New sonkun crt guest advanced hd presets thread

I gotta tell ya, i do like them more this one, because it hurts less my eyes and also i had seen before that a better color contrast and brightness can indeed blend better, blockyness in things like fmvs let me show you first one new,

the uncompressed images

the blockyness can be seen in the part when the light is gonna end and start to fade away and also here it is a comparation slide of a different example

and a comparation slide of this example

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Thank you for posting comparison pics, I can see the differences going back and forth. I guess I’ll stick with those settings then. I’m working on NTSC 2phase and 3phase settings at the moment.

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This looks amazing thank you so much! Can’t wait to see your other new presets! unknown | Slowpoke Pics

Keep up the tremendous work!


You’re welcome and thank you for trying them out. Once I finish up the ntsc presets then all that’s left is to get everything labeled up, zipped up then shipped out. I was wondering if I should tweak sharpness on both the rgb and svideo presets to make them look more “smooth”, (I guess a bit more blurry as well) or just leave them the way it is.

The way it’s currently set up is all ntsc presets are the bluriest, svideo is kind of like a “middleground” and rgb is the sharpest.

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Oh that would actually be so cool about the Smoothing part, maybe have a folder for Smooth Presets or something, I’ll be sure to use them as well, I really love your work and it’s pretty on the GPU as well!

Looking forward to any work you make cause they’ve all been great so far : P

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Hmm didn’t think of it this way, I was talking more in line of just tweaking the presets that’s already there but that’s also a interesting idea as well. I’ll try some tweaks out later and see, if nothing else I don’t mind leaving it the way it is as well, I’ll see how it goes later I guess.

That’s one thing I also like about my presets, they’re not demanding and will run on most set ups with a decent gpu. I was planning on getting one those new mini pcs strictly for retro gaming and some light modern gaming and was told my presets work good on those as well.

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what a sublime color in rgb


Sexy shot right there. That’s that interlaced mode 4 at work, I think that’s the best mode to use with the hd guest shader. Makes interlaced content look… hd lol.

The more you guys keep posting shots the more you guys make me want to finish getting this new pack out. Soon as I get home I’m going straight to work.


Careful, I clicked on the download icon and immediately I got an antivirus alert (Trojan:Script/Wacatac.H!ml).

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Oh that’s terrible. I’m not gonna risk it but I did download another upload I had a couple of days ago and what it does is that it downloads the original and Shader image separately, which is what it would show anyways if you just click on the comparison image the link takes you to. So yeah, please don’t download just click on the image for comparisons : p

It could be just a false alarm, which is normal to happen for Antivirus software. I checked it with VirusTotal and it seems to be clean.

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It’s maybe website/dl/advert related. Sonkun’s package doesn’t include executable files or scripts…


Non verified signature files of this kind of origin could trigger this stuff sometimes

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I’m a little confused here but it seems that the virus issue had to do with this link in this post?

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That was what I thought first and what the reply from me was about. I deleted my reply, when people started talking about other downloads. I will revoke the deletion. In short, it seems like a false alarm.


i think this is kind of a late question, but i would really like to know, what are the differences between aperture grille and slot mask? and in which kind of tv comes the slot mask from


Yes, sorry for the confusion, I am referring to the page that hosts the images.

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Slot mask, Aperture Grille, and Shadow Mask, is the way CRT had the RGB triads to make RGB color for the pixels of the game.


I have a CRT 14" Sanyo that uses slot mask…

Sony trinitron had aperture grille. And shadow mask I don’t really know because I think it was the less common or at least myself didn’t know much about it or it wasn’t that popular.


@Theoldnation Sorry for late reply, been a little busy pass few days. But to add to the discussion I believe Shadow Mask crts started phasing out by the late 80’s/ early 90’s.

Imo I think Shadow Mask is the best to use for consoles around that time as well like nes, master system, snes, turbo grapx, genesis etc. Ever since I released my current pack I put all 3 mask types to use for different generations of consoles. Shadow Mask for the above mentioned, Aperture Grille for the 32-64-128 bit systems and Slot Mask for everything arcade.


Yeah i had noticed in the past few days, that apparently, shadow masks looks better for the 2d games console era, and the 3d content looks better on aperture grille, is kinda interesting to have in consideration this fact, as aperture grille already existed at the end of the 60s but the trinitrons tvs were quite expensive and were sony exclusive, i can see clearly that many of the games developed until the 90s were more think for shadow mask than the latter