Mega Bezel Reflection Shader! - Feedback and Updates

the bezel project is following a norm or ? so all display sizes are equal for that so it should be very easy with the coming features ^^

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I’ve been able to follow your instructions and make some SharpPixels presets that converted, although I have been unable to make any that does not alter the color, brightness, or gamma (not sure which) compared to an image without the bezel. I’ve tried to set every related setting I could find to defaults, but I haven’t figured it out.

Are you aware of any preset that is Bezel only with no screen alterations that I can compare to?

Thank for your consideration

I think all the color adjustment is happening in the Grade pass, so if you go to the grade section then turn it off then all the color correction should go away.


Somehow that doesn’t seem to have done it. The MegaBezel screen is somehow darker and maybe more saturated than the stock screen. I must be missing something. I cut out a block in the middle to show the MegaBezel image, with the stock image on the sides. Thanks, I’ll keep trying.

I think the issue that remained was in the Signal & Color Space section where I set Signal Type to RGB (0) instead of Composite. That seems to have made the colors accurate in the emulator. Thanks!


Thank you for the quick reply, will definitely take a look. Can’t wait to see what you come up with next :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::+1:.

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I put this one off for quite some time as I worked on a bunch of bezels, then revamped my whole process, then made them all again. :grimacing:

But here is a pic for anyone who remembers me asking about it in the first place. Thanks for the advice, everyone (and elements I borrowed from Duimon, P3st, Mr. Do, etc). It’s not perfect, but I’m happy with it.


Looks very nice, I love that game!


Very nice shader. I’ve been out of the emulation scene for the past 15 years or so, so I’m basically new to all this and already in love! Just to be OLED safe, I tried to remove all static parts, but I’m still unable to remove this gray border and even tough these borders are very dim I’m afraid it may cause burn in on my TV, anyone know how to remove it? I’m trying to keep the reflections only. on what should be a completely dark image

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It looks like maybe that’s the frame?

You can try the reflect only preset in the variations folder, this is likely what you are looking for

Let me know if you have any other questions


Yeah that is caused by the Frame’s Inner Edge Thickness.


For what it’s worth, I’ve been using an OLED TV since 2016 and apart from a brief stint playing Civilization IV which caused temporary image retention (not burn in, which is permanent), I don’t have any image retention nor signs of burn-in whatsoever.

I vary my content though so it’s a mix of gaming, TV watching and desktop use. Of course your mileage may vary depending on how you use your TV.

Thanks for your response. I didnt wanted to use other preset than the one I was using that is from CyberLab.

I tried setting the frame to 0 opacity but that border was stil showing. Anyway, after doing some more tests I’m feeling somewhat dumb, because I realised that this border is not static, it was static during a specific game because there were black borders around the game and after testing with other, they waren’t gray anymore. So I would assume there would be no problem on a OLED screen. Just to illustrate:

new test


I’ll try this setting thanks!

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I looked into it more and it was actually from the Bezel Inner Edge. Change [Reflection] Bezel Inner Edge Fullscreen Glow setting to 0. The Bezel Inner Edge will still be visible when there is a reflection, but goes away completely when the screen is black.


Greetings @HyperspaceMadness,

You probably know this already but I still just wanted to share that once the hsm-crt-guest-advance.slangp pass is replaced by one of the hsm-crt-guest-advance-NTSC shader passes in one of the base presets in which the NTSC Filtering controls are not working properly, the NTSC Filtering Section controls begin to work as expected and shader presets which used them look as expected again.

This bezel style might look interesting using the Mega Bezel.

Here are some more pics from a different angle.

And now for some wide shots.


I think it would be a good bezel style to have. The big question is, how to make it with Mega Bezel.


First attempt isn’t entirely unsuccessful.


This is really awesome! I didn’t know that this was actually possible using a current version of HSM Mega Bezel Reflection Shader!

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