New CRT shader from Guest + CRT Guest Advanced updates

Wow! Super nice job on the slotmask artifact mitigation!!! :exploding_head:

Mega Man never looked better! Pew Pew Pew!!!


Shadow mask looks so gritty I love how it looks right after slot mask, after I put out my next pack I need to start getting some shadow mask presets going, thanks for giving me more motivation.


Hi Guest, your shader is a gold mine and your upgrades are shiny gold bars. I copied one of your presets that you shared more than 20 days ago, created with your settings on your creature, and the result obtained, taking nothing away from the other works viewed which are all fantastic, is wonderful. It made me rethink that there’s no need for any interpolation filters when you’re able to get your hands on your creature. Look here, it seems to have a real screen in front of you:

All this thanks to you, heartfelt thanks from us. While waiting for your updates to be integrated into the Mega Bezels to use them in that area, I kindly wanted to ask you if you have any other 1080p presets you can share with us, even better now with these new updates. The creature is yours, and no one knows how to handle it better. It’s as you see the results are crazy, I feel like I’m really back in the 90s. Thank you so much.


PS : These settings are also very good with 3D (tested with PlayStation via swanstation core without graphics changes). It also did a great job with hybrid and problematic games, like Marvel Vs Capcom 2, again without core changes. Unfortunately I didn’t get to share any snapshots of it since I tested it on my brother-in-law’s computer. Good job.


#reference β€œshaders_slang/crt/crt-guest-advanced.slangp” CS = β€œ2.000000” TNTC = β€œ1.000000” WP = β€œ-65.000000” wp_saturation = β€œ1.200000” GAMMA_INPUT = β€œ3.200000” m_glow = β€œ1.000000” SIZEH = β€œ12.000000” SIGMA_H = β€œ3.499999” SIZEV = β€œ12.000000” SIGMA_V = β€œ3.499999” SIGMA_VB = β€œ0.750000” glow = β€œ0.600000” bloom = β€œ0.700000” bloom_dist = β€œ2.000000” halation = β€œ-0.250000” gamma_c = β€œ1.250000” brightboost = β€œ1.400001” brightboost1 = β€œ1.000000” gsl = β€œ-1.000000” scanline1 = β€œ5.500000” scanline2 = β€œ7.000000” beam_min = β€œ1.100000” beam_max = β€œ0.950000” beam_size = β€œ0.750000” vertmask = β€œ-0.600000” scans = β€œ1.150000” scan_falloff = β€œ0.650000” spike = β€œ1.400000” h_sharp = β€œ3.500001” s_sharp = β€œ0.700000” sth = β€œ0.300000” warpX = β€œ0.040000” warpY = β€œ0.050000” csize = β€œ0.115000” bsize1 = β€œ0.300000” shadowMask = β€œ9.000000” maskstr = β€œ1.000000” mask_gamma = β€œ2.399999” slotmask = β€œ0.800000” slotmask1 = β€œ1.000000” slotwidth = β€œ3.000000” double_slot = β€œ2.000000” mclip = β€œ0.350000” gamma_out = β€œ3.049999” decons = β€œ0.800000” post_br = β€œ0.950000”

Finally, for those interested these are the Guest settings for your Guest-Advance. I saw that HyperspaceMadness has just released an upgrade of its package with your latest updates. Great :smiley:

#reference "shaders_slang/crt/crt-guest-advanced.slangp" 

CS = "2.000000" 
TNTC = "1.000000" 
WP = "-65.000000" 
wp_saturation = "1.200000" 
GAMMA_INPUT = "3.200000" 
m_glow = "1.000000" 
SIZEH = "12.000000" 
SIGMA_H = "3.499999" 
SIZEV = "12.000000" 
SIGMA_V = "3.499999" 
SIGMA_VB = "0.750000" 
glow = "0.600000" 
bloom = "0.700000" 
bloom_dist = "2.000000" 
halation = "-0.250000" 
gamma_c = "1.250000" 
brightboost = "1.400001" 
brightboost1 = "1.000000" 
gsl = "-1.000000" 
scanline1 = "5.500000" 
scanline2 = "7.000000" 
beam_min = "1.100000" 
beam_max = "0.950000" 
beam_size = "0.750000" 
vertmask = "-0.600000" 
scans = "1.150000" 
scan_falloff = "0.650000" 
spike = "1.400000" 
h_sharp = "3.500001" 
s_sharp = "0.700000" 
sth = "0.300000" 
warpX = "0.040000" 
warpY = "0.050000" 
csize = "0.115000" 
bsize1 = "0.300000" 
shadowMask = "9.000000" 
maskstr = "1.000000" 
mask_gamma = "2.399999" 
slotmask = "0.800000" 
slotmask1 = "1.000000" 
slotwidth = "3.000000" 
double_slot = "2.000000" 
mclip = "0.350000" 
gamma_out = "3.049999" 
decons = "0.800000" 
post_br = "0.950000"

Thanks Cyber, I never miss an opportunity to show my noob, damn it. I couldn’t format the code correctly. Very kind.

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It’s ok, we were all there at some point. I just didn’t know what’s the proper name for the less than sign, foward slash, greater than sign and didn’t want to sound like a noob while helping you. Lol

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Hi guys, I wanted to share with you the photos of a real CRT, and I wanted to share with you the consideration that the Guest Advance if well configured can be even better in terms of image quality. Unbelievable but true, here is the link:

Guest you are a hero, the hero of RetroGaming.

Thank you always for what you do.


For me RetroArch didn’t recognize the special left and right quotation marks. I had to replace both of them with single quotation marks to load. Tl;dr U+201C and U+201D were not recognized but U+0022 was when loading the slangp file.

In addition, I saved the file as UTF-8 and that didn’t change anything.


Good spot. This is something I’m aware of but wasn’t looking for. You should only use straight quotes not fancy quotes but sometimes the quotation marks get converted automatically.

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Hi yuzquailo, I copied the entire code that Guest shared 22 days ago (it had as an example an image of β€œGhouls 'N Ghost” arcade version) and I copied it to a new file using the smartphone program "Code Editor ". Naturally I renamed it with β€œ.slangp” extension and added the first step #reference β€œshaders_slang/crt/crt-guest-advanced.slangp” inside the code, first line. I placed the file in RetroArch’s β€œshaders” folder and updated the default shaders package with online functionality before testing it. I hope it helps you.

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Hi, what exactly is the problem? What program do you use to edit β€œ.slangp” files? Also you didn’t leave any spaces between the lines when you copied the code, did you? Have you updated the base shaders?

no actuallyu maybe i’m a little but lost how to apply this settings.

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However, just to share the information, in another thread Hyperspace Madness advised me to use the PC program β€œVS Code” to edit β€œ.slangp” files.

i just use notepad… to copy… but i have blackscreen… i don’t know why.

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But basic crt-guest-advance works for you? Have you updated to the latest versions? It’s strange, think that these pre-settings even work for me on my smartphone

In addition to this, I don’t know how to help you, perhaps you need the intervention of a much more experienced user than me. I am sorry.

yes the guest shader works…i don’t know why i have blackscreen… i use the 2023-02-25 version…

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I like the magic glow. Just a notch or two.