New sonkun crt guest advanced hd presets thread

Here’s a thread about crt shaders on the steam deck which might be helpful


Yup that’s the post.

is the res of the preset 1920 x 240?

For which preset are you referring to?

I can’t download the new version release for some reason.

What exactly happens when you try? I just went to download it right now to my phone and it downloaded with no issues.

I have to use another browser. Everything is A-ok, Sonkun. I love these new presets though.

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Oh ok, nice that you managed to grab it. Thank you I’m actually tweaking settings again right now after I posted that royale preset earlier today in this thread. Playing around with the LUT setting and other settings as I liked what it produced for me in that preset.

Roger that. Also, how is it that you were able to do RF and S-Video despite the NTSC input for guest came with Composite and RGB?

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for all 1080p to have the scaling of windowscast right with the shader

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For the rf presets I just used the guest ntsc shader where there’s a setting there to give you the rf look. For S-video since it’s not too much different from rgb I just used the same settings from rgb but added in the sgenpt-mix multpass shader to blend checkerboard dithering and some lite vertical line dithering.

Ah I’ve never used windowcast before but it should be 1920 x 1080.

Gotcha, you do such a good job at these presets. I’m trying to figure out how to do RF to RGB in reshade using Devilsingh NTSC-Guest. I’m having a hard time with it, smh.

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Thank you I appreciate, I just put my own little spin to it, I chose to make both composite and rf not too blurry looking, also I should be uploading a new update tonight, tweaked a couple of settings once again.

Yeah Reshade is another project I want to expand my presets to eventually, there’sa learning curve to it though. There’s a few members around here that could possibly help you get things going on Reshade.

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New Version Release (10-18-2023)

Changes Made

  • Uses guest.r’s latest shader update version (2023-10-28-r2)

  • Switched the LUT setting in the grade shader settings, gives the overall image more accurate ntsc looking colors.

  • Adjusted saturation and contrast settings to go along with the LUT setting switch.

  • Defaulted the ntsc chroma bleeding setting in all rf presets (Going for a sh*tty rf look).

Basically we’re going from this:

Previous preset settings:

To this:

Grab the link in the first post.


Hi sonkun

Just stopping by again to say thank you for your shaders. I just went public with a youtube channel where I am showcasing various arcade artwork overlays along with megabezel and crt shaders. As of now my focus is on vertical overlays.

I’ve been using your shaders for a good 2 years or so. All 120 videos I have posted are using a variation of your shaders. I say variation only because I add a glass effect from duimo. I will be switching over to your newer shaders soon . But I didint want to do it until I finished this 120 wave of videos.

You are credited in each video for your shaders with a link to this thread. Please have a look at the channel a bit. There is a gallery for “shorts” and a playlist if you just want to let the vids cycle. They are less than 60 seconds each. On mobile, 2160p is available through the youtube app. Or directly on youtube on PC

Shorts gallery view:

Playlist and shuffle:


Wow this is freaking amazing, that set up you have there is perfect. Scrolling through the shorts literally feels like I’m walking up to a arcade machine seeing the attract mode play making me decide on which game I want to put my quarters into just like the old days in the mid 90’s.

Man I wish I knew about you doing these before you started, I would have suggested for you to do them with my current pack. I just switched to a more accurate looking LUT setting, the one I was using before got the job done but now with this recent switch colors look the way they’re suppose to. A perfect example is xvsf at the character select screen, in my previous pack the boxes where you see the character face portraits as you choose your character are blue, after I switched the LUT they’re now purple which is how it should look. That’s just one example, I imagine pretty much all games using my old pack had colors shifted somewhere on some object etc. but now everything looks the way it should.

I appreciate this and I will be taking a look at every last video. Once again I thank you for the link and also thank you for using my presets, they’ve come a long way and they’re still being tweaked as we go along. I got my eye on doing crt royale preset packs next in the same style as guest but haven’t decided fully how to approach things yet, still just looking over things and seeing how things play out for now. You can check out my attempt at it here.

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Thank you sonkun for checking out the channel. I installed your new shader but I need to re-read how to get it working with megabezel. All of my megabezel resizing options are missing. However, I was really liking the look of it so far. I prefer slot mask personally.

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No problem. I see you added even more videos as well.

I’m assuming you were using a really old version of my presets? I’m not even sure how you got my presets up and running with megabezel. As far as I know current megabezel doesn’t use the new Dogway grade shader which my presets incorporate, I’m actually waiting on Hyperspace to get that implemented into mega Bezel so that I can eventually have my presets make its return over there.

Thank you. Yeah I think things look a bit different this time around, glad you’re liking them and Slot Mask is one of my favorites as well.

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Hello Sonkun. On my monitor (27 inches on an arcade cabinet) your shaders seem very bright… what parameters should I change to make the image darker? Thank you!

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Try lowering the “Post Brightness” setting (it’s the very last setting at the bottom) and see what that does for you and no problem. I put these presets together on a 65 inch 4k TV so I suppose that’s why things look different for you.