Mega Bezel Reflection Shader! - Feedback and Updates

I did it for all mame games and for no-intro packages of other systems. I got to share it.


Not sure if anyone else has had this problem but when using any of these shaders, when I go to change ROMS Retroarch will crash. It seems to only happen when using these shaders. I’m running Windows 10, i7-8700, 16gb RAM, RTX 2080 Retroarch 1.9.0.


Welcome to the forum!

Are you loading new content while content is running? If so, this is always unstable. Try closing the content first, then loading new.

This is a beefy shader, any existing instability is going to be compounded.

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Yes, even when I close content. Now when I try to load a ROM with the same core it’s fine-ish, but when I close content and try to load a new core/ROM is seems to crash to desktop.

I’m in hell too :sob: I’m playing a game and… screen is freezing. Can’t do anything and have to wait to go back to windows. Don’t understand because Retroarch doesn’t do this everytime, it’s randomly :flushed:

Just an idea… will try with GLCore, maybe it’s Vulkan that my graphic card doesn’t like.

Argh ! it’s not the core

I know this isn’t much help, but I have no issues here. Due to testing overlays, I need to constantly load and change cores, then load content, and haven’t had a crash yet. I’m on a Intel 10700k, Z490 Motherboard, 16Gb DDR4 3600 RAM, Nvidia RTX 2080 Super - 457.30 Drivers, Windows 10 2004 update, and Vulkan driver for this shader, Latest Stable version of Retroarch, not nightlies.

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Have a NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 6GB. Will try with latest drivers which are 457.30 (have 445.87) :wink:

Just checking… are you using a clean, fresh install of RA, so no previous settings could be interfering?

Have you tried turning on the log display so you can see the error?

@HyperspaceMadness Hi. can you tell me the link for latest version of HSM. Thanks

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Hi, it’s the link in the first post :slight_smile:


Nice Thanks. I love your HSM Mega Bezel it’s so realistic


You could try a “Clean” version of the 457.30 drivers. Clean being, all the unnecessary bloat removed so you are left with only

  • Core Driver files
  • PhysX
  • HD Audio
  • Key RTX features
    Obviously, if use Nvidia’s shadow play, or other features then you’ll need the full set. These drivers also remove Nvidia’s telemetry, data gathered from your PC and usage that is sent to Nvidia.

Don’t worry, i’ve installed only Graphic & Audio & not the GEForce Experience or other “goodies”. Can choose before installation :wink: Then… hope i’m not happy for nothing but… seems OK now, no more freezing while playing ! Will play more tomorrow to be sure because… can’t play now without HSM shader :grin:


OK, with logging it says when it crashes, Exception code=0xc0000005 flags=0x0 at 0x00007FFD4539473. Access violation - attempting to write data at address 0x0000000000000020

Edit, it was a GBA rom if that helps.

Nope. :innocent: But it doesn’t look like a shader error.

You haven’t answered my question about a new, clean install of Retroarch. It could be some leftover settings from a previous install.

Sorry, yes, I did a clean install.


That is good. Have you tried updating your GPU drivers. Always check “Clean Install” when updating Nvidia drivers, (It will completely uninstall old drivers before installing new ones.) otherwise some DLLs may fail to update.

Yup, already did that :slight_smile:

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The first thing I would try now is to delete your RA folder and start over again, just to confirm you’ve done everything right. Re-download both the shader and RA so you are installing from a fresh place.

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Gotcha, just did that. Getting it resetup right now.

Edit: OK, seems to be working now, loaded 6 GBA ROMs back to back with no crash. Will let you know if it crashes again. Thanks for all your hard work!