Mega Bezel Reflection Shader! - Feedback and Updates

In a lot of (maybe all?) Sega hardware the max Luminance value was like 250 or something like that. This fix remaps this 250 to 255, so the brightest white in the original signal will become 100% white.


Ok Thanks, Then Shall I use it in the mega drive, Saturn and dreamcast? Both settings at the same time?

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I’m not sure specifically about those consoles.

If you use it, only use one, otherwise you will get a double dose :rofl:


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:Thanks a lot… :smile:

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Another doubt I’ve got is, which one of these options is the best down rez?

Thanks in advance…

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In my testing the default one seemed to be the best all around one. (that’s how it became the default ;))


I’ve picked up a copy of Altap, but I’m having trouble figuring out the batch renamer. How to you point the “replace” function to the set of files you want to rename your presets after?

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It’s not quite as straight forward as that.

First you need to get a count of the graphics. We’ll use 300 as an example. Then you make 300 copies (In a temp working folder in case you break something.)

I just copy the one preset to a temp folder. Ctrl+C… then Ctrl+V 9 times. That gives you ten files all with strange names. (Don’t worry about that yet.

Then I Ctrl+A to copy all ten to the clipboard… and Ctrl+V 9 Times.

Now you have 100 files. Ctrl+A … Ctrl +V 2 times. Now you have 300.

Now browse to the folder with the overlays. Ctrl+A to select them, then Ctrl+M.

You will get this dialog. Click on the arrow and select the variables one at a time until you have what my shot shows.

Make sure to select the Clipboard checkbox. Click “OK”.

Then Open a new file in a text editor.

Paste in what is on the clipboard. Backspace to remove the last CRLF. Search and replace .png with .slangp. Ctrl+A to select all, Ctrl+C to copy it to the clipboard.

Now browse to the folder with 300 strangely named files.

Ctrl+A to select all… Ctrl+Shift+R to open the rename plugin.

In the top left corner you will see a “Manual mode” check box. Check the box. Click in the revealed filename list. Ctrl+A to select all… Ctrl+V to paste the contents of the clipboard. (The text file contents.)

Then click the Rename Button in the top right corner.

It sounds hard but after you do it a few times in becomes second nature. If you go into the Salamander options and enable the user toolbar, you can drag your text file editor EXE to the toolbar. Then you can do the whole process without leaving Salamander.

Once all your single preset is copied to match your graphics, you can use the %FILENAMENOEXT% variable in PowerGREP as the replace value on the filename of the background image. (Not the .png.)

Search & Replace using Regular Expressions.


Search =

BackgroundImage = "../../../Graphics/Acorn_Archimedes/Archimedes.png"

Replace =

BackgroundImage = "../../../Graphics/Acorn_Archimedes/%FILENAMENOEXT%.png"

Thanks, Duimon…

I had found this Windows shortcut earlier that makes the file copies in just a couple seconds. Making multiple copies of one file… in Windows – useful tech (

… now what I have is about 2000 generically named presets (divided into a horizontal and vertical folder) that I need to rename to match my list of games (in zip files)… if I can do that, then I can use PowerGREP replace the .png filename in the texts. I’m not sure if that is what the second part of your write-up is explaining, but I’m about to read over it again.

edit Awesome… after reading over this again it worked perfectly. Thanks, Duimon… this will save so much time. I wish I had known about these tools years ago… there’s a bunch of ways I could have used them.


Hi guys, been using Duimon’s awesome shaders for a while now. Thanks also to HSM for the reflections and thanks Orions Angel for showing the new ones on Youtube. Which takes me to this link:

I can download the Atomiswave bezel here and this’ll get me an Atomiswave.png file and an Atomiswave.cfg file. Obviously, by themselves they will not be reflective. And this is where I’m struggling since Duimon’s shaders are automatically reflecting once I select them in RA. I guess the png and cfg files should be placed in a specific directory? But the mega bezel repository consists of slangp files only as far I recall, I’ve never seen png or cfg files in there. So how to combine it all?

Can you please clarify? Thank you!

EDIT: I searched for an Atomiswave slangp shader in Duimon’s shader pack but did not see one for Sammy Atomiswave by the way.

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Nope, as a general rule I don’t do arcade graphics. Orionsangel doesn’t build presets. Since you have to set up the Mega Bezel anyway you might as well forgo the use of an Overlay and just set the overlay graphic as the Decal layer. I can walk you through it when I get home.


That’s fine man. No rush.

I’ve kind of just been manually going through my favorite games and settings each one, sprucing up any overlays that are low res or replacing them. Is there any way to have overlays that overlap the screen show up in front of the reflective bezel rather than behind?

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Yes, there are two ways to do it.

  1. Set the CabinetGlassImage instead of the BackgroundImage


  1. Increase the layer order of the background until it appears on top of the reflection

Thanks! I tried CabinetGlassImage but no dice. How do I increase the layer order?

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The Cabinet Glass Layer is behind the screen and scales with the tube by default. I think the Decal scales with the bezel. Try the Top Layer, it should just work. So… @Morris_Schaffer… Load your Mega Bezel base preset of choice and save a game preset.

Then open the preset with a text editor. You will see a single reference line at the top. Below that, add an image path pointing to your overlay.


BackgroundImage = "../../../Overlays/Atomiswave.png"

As was mentioned in the previous couple of posts you will have to add another parameter to use the background layer, so… with the reference line…

#reference ":/shaders/shaders_slang/bezel/Mega_Bezel/Presets/Base_CRT_Presets/MBZ__1__ADV__GDV.slangp"
HSM_BG_LAYER_ORDER = "6.000000"
BackgroundImage = ":/overlays/Atomiswave.png"

I used the :/ syntax since I have no idea what your path will look like. :grin:

If you put the image in the folder with the game preset you don’t need a path.

The CRT layer (screen, bezel, etc.) order is set at 5 by default so 6 will put the image over it.

You will need to adjust the “non-integer Scale %” parameter until one edge of the bezel is lined up with either the top edge of the hole or the side edge, (You may need to adjust some X and/or Y screen position, you’ll have to play around a bit.) then increase the bezel height or width to match the other edge. (Unless you get lucky) You may also have to adjust the corner crease highlight rotation.



Mega Bezel is updated to V1.8.1_2023-01-11


  • Added Sinden Lightgun procedural border
    • Creates an adjustable white border to allow the lightgun uses figure out where you are pointing on the screen
    • Controllable width and Opacity
    • Optional tube edge correction to keep all screen visible
    • Simple presets showing the border in Variations
  • Update to SMOOTH-ADV NTSC Presets
  • @Hyllian’s awesome SGENDPT-Mix-Multipass added has replaced MDAPT and CB Dedither
    • Comversion from Old to New:
      • HSM_DEDITHER_MODE = 1 & HSM_DEDITHER_MODE = 3 (Checkerboard de-dither On)
      • become:
      • HSM_DEDITHER_MODE = 4 (Vertical Lines de-dither On)
      • becomes:
      • HSM_DEDITHER_MODE = 4 (Checkerboard and Vertical Lines de-dither On)
      • becomes:
  • Added a Blend Value to PS1 Box Blur
  • Added @Guest’s G-Sharp-Resampler pass before the SharpSmoother
    • By Default it will be off
    • Default settings are set add sharpening, and no blurring, and the anti-ringing feature really works well
    • This adds extra sharpening but still allows for smoothing of similar colors afterward in SharpSmoother
  • Fixed Independent Bezel Scale
  • Added Reflection Mask Image back in, Neo Geo example in Mega Bezel Examples package
  • Some small updates to the Readme

Go to the first post here for links to the package and install instructions. Please make sure to read the install & setup instructions

Simple Sinden presets in Variations:

60% Border Brightness

40% Border Brightness

Thinner Border

P3st’s Terminator 2 preset, coming in the next examples package



Updated Examples Package Coming Soon


Thank you! What was wrong with the independent bezel scale? (I probably missed the discussion… sorry about that).

Oh, you didn’t miss anything :grin:, I think I fixed it so it follows the image placement.


Awesome!.. is it possible that there is the same problem with the cabinet glass? I notice when I put it on follow the tube or bezel it never really seems to be lined up until I do it manually. :thinking: