Orange Pi SOC LAKKA Images

Ok guys this is it, After hours of work kivutar and me manage to overcome any obstacles concerning orange pi boards and other Allwinner H3 ones. I was asked to release the images here for public consuming so we get some feedback from you guys, so here it is. I hope our work find you pleased from the outcome and of course feel free to post here any bug reports with logs please or else it didn’t happened! [B] Lakka OPi Download link: Enjoy! P.S

  • Make sure you burn image with Etcher anything else is not supported and bug reports not accepted.
  • Xbox one driver is not supported yet but will come very soon -> done [/B]

This is mine for future usage :slight_smile:

What issues are you having with glupen? It works well on the Raspberry Pi

Just tested provided image with snes & nes roms. The gameplay is litte choppy, not really playable. Sound is distorted to really annoying level.

After that I test todays NIGHTLY with Beelink X2 box, result is much better. At least SNES emulation is almost perfect, some choppines here and there but totally playable. Builtin wifi is working too. On-screen keyboard isn’t working.

Thank you guys for your hard work!

@loganmc10 Doesnt play nice with mali gpu :slight_smile:

Edit 23/11/16 @loganmc10 Great work man all issues are fixed and Glupen64 becomes default n64 emu on H3 Kudos.

Hi! I try Lakka-H3.opipcplus.arm-devel-20161128115237-r21681-gb8cc538 but it not run on OPi PC Plus with error on boot:

can’t access tty; job control turned off

I rewrite image to SD twice, but give some error…

Just now try Lakka-H3.opipcplus.arm-devel-20161119181728-r21658-g7bb49f9.img it start normal, without errors.

With allwinner now being supported, does this mean Pine64 is close?

I tried the latest nightly build (28 Nov) on a Orange Pi Lite, speeds are pretty great , but I don’t think GPU acceleration is working , atleast not in quake 1, can’t get more than 320x240 without it dropping frames, 640x480 is almost playable, but anything above that isn’t.

Other that that it’s great so far , good job :slight_smile:

On a Beelink X2 I booted armbian from microSD and then I dd Lakka-H3.bx2.arm-devel-20161128115707-r21681-gb8cc538.img to the Beelink X2 onboard eMMC 8GB storage.

sudo dd if=Lakka-H3.bx2.arm-devel-20161128115707-r21681-gb8cc538.img of=/dev/mmcblk1

Lakka boots fine from the Beelink X2 onboard eMMC 8GB storage when there is no microSD present. If an empty SDFormatter FAT32 formatted microSD card (16GB) is present, Lakka won’t boot, Lakka logo shows in middle of the screen, the error “sh: can’t access tty; job control turned off” and a # prompt is shown!

When a microSD is present the microSD is /dev/mmcblk0 and the onboard eMMC is /dev/mmcblk1, when there is no microSD present the onboard eMMC is /dev/mmcblk0.

Would be nice to have Lakka on the onboard eMMC storage and a microSD with only roms. How can this be resolved?


Problem solved with instructions from and

I powered on the Beelink X2 without a microSD present to boot Lakka from the onboard eMMC. Lakka > Settings > Lakka Services > SSH > SSH Enable > ON.

Did the following over SSH:

mount -o remount,rw /flash ; 
cp /flash/script.bin /flash/script.bin.sdc_detmode3 ; 
bin2fex /flash/script.bin /flash/script.fex ; 
sed -i '/\[mmc0_para\]/,/^\[/ s/sdc_detmode = 3/sdc_detmode = 1/g' /flash/script.fex ; 
fex2bin /flash/script.fex /flash/script.bin.sdc_detmode1 ; 
cp /flash/script.bin.sdc_detmode1 /flash/script.bin ; 
mount -o remount,ro /flash ; 
poweroff ; 

I powered on the Beelink X2 with a microSD present and Lakka boots fine from the onboard eMMC. The microSD with only roms is available in Lakka :slight_smile:

But is it permanently fixed or will it be overwritten by a future update?


  • Update test 1 failed :frowning: Not sure what happened, but Lakka broke during the update procedure. Lakka would not boot with or without a microSD present. Lakka logo showed in the middle of the screen, the error “sh: can’t access tty; job control turned off” and a # prompt was shown!

  • Update test 2 and 3 was a success :slight_smile: Running Lakka from the onboard eMMC flashed with Lakka-H3.bx2.arm-devel-20161128115707-r21681-gb8cc538.img, with a modified /flash/script.bin to allow boot from onboard eMMC with a micrSD present and there is a MicroSD present with roms. Lakka > Main menu > Online Updater > Update Lakka > Lakka-H3.bx2.arm-devel-20161209140640-r21701-gfa407b3.tar > 100% downloaded > Back > Back > Reboot > MicroSD is present > Lakka updates and reboots > Lakka boots normal.

The modified /flash/script.bin file was not replaced and Lakka updated successfully :slight_smile:

Running Lakka-H3.opipc.arm-devel-20161209133946-r21701-gfa407b3.img on an Orange Pi PC.

Can’t get .config/ to work!

I have enabled it with “systemctl enable retroarch-autostart.service” and checked its status with “systemctl status retroarch-autostart.service”, it is enabled and stays enabled after rebooting.

Lakka:~ # systemctl status retroarch-autostart.service
● retroarch-autostart.service - RetroArch user autostart script
   Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/retroarch-autostart.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
   Active: active (exited) since Thu 1970-01-01 01:59:14 UTC; 46 years 11 months ago
  Process: 476 ExecStart=/bin/sh -c . /etc/profile; exec /bin/sh /storage/.config/ (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
 Main PID: 476 (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
   CGroup: /system.slice/retroarch-autostart.service

Warning: Journal has been rotated since unit was started. Log output is incomplete or unavailable.

Trying to set timezone via “.config/” according to, but the timezone do not change using this method. The “regular way” to change timezone works fine.

echo "TIMEZONE=Europe/Oslo" > /storage/.cache/timezone

Trying to change the Orange Pi green and red LED indicators via “.config/”, but it do not work!

echo none >/sys/class/leds/red_led/trigger
echo mmc0 >/sys/class/leds/red_led/trigger
echo 1 >/sys/class/leds/green_led/brightness

Interesting reports, would advice to wait until the switch to libreelec branch as we might try to use a new uboot so all reported issues will be fixed hopefully, as for the led indicators change are simply not high priority right now or ever, for the simple reason most people don’t care if led its green or red as long as board is functional as a retro console

Thank you providing images for the Orange Pi :slight_smile:

It works great for me with my Orange Pi PC. I have one question though to do with adjusting the colour range. Default is limited RGB for the HDMI output. With the Raspberry Pi image I can edit config.txt and set hdmi_pixel_encoding =2. But with the Orange Pi image no such file exist on the first partition. And putting it there also has no effect.

Any ideas as to how I can set the HDMI output to Full RGB with Orange Pi?

Thank you!

Running Lakka-H3.opipc.arm-devel-20161209133946-r21701-gfa407b3.img on my Orange Pi PC. It work,but have a problem.

Lakka > Settings > Lakka Services > SSH > SSH Enable > ON I turn on ssh,but putty can’t connect to it. show error message like this: " Network error:conection refused" but I can copy files to ROMS by windows explorer. and my Raspberry Pi work well no this problem.So I think may be Orange pi SSH have some errors.

Running Lakka-H3.opipc.arm-devel-20161209133946-r21701-gfa407b3.img on my Orange Pi PC. It work,but have a problem.

Lakka > Settings > Lakka Services > SSH > SSH Enable > ON I turn on ssh,but putty can’t connect to it. show error message like this: " Network error:conection refused" but I can copy files to ROMS by windows explorer. and my Raspberry Pi work well no this problem.So I think may be Orange pi SSH have some errors.

@PhilsComputerLab you cannot treat opipc as a rapi it works differently anyway i don’t think you can change color range on the opipc. @hobinleon ssh works just fine here so it must be your setup.

@Demetris,I format TF card and write twice ,and SSH work ,thank. my lakka run on orange pi,video has little problem,would you give me some suggest?

Get analog output to analog input and your issues should be solved so use the 3.5mm audio/video output Regards

I got an OPiPC for christmas. It worked well, except the mode was 720p on my 1080p TV (no idea why).

I think we should add uEnv.txt support and then release these images officially.

Anybody wants to help us with adding uEnv.txt support? That’s to let users customize the cmdline

I need help, I installed lakka in a sd using etcher, it got an unpartitioned space, now I can not put the roms, I tried to partition the empty space in ubuntu and put there in orange pi lite again, but stopped How can I use this empty space in lakka?

I did not find it here> because?