My Realistic Arcade Bezels

Can you please add the Space Invaders Deluxe artwork as well?

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Excellent work as always. Can’t wait for rhe Retroarch packs!

I have one question: I notice that your overlays seem to always stretch to the full emulator window, and so they’re correct only if played at “native” 1920x1080 full screen resolution.

Do you know if you can set them so to keep the original overlay proportions or size whatever the emulator window is?


As a side note I made a simple and rough little Python program that is able to scan your bezel images, find out where the transparent viewport is and automatically generate:

  • the config file for the core orverrides
  • the shader preset config file for the crt geom shader
  • the cfg/png couple files for the overlays propers

If you think it can be useful for you I’ll be happy to share it.

It’s still a rough prototype but so far it worked for me with the files in your collections 40 and 41.


Sounds awesome! Yeah, share it. Although not all my overlays on Retroatch use the crt geom shader.

Here is a realistic Arcade overlay for the game Virtua Fighter for use on Retroarch.

This overlay is coming soon on my Arcade Retroarch Pack. Stay tuned!


Here is a realistic Arcade overlay for the game Ridge Racer for use on Retroarch.

This overlay is coming soon on my Arcade Retroarch Pack. Stay tuned!


Well, the program generates all files in it’s output directory. It’s up to you to copy what you want in the actual folders used by retroarch, so if you don’t need the shader files you can discard them.

The program is in Python, so you have to install Python 3 in order to use it (if you need help just ask)

Once you have Python installed you only have to change directory where you unzip the script, copy *.png bezels in the input/bezel subdirectory and run:

python “MAME 2003-Plus” pacman

Where: “MAME 2003-Plus” is the name of the retroarch core you use (needed for paths) as it appears under the usual config folders, and pacman is the MAME game name (no extension)

The quotes around the core name are mandatory if it contains any spaces.

The game name does not support wildcards, but I also provide a simple Windows batch file that scans every file in the input directories.

There’s a small configuration needed before using the program. You have to open the program file and change the variable “realoverlaybasedir” to the full actual path where you store your overlays for Retroarch to use. this is needed because the override config files contain the “input_overlay” setting that points to the actual overlay *.cfg location.

Other limitations are that it works only for RGBA files, so it might not work for your older bezels.

If you could tell me how to share it to you I’ll be happy to do it.


whoa, that sounds extremely useful :open_mouth:

I hope it is, expecially for you that have to rework hundreds of files.

Of course you’ll probably fine tuning and tweaking for each game to be perfectly centered in the bezel, but still better than moving them pixel by pixel.

Just give me a little more time. I’m trying to make it a little more user friendly and doing it as always I broke a couple of things.

BTW, can I post a .zip attachment in this forum os should I use something else to share it?

Sounds great.

I’m not actually sure whether it will let you post it here or not. It’s worth a shot.

Wasn’t there an user contributed software section in the forum? Maybe I can post it there.

A script that recognizes the transparent pixel space of pngs and creates the config files accordingly!? Holy s***! This is a huge implementation!

This python script you have created sound amazing.

A few questions if you don’t mind.

What resolutions are supported? If it’s only 1080p can it be modified to support 720p and other resolutions?

Can the script be modified to support all types of overlays?


The script basically just scans an image vertically on the line that passes to the centes and takes note of the first and the last transparent pixel it meets. Then does the same horizontally. This way it gets the size and position of the viewport. This info is used to fill in the blanks of the template configuration file.

This of course assumes that the viewport is a squarish zone centered in the bezel. If it’s not the case it will probably not give a correct result. Still better, I think, that doing all manually for every game.

This means that the size and resolution of the overlay is irrilevant. It’s not touched in any way. I tested only on OrionAngel’s 1080 bezels but I see no reason why it should not work on 720 or 4K, too.

I think I’ll be able to load it somewhere before start of the week. Please bear in mind that is absolutely to be considered an alpha version. I gave no thought to trapping errors and such stuff. And it works on RGBA format images only.



Here’s the very first version of the script that I feel not ashamed of sharing in the open.

Please use it with the caveat that it’s still a very rough script. Do not ever THINK of pointing the output folders to where you keep your real current overlays, because the script will overwite everything in the output directories.

The “best practice” is to generate all the files you want and only after checking them copy them to your actual RetroArch directories. Ideally I recommend to make a copy of your RetroArch installation just for testing purposes.

If you keep the output directory defaults, they mimic the default RetroArch structure.

Use it, play with it. I hope it will be useful. Any feedback is appreciated.

NOTE: it’s a python script so you’llneed Python 3.* installed on your system. Probably some external libraries, too. I forgot to put it in the readme.

If you have problems installing it please tell me.


I loaded on GitHub a new improved version of the script.

It’s now capable of some interesting things, like rescaling the overlay to a desired size, and maximizing the viewport area to fill the screen.

I’ll post a message in the tools and scripts section so I’ll not pollute this thread anymore with off topics.


Here is a realistic Arcade overlay for the game Jr. Pac-Man for use on Retroarch.

This overlay is coming soon on my Arcade Retroarch Pack. Stay tuned!


Here is a realistic Arcade overlay for the game Smash TV for use on Retroarch.

This overlay is coming soon on my Arcade Retroarch Pack. Stay tuned!


Here is a realistic Arcade overlay for the game Burning Force for use on Retroarch.

This overlay is coming soon on my Arcade Retroarch Pack. Stay tuned!


These are all awesome @Orionsangel. Thank you for all of your efforts in putting these together!