My Realistic Arcade Bezels

Here is a realistic arcade bezel for Alien Storm using the Mega Bezel Reflective Shader for Retroarch


Here is a realistic arcade bezel for Port Man using the Mega Bezel Reflective Shader for Retroarch

Making this one was not easy because I had to restore the scanned version and this art uses dots and lines. Which doesn’t work well when you resize the image. If anyone knows where there’s a good restored version, let me know. Thanks.


How to install the bezels on retroarch in windows?

I also want to know how to install them on android



Here is a realistic arcade bezel for Magic Sword using the Mega Bezel Reflective Shader for Retroarch

The source for the trimmed down bezel is @Thoggo. I used it because the size of the original one is huge and leaves little room for the screen. I wanted to give users an option. Thanks to him.


Hey, OA! Your work is very much appreciated, this is clearly a labor of love.

I noticed there was an update on the HSM MegaBezel Examples where your shaders folder had a markdown for a “Multigame background” shader. I just wanted to make sure I understand correctly:

If I were to have all of your current bezel overlays in the retroarch/overlays folder, and have this shader applied to the core or directory config in Retroarch, this will allow it to determine the appropriate screen orientation and other settings, then load the matching bezel based on the game’s filename?

So this means I no longer need to look for whatever shader presets you might have out there for HSM, I only need to be concerned with your overlay files?

Thanks for your time!


@Orionsangel had little to do with developing the example in the Mega Bezel. (Beside the awesome artwork of course.)

Your assumption is correct, but if you have any questions I would direct you to the Mega Bezel thread.


Will do, thank you! I debated for a bit as to whether or not this was an HSM question.


I’ve been experimenting with HSM’s new multigame method and OrionsAngels overlays the last few nights myself. I’m planning on continuing the convo over on the Mega Bezel thread though in more detail at some point this week.

@Orionsangel - I’m curious what your favorite/preferred shader bezel width and height is when you’re putting yours together?

There is no preferred width and height. I tackle the width and height on a case per case basis. Each bezel has it’s own unique width and height. No shader bezel sizes are alike.


Got it. It’s a real bummer that you got so deep into all your custom setups per game early in the Mega Bezel development where it essentially “locked” you into sticking with the old version and naming structure! I don’t blame you though. All that work up to the point when the changes came into play. You would have had to reconfigure everything you had up to that point. And on the surface, you’re looking at the results and saying “this version of the shader looks awesome as is, I’m rolling with it!”. I’m taking a deep look at possible ways to take all of your art and get them working on the latest version of the shader while maintaining that very customized approach per game so everything lines up like you have now. I have a decent approach that I’ve been working with but I’ll hold off o that until I settle on it more. But that’s why I was wondering if you had any type of min shader bezel width or height for the borders in mind. I’ll stay in touch for sure.

I’ve allowed others in the community to do that part of it. Many volunteered to make presets for my bezels. I appreciate it very much.

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Here is a realistic arcade bezel for Mario Bros using the Mega Bezel Reflective Shader for Retroarch


As you are Going to use the new HSM’s new multigame method, I have already added orionsAangel packs 1,2,3 & 4 To mine with Correct alignment. I could upload my HSM_Mega_Bezel_Examples Folder with all the correct Params in, if you want it?


That sounds good. Yes post it.

1 Like Any .Slangp files in your Config MAME folder Matching the overlays I would remove as they will prob conflict with the params


You are awesome! This is exactly the road I was going down myself. Funny you chimed in because I was referencing your old HSM_ASPECT_RATIO_EXPLICIT numbers from your other config/gamename.cfg that you put together previously using the other format. You saved me a crap ton of time which was my objective for others in the community as well. What method do you use to tie into the main multigame.slangp now to get this in action automatically? I know you can put a line in the core shader slangp.

/config/corename/corename.slangp #reference “:/shaders/Mega_Bezel_Packs/OrionsAngel_Arcade/Multigame.slangp”

Doing that sets you on the path of having all of the customized ones with custom art to load while also loading the generic blank cabinet for games with no art.png files in place. But the part I’m now wondering is how do you get the best of both worlds so all of these load in the first pass of launching a game but then have a method to get other games of your choosing to fallback to using the old method of /config/gamename.cfg and /overlays/gamename.cfg

Maybe start building up for the ones you want to use the old method? I’m only like 2 weeks into learning the ins and outs of retroarch so I’m still learning all the various configs. They have so many it’s hard to keep track of when researching!

Either way great work! I appreciate it. And as always none of this would be possible without @Orionsangel and @HyperspaceMadness.

By the way… Mediafire download links can get lost real quick in comments on threads. Maybe OrionsAngel and/or HSM will consider putting it in their first post so it’s easier to find for others going forward? Then we can maintain this as OrionsAngel continues to do his thing with new ones like he always does. Win - Win for the community in my eyes.

  • OrionsAngel gets his custom setup on his end with his old shaders he’s still on
  • Others who want to get the new ones brought into the new shader version and new multigame.slangp method keep up to date at the same time.
  • Then we don’t need multiple people trying to customize all of this on each of their own setups doing double work and putting out multiple different “packs” that do the same thing

We get a solid standardized pack to rally behind, then everyone can adjust smaller tweaks they want on their own if they wanted to.


Here are Realistic Bezels for the Donkey Kong Arcade games using the Mega Bezel Reflective Shader for Retroarch. These are updates and will not be in pack 5. So you can find the download link in the description of the video.


Did I see your donkey Kong tilted somewhere ?

He did them earlier with Donkey Kong, Donkey Kong Pauline Edition and Donkey Kong 2: Jumpman Returns