My Realistic Arcade Bezels

Here is a realistic Arcade bezel for Super Street Fighter 2 using the Mega Bezel Reflective Shader for Retroarch


Here is a realistic Arcade bezel for Shadow Force Henshin Ninja using the Mega Bezel Reflective Shader for Retroarch


OrionAngel I love your work but… do you plan to make bezels for all the arcades that exist? :scream: And when you finish, will you make a pack so you can download it all at once?

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Thank you. Yes, I will make a bezel for every arcade game ever made on earth! Muawahaha! No, just being silly :crazy_face:. I just make what I can and If I see a game I haven’t made a bezel for I try to make it. If not I’m just updating my older bezels. I don’t know about the next pack release. Will see.


Here is a realistic Arcade bezel for Food Fight using the Mega Bezel Reflective Shader for Retroarch


Here is a realistic Arcade bezel for SoulCalibur using the Mega Bezel Reflective Shader for Retroarch.

This is a bezel I made a while ago and never showed anyone. It has an obvious flaw. The character art doesn’t match the original SoulCalibur arcade game, It has some future characters in the series, but I still like how it came out.


Here is an update to my realistic Arcade bezel for Berzerk using the Mega Bezel Reflective Shader for Retroarch


@Orionsangel do you know why you are link as mega bezel project & how do you got it to look like your screenshots i only see a pack of png’s & a cfg file no .slangp file

I don’t exactly understand the question. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

the first question someone else helped me with but the second how do i get this project to look like this because you pack does not have slangp files

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It breaks my heart just a little that users are so afraid of the Mega Bezel. Setting up a single image is really easy.

While not created for this exact scenario, take a look at this thread. . .

The second half should give you an idea on how to set this up.

The main difference will be that you want to use the TopLayerImage instead of the BackgroundImage, or change the layer order so the Background layer is over the CRT layer.


Save your time trying to figure this out on your own… I have exactly what you’re looking for. I’m about to start up my own dedicated thread on this so we don’t clog up OrionsAngels main one for any questions etc. Stay tuned!


not afraid just i don’t know how it works but still thanks for the help

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Here is an update to my realistic Arcade bezel for Legendary Wings using the Mega Bezel Reflective Shader for Retroarch


Here is a realistic arcade bezel for Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles using the Mega Bezel Reflective Shader for Retroarch


Check out my thread I just posted. You might be interested in what I put together!


Here is Part 5 of my Realistic Arcade Bezel Collection featuring the Mega Bezel Reflection Shader for Retroarch. The Download Link is in the description of the video.


Awesome! Can’t wait to check out some of the new stuff! Thanks for always sharing your excellent work!

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I added all of my 5 Arcade Bezel Packs with the Mega Bezel Reflection Shader to EmuMovies to make them easier to download. Since now they’re all in one place. If anyone wants they can add this link to their link post list on the forum. Enjoy!


I got some requests to add it to the Launchbox site as well. So here you are,