Nestopia and Konami japanese games

The CRC/SHA1/MD5 of my Contra rom is same with your headered rom,so i need to chop off its head?

No :relaxed:

First look if you have these entries in your NstDatabase.xml:

  1. Contra (Japan).nes
  2. Crisis Force (Japan).nes
  3. Ganbare Goemon (Japan).nes

Geez, they should put some names in there! :persevere:

Yes,they are all in there.

Should I type his name three times in a row I summon him?.

Here goes nothin’: @butanebob, @butanebob, @butanebob

I’m looking forward to your next step m8,can’t wait :yum:

I found this topic where @butanebob talks about some mapper error and a lack of support for mapper 23 on an old version of NEStopia. Not related to your problem.

I found this topic where @butanebob talks about the same and he gets around it by using an older version of NEStopia. Then some guy explains a Windows based method of solving the same problem that I had :sweat:. Not related to your problem either, but it makes me think that maybe your version of NEStopia is borked :thinking:?

The man who knows everything @hunterk, hopefully he will chime in eventually.

My core is same with wertz’s version,this,his screenshot

I just gave up and use FCEUmm instead,thanks for taking time helping me m8.

I’ll be doing the same for all my romhacks. Take care m8 :slightly_smiling_face:

Hold on a second… That’s Japanese Contra you are running there, what gives?

Japanese version is the best version

I know that, I mean wasn’t that one of the roms that didn’t work for you :confused:?.

Anyway, I’m out :slightly_smiling_face: (I’ve posted too much)

Yeah,it’s not working.

@RiskyJumps Turns out it’s my end issue,my dad’s phone is running Android 5.0,mine is 4.4,it seems NEStopia has a bug on Android 4.4.Btw i’m on 32bit,the working phone is 64bit.

I’m really sorry :pensive: @wertz

My old phone is alive again,tested on it,Contra doesn’t run,it’s on Android 4.2,it seems like Nestopia has some issues on below Android 5.0 devices,guess i need to open an issue about this :thinking:

can you test if any FDS games works on that phone? (you need to have disksys.rom in system folder). if this does not work, confirm if it works on the other phone.

Tested two games from konami,works fine. Android 4.4.2 (the white phone that can’t run Contra in the first photo)

ok… that throws my suspicion out the window… a logfile will probably show better understanding of whats going on

How to obtain a logfile on android?

I can use app to do this,but what keywords should i input to search?

Edit: How stupid i was,just search ‘logcat’ :sweat_smile: