New sonkun crt guest advanced hd presets thread

Can you post these videos to a different site? They’re asking me to sign up just to watch some videos and I’m not doing that.

Yeah I came across that new shader the other day myself, it looks interesting.

Just for reference when I made my rf presets I took inspiration from this video:

Although my presets appear even sharper than that but you get the point.

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Hi, I’m new to the forum and I’m trying to understand these CRT shader things. Quite a rabbithole :wink:

On a 960p screen (handheld), will this shader work as well as the 1080p screenshots here ? Or event better since 960p is perfect x4 240p ?

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Most likely won’t look exactly the same since 960p is not as detailed as 1080p but they should work.

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That YCC setting does nothing and also is meaningless on my TV as only supports 8-bit color. And as guest.r himself said, it also happens on PC if you set the driver to D3D11.

I just went back to your March 2024 presets with crt-guest-advanced-2024-02-29-release1 on Xbox, and noticed that Diplay Color Space was also set to -1/709 back then without displaying this issue. Could it be some sort of regression along the way since then?

Yup, though I think I’ll stick with shadow mask instead of aperture grille. I’m digging the more softer/less sharp image quality.


Thanks for answering. I’ve looked at many screenshots here and I am really very impressed about what you managed to without integer scaling !!!

About my 960p thing, I’m mostly afraid of issues with the mask not scaling properly. Does it make sense or will the mask just be fine ?

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i’ve edited the post, does this new one work ?

5 kirby videos on real NES RF

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The only thing I can think of that I at least changed, and this only goes strictly for the composite and rf presets is that I merged the ntsc adaptive shader from the ntsc shader folder with guest.r’s hd shader, not sure if that happens with just those presets or all of them. Other than that I’m not sure what happened myself between my old pack release to now.

Gotta say that Sonic shot looks sexy lol. I also been using Shadow Mask a lot more lately myself for the same reason especially on those 8-16 bit systems which I used for pretty much all those pics above. I gotta try Shadow Mask out on some PS1/Saturn era games.

You’re welcome and yes we don’t believe in interger scaling around these neck of the woods, not cropping anything for anything lol.

Try it out and see, post a screenshot while you’re at it so I can see too.

Man that is some dirty looking RF there especially the two videos on the right, it looks like Kirby is walking through a static image lol. That’s the kind of RF preset you want to reproduce??

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I dont know if other people get this type of looking through RF but I’ve got this forever on the NES at least.

But this is what I referred to getting a terrible video signal, besides the already existing dithering & rainbow banding, besides on NES is different.

Yeah, this is the type of looking I was referring to. But there’re barely any presets around which I dont know why, considering this is the way by DEFAULT most of people would have experienced, early on 90s.

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I don’t know man that that RF signal is reeeeeally excessive, especially those last two videos lol. I wonder if anyone else in here experienced RF that looked like that cause I don’t remember it looking THAT bad. In any case once guest.r releases his next update I’m coming straight for you and we’re gonna experiment on some RF looks.

Check Plain Old Pants thread. He might have something you’re looking for.


Thank you, buddy. Really appreciate.


Agreed. Looks more like a VHS recording from RF. I use RF on my Mega Drive and it’s a lot cleaner. But then again, different TV’s process RF differently, so it’s entirely possible I guess.


Yeah I think it all comes down to different tvs, hell even different cables. I believe he said up above his RF cable was missing some pins, I’m sure that played a part in how his image was presented on his screen. Nevertheless I’ll try playing around once guest.r releases his next update, I’m more curious about how he plans to change the ntsc settings up more than anything.

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I love that RF signal alot too. I was using RF Modulator until like June 2000 when I was 12 and I had 5th gen consoles. So I understand where you are coming from. I hope one day Sonkun and friends can make a great version of that Dirty RF and all.

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It’s literally a 1920x1080 full HD flat screen. The console is 35 years old. Yet, I dont know if its the cable or this overall is the experience for people playing on RF-NES gameplays. But the cable seem in good conditions… And this is not the first time I have seen this level of static-interference-noise on screen.

I used to have a genesis console with a RF cable that gave tons of this looking as well. Its like the screen is permanently vibrating.


This RF cable is just one pin, straight up to connect on the console and one pin to connect on TV-cable signal. And its a 1920x1080 flat screen full HD like stated above, but the TV is in good conditions besides being from 2013.


I have made some good progress. Test version doesn’t break checkerboard patterns and “prior rainbow effects”, but is quite “rainbowy”, somewhat more colorful.

I think I’ll make a release version soon.

(looks better while running full FPS):


I’m in a hurry for a meeting, so here’s some footage of Kirby (NES)and sonic 1 (genesis model 1) both over RF. I’ll post my full reply here in a few hours. Sorry about the shitty video compression, I didn’t know my phone was doing that.

As for RF, my understanding is that the console’s RF is the same as its composite, but with a couple additional step, which is to modulate it with a carrier frequency and to modulate audio onto it somehow, neither of which I understand fully. The thing that causes RF and Composite to look different mostly is the CRT, not the console, since the CRT is doing some different method for chroma/luma separation when using RF versus when using Composite.

My best guess is that while a more elaborate comb filter can be used for composite due to composite being more precise without interference/noise, RF might have its color carrier frequency distorted lower or higher and affected more by noise, so the CRT has to stick to older notch filters. Older CRTs probably used only notch filters, but used a more precise notch for composite than for RF. All of this is speculation, and I’m still in a hurry.


Your kirby looks very beautiful and clean.

But my own has a very big amount of static-interference-noise. Do you know if there’s some way to get close enough to this type of looking?

My suspicision is that the pin being connected to TV is already damaged and can’t deliver proper image.

The only feature in whole retroarch I’ve seen something similar is this so called “Noise” on the bottom from presets, that for example can be found in guest.r’s CRT NTSC preset.

As far as I know, the static cannot be reproduced in other cables like RGB or composite video.

This RF cable has a very thin pin that I can imagine, gets worse over time.


Sonkun, is there anyway I can port your shaders to like Dolphin and PCSX2? Like I really really want your shaders on there, I am struggling over here with raw pixels lol.