Neko Project II kai (PC-9801) core (different nekop2, meowPC98)

I see. Thanks. I try to pull request.


ā€œAsync CPUā€ just gives me a black screen on windows 7 x64.
Is it working for you?

Thanks Tatsuya.
I confirmed to ā€œAsync CPUā€ not drive correctly.
I try to fix it.

Since the improvement to ASYNC_CPU does not work correctly, I disabled it.

This function has been ported from NP21/W to run CPU faster.
However, it did not work at a constant speed in non-Windows environment.

Thanks Tatsuya for your good report.

Youā€™ve got a PR:

I fixed again with normal CPU timer. Drive very well. (a bit freezly?) ASYNC_CPU Enable again. Thanks.

Yeah! nice PR.
It can paste? (to profiles?)

Paste? Sorry Iā€™m not sure what you mean.

Ah- what about my face banner above?
I was happy to think that I got something.

In the next topic because English is difficult.:sweat_smile:

Itā€™s just a link to your github, the forum shows it like this by default. :smile:

I was trying to show you I sent this pull request:

Added the function ā€œConvert to SJIS at fopen .m3u and .cmd if Windows uses SJIS codeā€ in NP2kai core.
By this mod, support for Japanese path.
The contents of .m3u and .cmd files must be described in UTF-8.
Libretro is standard UTF-8, but Japanese Windows is not yet supported.
I think other cores need the same implementation.


Edit: Japanese Windows Libretro user wanna use Japanese filename, maybe.
Then, Japan origin hardwareā€™s cores are needed careful to this problem.

WanderSwan, DOSBOX, PC-Engine, Nintendo64, NintendoCube, Wii, WiiU,
PC-FX, 3DS, DS, Gameboy, NES, SNES, PC-88, SMS, MegaDrive/Genesis,
Saturn, X68000, NeoGeoPocket, PS1/PS2,3DO, etc.

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Our filestream API already supports both conversion to the local code page (when using older Windows without wide character support) as well as UTF-16 conversion for more modern Windows versions (which then uses _wfopen() after the UTF-8 -> UTF-16 conversion), so I think filestream should just be used instead for file I/O, most of our cores already do this.

Otherwise users on non-Japanese locales can still run into issues, and I donā€™t think checking for/converting to CP932 is the right solution even for Japanese locale, as the user might have their PC set to something elseā€¦ our UTF-16 conversion should handle all of those cases.

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Oh, thanks and sorry.
Exactly what I was looking for.:flushed:
I switched ā€˜fopenā€™ to ā€˜filestream_openā€™ immediately.
It worked very well!!

Very thanks @anon90536803, nice advise.:+1:
I read libretro_common more.:face_with_head_bandage:

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I have Retropie and with the latest version (0.86 rev 20), when I start a m3u file it tells me ā€œplease insert disk systemā€ I tried to convert the file to UTF-8, but with no results could you give me some advice? do you have a m3u test file? thanks

Edit: if I swap the RetroArch menu and the restat (eject - select 1- close- restart), then the rom is read

I moded Mouse control.

Mouse is always enable.

Mouse cursor moving and left-button be able to controled with joypad stick.
Switch Stick2Mouse mode in config to ā€˜OFFā€™ or ā€˜L-stickā€™ or ā€˜R-stick(default)ā€™.

  • Stick: mouse move
  • Thumb: mouse left button
    (if you need right-button, enable to J2M and use A button.)
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Hello! Thank you for your work on the np2kai core, Iā€™m very happy to see somebody working on it.

Iā€™m trying to use it on Windows with the switchres feature of RetroArch, but am unable to get the screen to display properly. What resolution(s) will I need for np2kai to display properly? Iā€™ve only tried 2560x400 (super resolution).

Libretro docs says that the core provided refresh rate is 56.4Hz, but whenever I load the core, my refresh rate in retroarch.cfg gets set to 55.0, and I have to change it back manually. Iā€™m not sure if I have something configured incorrectly.

Thank you in advance for any support!

NP2kai defined Screen Size is 1640x1024 at sdl2/libretro/libretro_params.h. It also defines that the refresh rate is 56.4fps.

I can show like follow picture.

About you could not get display property,
I think because NP2kaiā€™s screen size is variable(DOS,Windows), maybe.

Current NP2kai core is start Windowed maximize size,
Then your over resolution display is too big,
displaying strangely.

Iā€™ll try to generic resolution size(640x400) windowed display.

Hi, thanks for the response! I will also try windowed mode and see how it works on my monitor.

The goal of CRT switchres is to output in the same resolution and refresh rate as the original hardware, to a compatible monitor. This must be tricky for a machine with variable video modes, but ideally it should be possible. Iā€™m not sure how video mode switching works with libretro, so maybe I will have to do some more research and come back and see what needs to be done.

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Iā€™ve been playing with this core, and Iā€™m trying to understand if thereā€™s an automated way to load a game with an hdm (boot disk) and an hdi (hard disk file):

Hereā€™s an example:

Sim City 2000 (folder)
    SimCity 2000 (HD Boot disk).hdm
    SimCity 2000.hdi

Iā€™ve tried listing both files in an m3u and both in a cmd, but I canā€™t get the game to boot in either case.

Probably because of a space character in the file path.
Try sandwiching it with double quotes in .cmd file.

np2kai "Sim City 2000 (HD Boot disk).hdm" "Sim City 2000.hdi"

HD image isnā€™t able to written in .m3u file.
(.m3u file is used for swapping FD.)
