New sonkun crt guest advanced hd presets thread

That Streets of Rage 2 image looks incredible. I’ll try these out tonight!

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Thank you. I’m unsure what I should do with these or if I should keep this look that’s why I’m gauging interest, you guys will determine the fate of these lol. I do like the fact that the image is no longer blurry yet waterfalls etc still gets blended properly.

I’m getting an error every time I try to load the 1080p one (haven’t tried the others) “failed to apply shader preset”. All of the other ones work fine though. Any idea what I’d doing wrong? I’ve tried putting the slangp file in a bunch of different folders, too. This is on an Nvidia Shield.

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It has to go into just the “shaders” folder, wherever you have that located on your Shield. Don’t put them in the “shaders_slang” or “shaders_glsl” folder. Also be sure you have guest.r’s latest shader update as well as my new presets go directly with his latest update.

Oh, so exactly what you typed then! Haha. Yeah I mistakingly put it in the slang folder. Thanks! Gonna try it out now.

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Tried out the sharp 1080p preset on a couple of games. I prefer the look of the original composite preset. I noticed halo effects while playing Super Mario World which were a bit distracting to me. I didn’t notice them while playing Streets of Rage 2, but I have far less experience with that game.

This is my first time using the new shaders since your last update though, which I am enjoying immensely. I don’t mind a bit of blurriness to my image, so I’m probably not the best person to test this experimental shader out!

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Oh wow really? I don’t know if it’s because I’m sitting a bit far away but I didn’t notice the halos.

Thank you I appreciate it.

Lol understandable and you’re the perfect person to test this out, your feedback helped a lot just now. Depending on how things go maybe I can keep both looks and just split them naming one “smooth” and one “sharp”.

Here are some pics I took off my tv. I mostly notice the halos around text. Depends on the background, too. Yoshi’s Island 1 isn’t as noticeable, but 2 is for me:

Regular composite:

Sharpened composite:


Ok I see it now. I gotta see if I can tweak it keeping the image sharp but getting rid of that halo around the texts.


I’m currently playing with deblur options for the sharpen shader, included with the ntsc preset. It can do a very nice job without any ringing artifacts.


That timing is impeccable lol. Ok I’ll wait on tweaking until you release your next update then.


Ok so here’s round 2 of me sharpening my composite presets this time using guest.r’s latest shader update with the new “deblur” setting:

I made two different types this time around, one “sharp” and one “sharper”. I liked them both for different reasons so I included them to see what you guys think. Pics taken were from the “sharp” preset.

Try them out here:

Place presets directly in your “shaders” folder not “shaders_slang”.

@guest.r the first thing I noticed and liked right away about the deblur setting was that it brings back small pixel details in the background that gets smothered into the image because of the ntsc blurring, it’s like that setting reverses the blurring but still allows for proper dithering to be obtained, that’s amazing. Once again you’re displaying black magic on us mere mortals lol.


Round 3 of me sharpening my composite presets using the latest guest.r updated with the new deblur setting:

Try out the pack here and place presets in your “shaders” folder.

@guest.r upon further testing I notice using too much of the deblur, at least with the combination of sharp settings that I’m using, actually displays weird artifacts. It’s true that it also brings out background pixels that has been blended away by the ntsc bluriness but it also seems to add in artifacts that shouldn’t be there. Here’s some examples:

Raw image:

My sharp preset from the previous sample pack:

My latest sharp composite preset in my current pack from this post:

As a bonus my RGB preset from my current preset pack:

Notice in my previous sharp preset pic the creases in the mountains in the background, they seem to be displaying these extra dark “lines” that aren’t there in any of the other images even the raw image. Should I assume that the deblur setting should only be used very little to keep the pixels from changing?

On the plus side at least deblur reduces a good portion of ringing when turning the “fsharpen - sharpen contrast/ringing” setting all the way up.


Yeah, in my new version i’m fixing some issues, namely how sharpen affects deblur and some color artifacting. Should work much better.


Ah ok. I’ll be on the look out for your next update then.

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I can’t wait. Thanks, you guys.


Try out the pack above with guest.r’s latest shader update (2023-11-23-r1), it still looks good. I might tweak things a bit and put out a 4th sample pack later though.


Here we go with round 4 of sharpening my composite presets using the latest @guest.r shader update version (2023-11-23-r1). Did I finally hit the sweet spot this time around? Let’s take a look:

Download sample pack here:

Place presets directly into your “shaders” folder.

I included both a “sharp” and “sharper” versions. Depending on how things go one of those two may end up going into my next preset pack. I played around with many combinations of the ntsc sharp settings and these seem to be the settings to use together especially to reduce ringing while maintaining a sharp image. You guys be the judge though.


after acquiring my 4k tv i gotta tell you something, mask and composite doesn’t look the same with 4k and 1080p, 4k has the entire phosphors illustrated in a real size, while in 1080p they just look like bright dots and this is for all crt filters, even the way to acquire a composite image can be quite different between them even composite looking more defined over at 4k than with 1080p


I know exactly what you mean, the first time I went from 1080p to 4k I was amazed at the difference. That’s exactly why I made the 3 different resolution type presets. For some reason though I still find myself using the 1080p presets the most over 4k, I even tried my best to tweak my 4k presets to “mirror” the 1080p ones image wise. The “crt mask zoom” setting is a blessing to scale down masks in the guest shader, at default masks look too chunky to me in 4k.