New CRT shader from Guest + CRT Guest Advanced updates

Did you add the first line with the “reference” step? I mentioned it in a previous post.

yes of course…really i don’t understand… :frowning:

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guest any idea what can be the issue ? maybe one param ?

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I’m so sorry but I don’t know how to help you. I hope some experienced user or Guest himself can help you in some way. I really like this shader preset and would leave me sad to know you don’t to try it :frowning:

@ckf92, @ROBMARK85 I went through the preset and removed the fancy quotes

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Try, just out of curiosity, disabling the magic glow from the code by deleting the entire “magic_glow” string. If it works then it’s this new feature that’s giving you the problem. Of course, if it was, the preset would be compromised as a final visual result and you wouldn’t be able to use it, but at least you’ve identified the problem

Thanks Cyber, very kind

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it works :wink: thx you very much


it was the fancy quotes :slight_smile:


so your preset is very good !! congratulation!!

IMO the color is a little bit too “washed” is there a way to make it a little bit more “punchy” ? (i’m playing on my laptop , 1080p)

thanx in advance and again thx very much for this preset ! :slight_smile:

MY old preset (guest advanced + xbr2 standalone) (all stock settings)

Your Awesome Preset

MY old preset (guest advanced + xbr2 standalone) (all stock settings)

Your Awesome Preset

i just miss a little bit punchy colors feeling :slight_smile:


I’m happy that it works, and also thanks to @cyber for the help. I want to clarify that the absolute credit goes to @guest.r, not only the shader but the preset belongs to him and he shared it. I only sponsored his work, which as you can see is so well done that it doesn’t need any interpolation shaders, and it also works well with 3D and hybrid situations (for example Marvel Vs Capcom 2). In short, glory and absolute credit to @guest.r


As for the colors, you could adjust these settings. Try to increase the saturation, let me know. Happy to share the good things.


Ok thx i will try when i will finish my work :slight_smile:


I take this opportunity to make a request to @guest.r : first of all I apologize in advance for my insistence, but the enthusiasm as a child is so much in me when it comes to RetroGaming, never like now that I’ve found what I was looking for. I wanted to ask you the courtesy of sharing your personal presets with us, especially the one you use for the Crt-Guest-HD and the CRT-Guest-NTSC, and if you had made any updates to the preset you shared with us, the Crt-Guest- Advance, to share precisely that too. You would make me happy, and many of us less geeks would already have a superlative starting point with which to play with your work. I would be very grateful to you, and thank you always for what you do.


I wanted to mention that these settings can be entered into HSM Mega Bezel Shaders that use GDV pass.

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can you just explain me how to do ? i would like to give a try … even if i worried all theses bezel effect is too distracting to be focus on the game lol (and i’m not sure my laptop has enough ressources… (11th i5 1145g7 + 16go ram gpu intel iris XE)


Change the first pass, the reference, to the position of the HSM shader you need (just use the GDV), and remove the “warpx” and “warpy” passes from the code.

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The shaders can be found in the folder shader_slang/Bezel/Presets/Base_CRT_Presets/… Choose the one you think is appropriate and supported by your PC, I use the Potato_GDV. Of course update everything first, HyperspaceMadness just did an update including the latest Guest GDV features.

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Most of the time i use test presets to develop and tune new features, but can post some of them…

NTSC Arcade (use with crt-guest-advanced-ntsc preset):

ntsc_scale = "1.999999"
m_glow = "1.000000"
m_glow_cutoff = "0.250000"
m_glow_dist = "1.250000"
glow = "0.450000"
bloom = "0.550000"
halation = "0.200000"
gamma_c = "1.250000"
shadowMask = "9.000000"
maskstr = "1.000000"
slotmask = "1.000000"
slotmask1 = "1.000000"
slotwidth = "3.000000"
double_slot = "2.000000"

Standard version hi-res content preset (featuring magic glow):

GAMMA_INPUT = "3.249999"
gamma_out = "3.149999"
interm = "5.000000"
downsample_levelx = "0.600000"
downsample_levely = "0.500000"
m_glow = "1.000000"
m_glow_cutoff = "0.180000"
m_glow_high = "4.000001"
m_glow_dist = "0.600000"
SIZEH = "12.000000"
SIGMA_H = "3.999999"
SIZEV = "12.000000"
SIGMA_V = "3.999998"
glow = "0.700000"
bloom = "0.250000"
mask_bloom = "0.350000"
bloom_dist = "1.000000"
gamma_c = "1.200000"
brightboost1 = "1.000000"
shadowMask = "9.000000"
maskstr = "1.000000"
slotmask = "1.000000"
slotmask1 = "1.000000"
slotwidth = "3.000000"
double_slot = "2.000000"
deconrr = "0.750000"
deconrb = "-0.750000"
deconrry = "0.750000"
deconrby = "-0.750000"

Ofc. you can tweak it a bit more to your liking…