My Realistic Arcade Bezels

Hi Orionsangel, Are the following bezels perhaps on your todo list ?

Asterix, Bomb Jack, Cadillacs and dinosaurs, Metal Slug series, Mortal Kombat series, Puzzle bobble, Super sidekicks

That would be great !!!

Thanks in advance. Greetings, Soxbrother

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Here is a realistic Arcade bezel for the game Zoo Keeper for use on Mame.

You can download it here -


Here is a realistic Arcade bezel for the game 1941: Counter Attack for use on Mame.

You can download it here -


Here is a realistic Arcade bezel for the game Alien3: The Gun for use on Mame.

You can download it here -


Really nice. Maybe Space Gun (World) next? :wink:

It’s funny, after all of these great bezels, the one I was really looking for was Sega’s Invincio and I didn’t see it!

I never heard of that game. What is it?

Could it be this?:

[EDIT: better link]

That’s the one. Sorry, I misspelled it. I have the samples but would like the bezel to go with it.

Am I mistaken or thanks to the latest Retroarch 1.8.0 release your great MAME overlays should start working almost as-is?

As far as i know there aren’t artworks available for this game. Also there are only pictures in lousy resolution of the cabinet, so it will take a lot of imagination and handwork to make artworks for this.

@Tarrasque in the release notes is a short description on how to enable those.
TL;DR Settings -> Onscreen Overlay -> Video Layout [only gl driver atm]

Very cool. Thanks.

I can’t wait to try them!

I delete the text in the cfg files and put this in, as an example:

overlays = 1

overlay0_overlay = phoenix.png

overlay0_full_screen = true

overlay0_descs = 0

This points to the Phoenix overlay PNG art. Put both in the Borders directory within the retroarch app and you’re golden. I’m using a Mac, so your Borders directory might be in a different place.

I dunno if you could piece this together, but a marquee of the Invinco/Head On cabinet would be better than the nothing we have now. This would be the Head On side of the dual marquee:

And this image shows the Invinco side:

I mean bezel, not marquee. I’m tongue-tied in this forum, probably because I’m wandering around among giants. :blush:

Since the bezel is fairly simple (if you want only the invinco and not the dual with head on 2), maybe you can make it by yourself if Orionsangel doesn’t have the time.

Here are the aliens(?) i remade quickly in gimp:

And here the marquee:

ignore the filename typo :wink:

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Yeah they work fine with Retroarch. I know how to add a bezel for a game, but I don’t know how to add my bezels on to Retroarch so the appropriate bezel opens up for each game. So for example, I mean using Retroarch so that if you click on Pac-Man in Launchbox it launches with the Pac-Man bezel and if you click on Donkey Kong it opens with Donkey Kong bezel etc. If someone shows me how to do that not only will add my bezels for use on Retroarch. I’ll also make and release more bezels with titled screen.

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Saving a game specific configuration file through the Quick Menu in Retroarch will have the bezel load with the game. Although you do have to set it up first. And I’ll be damned if I’ve ever been able to quickly have a game screen fit automatically using the pre-set aspect ratios… I always have to shrink or grow the screen and move it around to get it to fit. Once you have it done, though, as I said you can save game specific configs that launch with the game.

And I’ll be damned too if I know how to assemble a game bezel. Although your render of the pieces looks great, Lumber.

Oh alright. I just did it. I used the override option and everything saved.

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@Orionsangel RetroArch MAME uses artworks the same way as MAME standalone.
Put the in system/mame/artwork/ and the config file in /saves/mame/cfg/ and you are fine.
(although no curvature or mame hlsl effects are possible - RA shaders will affect the artwork as well)

In RA the only problem with this setup is the separate config file as it seems to do something with the resolution.

The better way would be adjusting the settings directly in the *.lay file as i explained on september, 25 in this thread.

Since RA 1.8.0 there is a Video Layout setting as well, that let you load MAME artworks as overlays with all the blend modes necessary. This way you can use the artwork for all systems/games you want (works only without the second config file)
Shader are working with this method, but only gl driver is supported atm