No, it’s 2.4/2.4 with this shader.
You must consider both values. If the divider is 1.0 (2.4 / 2.4 = 1.0), then it’s neutral.
We don’t convert in general, just do interpolation in linear space (2.4).
Like i mentioned, RA works appropriate without shaders which would do gamma.
The NTSC version uses a gamma combo of 2.0/1.95 and the HD version a combo of 1.80/1.75.
(Now questions will start, lol).
If we used like 2.4/2.2 then a gamma surplus would be created, assuming LCD gamma of 2.4. This is a bit harder to understand. LCD displays do their own thing.
For example, you can go with 2.4 / 2.4 or 2.2 / 2.2 or 2.0 / 2.0 combos. The end result would look very similar on a LCD. The quotient is 1.0 in all cases.
But but if you use 2.4 / 2.2, 2.2 / 2.2 or 2.0 / 2.2 the results would look differently, although output gamma is always 2.2. The quotient in the first case is ~1.1, 1.0 in the second case, ~0.9 in the third.
~1.1 assumes/compensates for LCD gamma of 2.4, 1.0 LCD gamma of 2.2, and 0.9 LCD gamma of ~2.0.
The only reason why one would use 2.4/2.2 combo is to increase contrast and saturation. It’s sometimes beneficial if the shader is coded in a specific manner.
It uses a kind of logic, but not pattern detection. The application of the logic is ‘continuous’ and not discrete, that’s why it looks like without detection artifacts.