Mega Bezel Reflection Shader! - Feedback and Updates

Yup this would totally work there will probably be 6 separate image layers which can be used in normal, additive (good for lights or reflections), and yes transparency is supported :). You can also adjust layer scaling and get layers to scale along with the screen or frame if desired.

In terms of time frame, the latest version of the shader requires some changes to the shader system, a couple of which are merged in now so we will need to wait until the next release of Retroarch to do the next release of the shader. It’ll be at least a month, but it’s not clear exactly when it will happen.


:thinking: hmmmmm…HSM?

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I agree. The easiest way would be for RA to support animated GIFs, which has been requested many times. I’m not sure what the performance cost would be since I suppose every frame of the image would have to be loaded into memory before the shader loaded.

I have seen shadertoys that cycle through a list of images on a timer, like a slideshow. But again, I think every image would have to be loaded into memory and you would be limited by RAs texture limit. HSM has increased the number of textures and passes, along with parameters, but not enough to allow for an animation of any decent length.

HSM and I have talked about some scripted animations for things like Floppy and HDD LEDs.


That sounds cool. Imagine power-on leds ? or a flickering faulty overhead light, above a arcage machine, with a sort of bzzzzt sound effect every so often. Or, subtle background ambient led lighting that can colour cycle light - although this would fall into that, cycling frames animation that you mentioned. But you could also have custom animated neon signs, background ambience. The coolest thing I have yet tried is VR Pinball using a Oculus Rift S, I almost “Leant” on the virtual pinball tables, it was so damn real. Now imagine Retroarch VR, a massive VR arcade. I’m getting way ahead of myself, all these great effects coming are going to do some amazing things.

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EmuVR is exactly that, a VR emulation front-end that uses RA as it’s engine. It’s plenty cool, you plug your consoles in to your TVs and load cartridges etc. The coolest thing is that it supports lightgun games with the Rift controllers. Other than that it’s kind of like watching movies or TV in VR. :frowning_face: What’s the point? Just sit in front of a real TV. :grin:

I think HSMs shader, using a realistic graphic in night mode, with the lights off, is just about as nostalgic.

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Waow !!! Thank you !!!

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Just to show the advantage of HSM Shader. Can play Mortal Kombat -integer scale- in 1200x762 (400x254 by 3). Impossible with standard overlay, this game is not for 4/3 format !

Night mode with this FBA background is just AWESOME !


Yeah, EmuVR is nice. But, like you said, there isn’t much point - especially since I own real hardware that most of Retroarch’s cores emulate. What I am interested in is a complete VR 80’s Arcade, something we cannot no longer do, or goto. Most Arcades around my area are now barcrest fruit machines and gambling machines, the arcade machines are long gone. I can imagine, in 10, 20 years time VR will be at a stage that it could potentially handle near photo realistic 80’s Arcades, with super high resolution arcade machines, coin pushers, 80’s fruit machines, etc… Thats my dream :grin:

It’s good, but it’s also flat, no dimensions to it. VR takes it to a whole new level. Imagine that same night graphic, but now you’re sat there in VR and you are able to look around that night room. No need to cram everything on one flat screen, now you have 3D space to put the consoles, controllers, decals, posters, tapes, disks, etc… At the moment, the VR resolution is too low, but the HP G2 is out this month, maybe next month (due to the covid virus) and that has a resolution of 2160x2160 per eye, along with chromatic aberration artifact correction. I can’t wait.


Survey Time!!!

I put together a survey to get info on how you all are finding the Mega Bezel

The survey will be open until Dec 14th

Also of note is that you don’t need an account on this forum and an email address is not required, I want to hear from everyone possible :slight_smile:


May I suggest a new logo for it? The FB-Neo forums/discord recently made a new v3 logo for their “system”:

FBNeo_logo_v3 ZapaqBA


Just to show you my progression for a NeoGeo CD HSM Shader with interger scale 1216x896. Samurai Shodown RPG in french :

Normal :

Night Mode :


OK for me, done ! :wink:

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How was it growing up with (assuming you’re from France) a SECAM TV Screen?

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Starting the riot for old green gameboy and gamebot color


Add bezel from the Diego Neogeo HSM shader version :


Hey this is interesting, I never knew there was a Samurai Showdown RPG! :exploding_head:


Add CD logo :

I’m looking for the logo (2 heads) in White like on the NeoCDZ box but can’t find it.


In my “Misc-Overlays-Borders-Bezels” in a folder with your name, you will find a 8000x4500 300dpi PNG of the white logo. Of course you will have to resize it. :grin:

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Yeeeees! Thank you! :star_struck:

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Now with the new logo :