Mega Bezel Reflection Shader! - Feedback and Updates

Yeah I may add in something to mitigate this to adjust how much blur there is when the resolution is low, so it doesn’t immediately massacre 240p.


I’m not sure that’s necessary. From my note on DREZ Presets.

DREZ presets downsample extremely high resolution output to a resolution set in the base shader.

I just don’t understand why anyone would DREZ 240p content. (Unless they wanted 120p. :wink:)


When I would use the DREZ presets it would be to upscale the content without changing the internal resolution every time. I know that is not what it was meant for but it was my work around.

Hey mate, wanted to remember you of the afterglow not working on the megatron presets, figured you might have missed it. In case you still working on it then sorry in advance.

Hi, I do remember your post about this.

I do this stuff in my spare time, so the way it usually works is someone reports something that’s broken, I put it on my long list of things which could be fixed, and I work through the list as I have time for it, so please try be patient.


I think these are good to go, if anyone is still interested in what I do. I tried to maximize the mask strength while keeping the image acceptably bright and avoiding clipping, aiming for a semi-realistic representation. The lottes mask is subpixel-agnostic, so it doesn’t matter what kind of display is used. Bezeltize me, cap’n!

I don’t really have the time to create whole threads full of screenshots but here’s a preview:

edit: brightened things up a tad, so just imagine that the screenshots below are a bit brighter




Hey guys… I have been working on a “better” Tron MegaBezel preset and have used resources for the part above the joystick and control panel, with the black light. My question is… the blacklight image is just a plain gradient image, and I’m wondering the best way to make this part of the bezel “glowy” or look more like it is lit, without messing with the rest of the bezel. Thanks for any tips on this.

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Could you post a screenshot to help show your setup?

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This is a work in progress, but I circled the “blacklight” at the bottom. The pink and purple area.

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Another Mame Screenshot…

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I’m not sure, given the position of your existing art, that the light would be on screen, or that any of this artwork would be lit.

It will be pretty hard to recreate this look without actually 3D rendering it. :frowning_face:


Yeah, I just want to make it more like a light than a flat image if that’s possible. I don’t have any intention of making the whole setup look like the actual cabinet, or make the perspectives realistic.


Well, you have my shot to go by, it looks like the light changes the appearance of the overlying decal, so I would start there. Good luck!

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Thanks… I made it a separate layer and played with the lighting settings and got it to look somewhat better. I took a screenshot, but it doesn’t look right in the picture. I wanted to give it a “glow” but I don’t think there’s any way to do that with a static image in megabezel. Maybe adding a ring of slight opacity in the overylaying image layer… I’ll play with it some more later. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Hello @HyperspaceMadness - I wanted to let you know that in the “Potato-GDV-Mini” presets, unlike the basic “GDV-Mini” preset, masks number 9 and 10 are not present. Thanks for your attention and thanks for your work always.


Thanks for letting me know, I think I still need to update this to DariusG’s latest


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i personally play without bezels but i wanna thank you for the shader anyway since i found your integer scale implementation seems a lot more consistent and easy to control than retroarch’s frontend. for example, none of the psx emulators switch resolution automatically even when RA’s integer scaling is on, but it seem to work perfectly if i enable it through your shader instead! so basically i’ve been using your shader as a more complicated way to access Guest Advanced



Mega Bezel is updated to V1.12.0_2023-03-11

MAKE SURE YOU UPDATE TO Retroarch 1.15 !!!

This will solve a lot of the flipping with 3D cores and also Auto Rotation for vertical games in FBNeo should also now work.


  • Fixed a performance issue where we were rendering more than we needed to
    • This should increase performance across most presets
  • Fixed color rainbowing in reflection for Guest-Advanced and LCD-GRID
  • Updated to crt-guest-advanced-2023-03-11-release1
  • Updated GDV-MINI from @ROBMARK85’s request

Go to the first post here for links to the package and install instructions. Please make sure to read the install & setup instructions

LCD Grid before, rainbows can be seen in reflection

LCD Grid after


Thank you very much - I’ll try it now. You are the number one !