosphere of the time period. They were bright, vivid, grainy and colorful. As a young lad my friends would come over and always comment how this display looked vastly superior to their IBM CGA/EGA or even PS/1 or PC Jr. monitors.

I would like to edit this in if I knew how, or perhaps someone else can help? I don’t see .png flatfiles of phosphor grids to add this in anywhere within the shader resources in my installed retroarch.

(p.s. forgive me if I am using the wrong term here. I believe the monitor is actually a slot mask, but for whatever reason I cannot enable this pattern in MBZ)

Edit: This was actually a pretty common shadow mask arrangement of the period, as Hunter K points out in one of his blog posts a few years back:

This layout is known as the “Slot Mask staggered grid” in his examples.

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Wow plug and play! Consider yourself lucky :smiley:

Anyways I think you made me want to retry again, and now it works fine…

Reinstalled HSM Mega Bezel again from scratch, and actually also removed the Y axis offset automatically added according to the diagonal screen size in the Sinden software settings.

Now using Duimon’s night TV setting preset :smiley:


@p3st how did get those arcade bezels to work with MBZ?

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You must mean VGA since CGA was not RGB. :grin:

I’m really no expert but I think what you are seeing is just the scanline. If you remove the scanlines a slot mask should give you what you expect.

That’s the comical thing. In my original manual and the copy found online, Tandy says this is a 16 color RGB monitor:

However, I recall in Radio Shack catalog listings and ads from way back in the day, and in present websites nowadays, they often refer to this as a CGA monitor(likely because they are of the Amiga breed and this term seems to be used loosely in that segment of retro PC society), whereas on the PC scene, CGA refers to 4 colors or composite out to a TV that produced more colors through artifacting:

Basically, the monitor connector has 9 pins which was common among CGA monitors of the time, unlike later VGA which used 15 pins. The Tandy 16 color standard straddled EGA and CGA, and competed originally with the PC Jr. upon release, which also had 16 color capability, which was remarkable way back in 1984 when every other PC could only display 4 colors. The Tandy 16 color mode is incompatible with EGA, and special drivers had to be written to output properly.

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True. Tandy used some tricks to squeeze 16 colors out of a 4 color display. Still… not RGB in any way.

You will not be able to reproduce this with any existing shader, a slot mask is as close as you can get AFAIK.

oh the nintendo vs. redcaps ?

they are part of my MBZ preset/overlay pack

there is a bunch more besides those in the pack , and you could look into my pack to see how params and the wildcard stuff works :sweat_smile:

there are three links if you wanna check everything out scroll through and read the first post complete


Awesome, I’ll definitely have a look at that, they look really cool.

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Great to know it’s on the list for a fix, I thought it was a problem on my end.

Thanks again for this fine work, this shader alone has lead me to play more and finish many games I had pending from my childhood :heart:


I’m having this issue with gba shader, any help?

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Looks like your screen is wider than 16x9. At present there are no off screen elements to fill in the space on wider screens. You can turn on the “Mirrored” parameter for the Device layer… or zoom in using “Veiwport Zoom” until the space is filled.

Eventually I will update the handhelds that are cut off but there is no ETA. Probably later than sooner. :frowning_face:

I am having trouble with the default Nintendo Gameboy setup. It seems to be pulling from famicom files instead of gameboy.

res\layers\Nintendo_Game_Boy\bezel.params has the following which doesn’t seem right and may be the cause? // IMAGE PATHS // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TubeColoredGelImage = “…/…/…/Graphics/SuperGBA/SuperGB_Gel.png” BackgroundImage = “…/…/…/Graphics/Nintendo_Super_Famicom/Super_Famicom.png”


Welcome to the forum!

This may have been better asked over in my thread…

Duimon - HSM Mega Bezel Graphics and Presets - Feedback and Updates

…but I can answer here as well. :grin:

This is not the “default” Gamboy setup. It is an attempt to simulate running Gameboy games on a TV/CRT via the Super Gameboy addon for the SNES/Super Famicam.

The screenshot looks exactly as I intended. :innocent:

The default Gameboy is the preset that has LCD-GRID in the name. (e.g. Gameboy-[STD]-[LCD-GRID])

Although my personal preference is the Gameboy_DMG01-[STD]-[LCD-GRID]-[Night] preset.


Hi all, this may have been covered but I cannot find an answer. On some of the shaders there is a large grey screen bezel, I’ve been through the shader preferences and cannot seem to find the correct preference to remove this. Is removing this bezel/border possible? As I like to create my own overlays and sometimes this grey TV-like bezel interferes with them. Cheers in advance.

Have you read the first post or the

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Thank you so much. This makes sense. However, what do I change the image to if I want it blank and where is this image loaded from? Many thanks

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