New sonkun crt guest advanced hd presets thread

Best word I can say is that it’s “interesting” lol. I’ve gone even deeper down the rabbit hole in grade, I even tried out the 240p test suite (Playstation version) for the first time to help fix some colors up. I planned to put up another sample pack last night but then I kept tweaking. I seem to be done with it now at the moment though. All that’s left is to label it, zip it up and upload it so you guys can try it out.


I’m going in a new direction once again. Not sure if I should lower brightness a bit or just leave it as it is. I also kind of want to tweak the “green” a bit on Hulk. I’ll let you guys see it all for yourself soon.


No this is with the latest version you put out before the samples.

With screen shaking: maybe the game is changing resolution and the resolution change effect “shakes the screen”. It can be disabled trough parameters.


It’s definitely the interlacing taking place. Tried the game Tapper yesterday It’s a 480i arcade game. I went ahead and switched from interlace mode 3 to mode 4 for my upcoming sample pack so he won’t experience that shaking on the next release.


I have a short video that shows it. Can’t post videos here right?

Alright here’s round 5 of my shader tweaking lab experiments on the quest for a new look. First thing I did was disable the “clip saturated color beams” setting in guest, I notice in grade there’s a setting similar to it called “gamut compression”. It’s not as strong as guest’s setting but it gets the job done. Next thing I did was lower both the “dark” and “bright” “bright boost pixels” settings, all of those were causing colors to look washed out. From there I went back into the grade tint settings and starting tweaking and here’s where we are:

Try out the pack here:

Like the last pack copy the presets of choice and paste them directly into the shaders folder not shaders slang. Be sure to update your slang shaders within RetroArch before using this pack if you don’t already have guest.r’s latest shader pack.

@johnny5126 try this pack out and see if you still get the shaking.

@Hari-82 What you think of those Sonic “blues” lol.

I’m sure I’ll continue doing some more tweaking but I think I like this new direction I’m going in.


Thank you, Sonkun. Will try these out.


surely bluer than before :nerd_face:

…maybe now is a little oversaturated?

also the checkered background is going towards red a little much?

greens seems fine tho!

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Your comment from that time kind of caused this shift so thank you lol. No point in saying I’m going for a new look if I’m not willing to switch a few settings up.

Yeah that… I went a little overboard there lol. I’m going out of my way to make sure my new pack doesn’t look like my current pack which now looking at it looks really washed out to me. To tell the truth I like the saturated look but it definitely wouldn’t hurt to lower it some to at least get those bricks brown again.

I already planned on playing with saturation more after releasing this I just wanted to put this out to take you guys on this journey with me until I get to a point where I’m ready to put together a full release, it’s like shader blogging if that makes sense lol. I feel like I’m getting closer to something I like though.

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And how do you look and how do you evaluate a bunch of shaders in this case: scalefx + crt-guest-advanced-hd + gdapt.slangp. Is this combination good or something unnecessary in your opinion?

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And if it’s not difficult, can you provide a link where to download these overlays?

What exactly would be the purpose of gdapt in the mix?

@Hari-82 I did a quick tweak, just played with two tint settings in grade both “red-green tint” I raised more towards the green and the one under it “red-blue tint” I raised very little toward the blue side.

I didn’t fully test it more I literally just threw that together right now but it seemed to have fixed the redness without me even have to touch the saturation setting even though it’s still kind of reddish, I’ll do more testing soon. Wish I did this before releasing the pack.


I’ll quote a few paragraphs from the setup guide ^


You’ve probably noticed that when playing on a Sega emulator, you have stripes or a lot of pixels in some places (for example, the waterfall in Sonic the Hedgehog, the shadows in Comix Zone, the desert in Disney’s Aladdin, the landscapes in Tiny Toon Adventures: Buster’s Hidden Treasure, the lanterns in Streets of Rage 2, a mirror in Donald Duck in Maui Mallard and many others). As we can see, in some places the graphics have become smoother. Maybe someone, on the contrary, likes how the game looks initially. In any case, this is a matter of taste, and the main thing for me is to tell you that such a feature exists)

In this case, a bunch of: xBRZ Freescale Multipass + gdapt

So I thought it might make sense to use an adapt shader for anti-aliasing as well. But I don’t pretend to be some kind of expert, I just want to find out.


Got it, I see what you’re going for. I guess that combination can get you the results you want so I say go with that. It’s been a whole since I used both gdapt and scalefx. I know scalefx blends nice with the guest hd shader.


I’ll try it, thanks for your time :slight_smile: And please tell me where to download Bezel project overlay?

@sonkun looking better!

A small suggestion (from when I was doing more photo’s post processing ): when playing around with colors (also goes for brightness and contrast) try to do it in “short burst” then go back to it after a while.

If you stay too much time on it your eyes can get “tricked” and it became easy to lose “balance”.


Yeah I’ve come to learn about that after being in the lab for literally hours sometimes lol. Sometimes it’s best to rest then come back to it with fresh eyes for the exact reasons you said.

Hopefully that quick tweak I did is good enough to test on other games, I’ll use that to upload a “hotfix” soon with it if I can.



Hello :slight_smile:

Today I tried the Mame arcade game emulator (downloaded various kernels) and ended up using the following shader: MBZ__0__SMOOTH-ADV It has as many as 58 layers, wow shader :slight_smile: I read on Reddit that the separate Mame emulator is supposedly better than the one built into RetroArch. And I also read that I recommend such a shader as : crt-geom-deluxe Have you tried comparing emulators yourself? What is better, Mame separately or in Mame in RetroArch?

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Actually I haven’t so I couldn’t tell you the differences. I just periodically update my mame core through RetroArch every few months and then re-download whichever romset goes for that version of the core. Been working good for me so far.


I understand you :slight_smile: By the way, I recently discovered Mega Bezel shaders for Sega CD, they look good, but for Genesis games I still use a different combination. And by the way, in my RetroArch for Snes games, Mega Bezel shaders do not fit, the proniamma freezes, and as I understand it, these shaders are not compatible with Snes? I play on Vulcan rendering. What devices do you use for Snes? I read that people use Doimon for the background, and Cyberlab as shaders. I wonder how to do it right :slight_smile: