My Realistic Arcade Bezels

Not if you use overlays in concert with the shader, although you may be able to set negative values for the overlay coordinates, it won’t be as easy as if you used the shader system exclusively.

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If you use the shader and p3st’s shader presets there is an interactive parameter in the shader parameters called viewport zoom which will allow you to zoom in the whole screen


Here is a realistic arcade bezel for Mushihimesama using the Mega Bezel Reflective Shader for Retroarch


Here is a realistic arcade bezel for Tin Star using the Mega Bezel Reflective Shader for Retroarch


Here is a realistic arcade bezel for Victory Road using the Mega Bezel Reflective Shader for Retroarch


Here is a realistic arcade bezel for Timber using the Mega Bezel Reflective Shader for Retroarch


Always Awesome m8! Love it! :beers::beers::beers:

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Hiya is there a place to download all these and get the updated files from easily?

I don’t think he uploads the newer files for some time after he posts the pictures, but I could be wrong.

Here is a realistic arcade bezel for Hippodrome using the Mega Bezel Reflective Shader for Retroarch


Here is a realistic arcade bezel for Saturday Night Slam Masters using the Mega Bezel Reflective Shader for Retroarch


Here is Part 4 of my Realistic Arcade Bezel Collection featuring the Mega Bezel Reflective Shader for Retroarch. The download link for Pack 4 is in the description of the video.


Thank you @B.O.W for posting part 1 and part 2 of your modified OrionsAngels mega bezel config files where the slang files are adjusted for the latest version of Hyperspace Madness shaders. I’ve been banging my head against the wall for hours researching and trying to piece together what I needed to do in order to take all the hard work and amazing job Orionsangel has done over the years to adjust what’s needed per game so we can use the newer version of HyperspaceMadness bezels. I’ve been so confused when I extract Orions versions and piece things together so it makes sense in my head on how it all works. I thought I was setting something up wrong in retroarch for the mega bezel versioned ones to not work properly. I had to go back in this thread to see a few posters mention the major change in file paths and naming with hyperspacemadness newer versions. That was the missing piece for me. I went straight to the new version of HSM. I didn’t see any key notes about this crucial requirement on needing the old HSM shaders in order for orions dl to work properly! (Should really note that in the readme files of the zips… unless I’m missing something here?)

B.O.W do you happen to have more of orions reconfigured beyond the ones you posted in part 1 and 2 of your uploads on this thread? I would be super thankful if you have more that I can grab from you. I don’t have a problem putting in some work as well to chip away at more but I also don’t want to do double work if you or someone else has more updated slang files for this project.

@Orionsangel - you are a true god to us arcade nerds out here! Your work is awesome, I appreciate all the time and effort you put into this. Same to you HyperspaceMadness. It really does suck seeing the major file path and naming change from old pack to new pack. I fully understand why Orionsangel chose to just stick with the old pack. His retroarch setup is HUGE! That’s a lot of time spent getting to where he is now and it would be just as much time to reconfigure each game to get new slang files generated with the updated paths. Unless I’m missing something on an easier method of converting old ones to new ones but it doesnt sound like an easy path is available other than adjust each game again one by one?

The community should “give back” to orion by splitting up all of his games into groups and each person takes on a set of games to reconfigure using the updated HSM shader pack. Then we can compile them all together into 1 zip and let Orion link the dl to his youtube videos and all the other forums I see him have threads on his bezels.

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Which group thread are you referring to? I’m interested in getting the best of both worlds with orionsangels bezels and the latest version of HSM mega bezel. I’m tech savvy but I don’t want to spend time on something others may have already started reconfiguring. Is there a newer collection on updated presets tying in orionsangel bezels with the newer file structure of HSM? I’m greatful if you can link me to some active threads if you know of any.

Sorry for “blowing” up the comments today. So I started to dive in on what’s needed to adjust these key things needed for an updated preset config for a particular game like b.o.w. had in his dl pack. I watched Orions youtube videos showing the basics on setting the overlay opacity lower and then setting “Hide overlay in menu” to OFF so you can see the overlay image and where the bezel is on the screen. The issue I’m encountering is after I set these, I can’t traverse the retroarch menu beyond that menu screen I’m in. IE - I can’t use my keyboard/mouse to go back a menu in order to go down to the shaders > parameters section to get to the pieces needed.

particularly these ones from looking at b.o.w.'s .slang files. Note the | are my own personal notes on where they line up in the menu system not the .slang file.


I’m missing something here in order to use my kb/mouse to get out of the overlay menu and into the shaders > parameters menu to get where I need! Is this a kb issue? Should I be using a controller to traverse the menu which opens this up? All I have right now is an OG xbox wired controller until I order some good fighting sticks to use in my setup. I would prefer to use the keyboard if I can.

Any help is greatly appreciated!

It is a private developer’s thread that both Cyber and @Orionsangel are a part of.

F1 will bring up the menu. Backspace (Or right-click) will get you out of a submenu into a higher menu.

Good luck and have fun!

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Backspace! thank you. I also see your popular thread on your work too. I’ll give that a look as well. I see you have your own individual game preset MAME arcade overlays too. Thanks for all the hard work and the tip on the menu navigation.


I’m ok with that. I just haven’t had time to work things out and give any final collaborative decisions because I’ve been dealing with things at home. Which means I haven’t had as much time to join in with the community. I appreciate all the love. It means a lot to me.


Life is crazy I get it! I see you’ve been at this for years now. I’ve followed your youtube channel and see your updates and progress all the time. I’m in the process of setting up an arcade station in my rec room bar top and I’ve known for years now that it’s your bezels that I want included in this setup. I have the PC setup, launchbox with retroarch, and your non HSM bezels loaded and working and now seeking to get the HSM ones in the mix. Once I got the latest version shaders installed, I quickly realized the road bumps and missing pieces with yours due to the version difference. I’m here to help chip away and do whatever I can to help. I know it’s a ton of work doing this game by game but I want the same end results as everyone else. All of OrionsAngels realistic bezels in my setup including the HSM ones on the latest version.

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Here is a realistic arcade bezel for Mr. Do using the Mega Bezel Reflective Shader for Retroarch