Mega Bezel Reflection Shader! - Feedback and Updates

Samsung Tizen here. Pure nightmare.


Ha! Forget about the Tizen. But then, owning a Tizen means you don’t have LG’s laggy pointer remote, it’s just unbelievably awful. The lag is unlike anything I have seen by a so-called respected manufacturer such as LG. But WebOS is really something else, especially the way it can “Freeze” for quite a few seconds, before suddenly coming to life, then appear to freeze again. The menu system is one of the most unintuitive menu system anyone will ever see, things are in places where they shouldn’t be. And then we have LG’s “Terms” that cannot be skipped, or no LG TV for you. Anyway, enough of thread crapping by me :smile:

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I noticed something strange with the SM shader. I get a bunch of garbage pixels on the screen. Almost gave me a heart attack cause they look like a bunch of dead pixels.



Sorry about the heart attack :open_mouth:, I need to fix those garbage pixels, I think it’s caused by mip-mapping on one of the passes


Strange most people are quite happy with it… I personally see no problem with it.

Edit: WebOS

No problem with what ?

Most ? You know them all personally, then ? Strange, I see the opposite.

LG WebOS Sucks search

I think something in the latest shader repo update for Retroarch seems to have broken yours. Can’t seem to load any of them.

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Are you trying to load shaders from the pack linked in the first post?

Or are you using the ones from Github?

From Github, Only mentioned it cause they were working before I updated.

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Ok, to use the Github version you need to use the special build of retroarch in the shaders_slang/_Retroarch Alpha folder make sure you check the readme file there.

If you don’t have this special build (or a recent nightly) it will fail to load.



i’m experiencing a issue with PSX core.

The bezel keeps changing its size and relation. For example in the first typical blue letters with an advisor, it goes like widescreen, then it changes and goes to 4:3, and go on. It keeps changing when the display changes within menus.

I don’t know why is this happening, maybe some core option is messing around? In the rest of system is working flawless.

Edit: Nevermind, i just have to force it to stay 4:3 in the shader parameters, now i have to found a way to delete the black bars on top and bottom.


Ok thanks glad you found a solution to your problem setting it explicitly to 4:3 will definitely work.

I generally try to catch the different known resolutions to guess the proper aspect ratio, maybe there is something I could catch here.

Can you tell me what game this is that you are playing?

Also if you can turn on the debug mode (first parameter) and see what resolution the core is outputting when the aspect ratio is wrong and let me know what it is that would be helpful in seeing if it’s something that I can catch automatically.



Just want to report that I’ve played through several games this past weekend and the shader looked better than ever. Great job!

One suggestion I had was the ability to raise the night mode even higher. Even at a 100 it is not not quite dark enough for me. I was trying to recreate the look I had here in an older version.

Rockman Reflection X4 - YouTube

Any tips on what to tweak to make it look like this again?


Ok so you want to make the surrounding area pretty much black?

I think this would be possible by cranking up the night mode through the roof, I would have to check out the code on the new version to make sure we can support this, as I think I’ll need to do something a bit particular with it.


I think that the Night Layer HSV parameters in the new version would already take care of this.

Here’s a shot with the value turned almost all the way down.

One more nudge makes it all black.


Dear friends,

The Wii and PS2 cores in particular allow you to increase internal resolution that, alone, can present a satisfactory result, without the need for all shader presets.

I would like to try the background and all the features of the shader, but without filters in the tube. I want to keep the internal resolution increased, use the dark edges, curvature and brightness of the bezel only. Would it be possible?

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Probably, @guest.r can probably tell you what settings on the old guest venom give the most unadjusted result. I think if you set the interlace threshold low enough so it tries to use the interlace, then set the mask in guest venom to - 1 to get no mask that might be close, but you might also have to adjust the scanline parameters to get rid of scanlines completely, and set the fake scanline opacity to 0.

Seeing as this is something a few people have asked for now, I may implement a switch to pass through the raw image without the crt shader. Possibly with filter options of nearest neighbour, bilinear or bicubic option.


@HyperspaceMadness ,

It would be really cool to have that possibility. You can use a background with all the features of geometry, borders and reflections, but maintaining only the increase in resolution in the tube. It would be an interesting alternative. I’ll try your tips and post the results later …

Yeah pretty much. With the old settings that I had, when the screen was dark (like during a scene transition) the bezel/frames/image etc was completely invisible, and only showed up when there was something on the screen to aluminate it. Which looked pretty cool to me.

For example, in this picture the only part of the frame that is illuminated is the area around the X4 logo, the rest is dark. On an OLED with true blacks, this looks even cooler.


@Arviel This is a curious situation. You may need to increase the bezel’s highlights.