My Realistic Arcade Bezels

Amazing work , where we can download your last bezels like this one and Xevious?

Welcome. :slightly_smiling_face:

OrionsAngel releases his bezels in packs and those will be available with pack 5.


Here is a realistic arcade bezel for Twin Cobra using the Mega Bezel Reflective Shader for Retroarch


Here is a realistic arcade bezel for Assault using the Mega Bezel Reflective Shader for Retroarch


Does anyone know how this guy swaps shaders with a push of a button? He does this for multiple games and calls it bezels on the fly. Been killing myself trying to figure this out since retroarch always goes back to default shader path?

Launch the game from the command line and define the shader path at the same time. Then use the “previous” and “next” shader hotkeys.


Is there anyway you can provide a video or example of how to do this?

So it is a bit complicated. First you need to choose which preset you want to auto load.

For using the “next” and “previous” hotkeys, make sure the folder contains multiple presets.

For this example I will use Snes9x and my SNES “Bezel” preset.

The command line for loading a game and preset would be…

retroarch.exe -L ".\cores\snes9x_libretro.dll" "E:\Emulation\SNES\Super Mario All-Stars.sfc" --set-shader="E:\RetroArch\shaders\Mega_Bezel_Community\Duimon-Mega-Bezel\Presets\Standard\Nintendo_SNES\SNES-[STD]-[Guest]-[Bezel].slangp"

Then create a *.cfg (I will use path.cfg) and set the shader path.


video_shader_dir = "E:\RetroArch\shaders\Mega_Bezel_Community\Duimon-Mega-Bezel\Presets\Standard\Nintendo_SNES"

I am putting the CFG in the Snes9x config folder.

Notice I am using the path to the folder that contains my chosen preset. (There are 9 other SNES presets in the same folder.)

Finally, append the “path” config by adding…


…to the command line.

The complete command line is.

retroarch.exe -L ".\cores\snes9x_libretro.dll" "E:\Emulation\SNES\Super Mario All-Stars.sfc" --set-shader="E:\RetroArch\shaders\Mega_Bezel_Community\Duimon-Mega-Bezel\Presets\Standard\Nintendo_SNES\SNES-[STD]-[Guest]-[Bezel].slangp" --appendconfig="E:\RetroArch\config\Snes9x\path.cfg"

The “next” hotkey “N” and “previous” hotkey “M” will cycle through the presets in the folder.

Ideally I would set this up in a front end as the launch command line.


Thank you very much I am going to try this and see if I can get it working! I assume I will have to do this for each game that I want to alternate shaders?

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If you are only using core presets you could simplify the command line by saving a core preset, renaming the preset, (e.g. snes9x.slangp to snes9x001.slangp) and saving another core preset, renaming etc.

Then the command line would be…

retroarch.exe -L ".\cores\snes9x_libretro.dll" "E:\Emulation\SNES\Super Mario All-Stars.sfc" --appendconfig="E:\RetroArch\config\Snes9x\path.cfg"

…without the need for the --set-shader part.

path.cfg would then point to the “/config/Snes9x” folder.

If you are using game presets, or content directory presets then using that path would cycle through unwanted presets.

Ideally we would want Retroarch to “remember” the shader that is automatically loaded. (Or loaded using the --set-shader command)

Currently it only “remembers” manually loaded presets. I have asked @HyperspaceMadness to look into this, but he is very busy with tasks that have priority. :grin:

An additional bonus would be a switch that forces the “next” hotkey to look for a like-named preset. So a core preset would cycle through Snes9x.slangp, Snes9x_001.slangp, Snes9x_002.slangp, etc.

A game preset would cycle through similar named files, and non-like-named would be ignored.


Here is a realistic Arcade bezel for Rush’n Attack using the Mega Bezel Reflective Shader for Retroarch


Here is a realistic Arcade bezel for Double Dragon using the Mega Bezel Reflective Shader for Retroarch


Here is a realistic Arcade bezel for Double Dragon 2: The Revenge using the Mega Bezel Reflective Shader for Retroarch


Here is a realistic Arcade bezel for Double Dragon 3: The Rosetta Stone using the Mega Bezel Reflective Shader for Retroarch


Here is a realistic Arcade bezel for Super Street Fighter 2 using the Mega Bezel Reflective Shader for Retroarch


Here is a realistic Arcade bezel for Shadow Force Henshin Ninja using the Mega Bezel Reflective Shader for Retroarch


OrionAngel I love your work but… do you plan to make bezels for all the arcades that exist? :scream: And when you finish, will you make a pack so you can download it all at once?

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Thank you. Yes, I will make a bezel for every arcade game ever made on earth! Muawahaha! No, just being silly :crazy_face:. I just make what I can and If I see a game I haven’t made a bezel for I try to make it. If not I’m just updating my older bezels. I don’t know about the next pack release. Will see.


Here is a realistic Arcade bezel for Food Fight using the Mega Bezel Reflective Shader for Retroarch


Here is a realistic Arcade bezel for SoulCalibur using the Mega Bezel Reflective Shader for Retroarch.

This is a bezel I made a while ago and never showed anyone. It has an obvious flaw. The character art doesn’t match the original SoulCalibur arcade game, It has some future characters in the series, but I still like how it came out.