P3st´s Overlays for Mega Bezel Shader (Arcade,TV´s ,and more)

[WARN] [Shaders]: Could not read shader preset in #reference line: "E:\LaunchBoxX\Emulators\RetroArch\shaders\Mega_Bezel_Packs\P3sT\presets\base\TV.slangp".
[WARN] [Shaders]: Could not read root preset: "E:\LaunchBoxX\Emulators\RetroArch\shaders\Mega_Bezel_Community\P3sT\presets\TV\Custom_TV.slangp".
[ERROR] [Vulkan]: Failed to create preset: "E:\LaunchBoxX\Emulators\RetroArch\shaders\Mega_Bezel_Community\P3sT\presets\TV\Custom_TV.slangp".
[ERROR] [Vulkan]: Failed to create filter chain: "E:\LaunchBoxX\Emulators\RetroArch\shaders\Mega_Bezel_Community\P3sT\presets\TV\Custom_TV.slangp". Falling back to stock.
[ERROR] [Config]: Failed saving config to "E:\LaunchBoxX\Emulators\RetroArch\retroarch.cfg".
[INFO] [Config]: Loading config: "E:\LaunchBoxX\Emulators\RetroArch\retroarch.cfg".
[INFO] [Overrides]: Configuration overrides unloaded, original configuration restored.
[INFO] [Core]: Content ran for a total of: 00 hours, 00 minutes, 02 seconds.
[INFO] [Runtime]: Saving runtime log file: "E:\LaunchBoxX\Emulators\RetroArch\playlists\logs\Stella\Battlezone (USA).lrtl".
[INFO] [Core]: Unloading game..
[INFO] [Core]: Unloading core..
[INFO] [Core]: Unloading core symbols..
[INFO] [Core]: Saved core options file to "E:\LaunchBoxX\Emulators\RetroArch\config\Stella\Stella.opt".
[INFO] [Video]: Does not have enough samples for monitor refresh rate estimation. Requires to run for at least 4096 frames.



It looks like it can’t find a base reference.

To make things easier on @p3st , can you edit your post, select the log text, and press the “Preformatted text” icon </>?

It will make reading the log easier.

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It does look better…:smiley:


it should just work fine , but i see that you are not using a standard path ? just a question did you download the mbz shader itself to the same location ?

oh besides dont load the shader from the base folder :smiley: just saw this …

these are just for confiig and the other shaders and will not work on its own

try as example one of the TV-… folders :slight_smile:

I downloaded the pack and put it in the shaders folder same as the others so I thought it would work, I’m take another look at where I’m trying to load it from, to be honest there was a few links I got confused with to download I think it was updates etc I have Duimon pack and that works fine…

both links are compatible but like i said dont load the presets from the base folder :smiley: this could be already it

This sounds a bit ambiguous, like you are saying don’t put the shaders in the root shaders folder.

@Big_al to be clear, you have them in the right folder, it’s just that some presets are not meant to be loaded. (The ones in the “base” folder.)

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aww sry you are right …

i also should rename the folder in the next update it seems a bit confusing after all :sweat_smile:


That’s where there stored.

\RetroArch\shaders\Mega_Bezel_Packs\P3sT\ it used to be like this ^^

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Authors treat relative paths differently. My pack works with this (or any) folder name. @p3st requires the “Mega_Bezel_Packs” folder name.

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Weird, mine technically is that , just says community :joy:. So what folder are the presets in ,as it’s showing them all there, I’ll have to have another look :grin:

you can load the presets from all other folders only the rpesets under base are not going to work on its own :slight_smile: so just ignore the base folder

Technically. “Community” does not equal “Pack”. :joy:

This is a reference line from one of the base presets.

#reference "../../../../Mega_Bezel_Packs/P3sT/presets/base/Vector.slangp"

If it were…

#reference "../../../../../P3sT/presets/base/Vector.slangp"

…the folder name would not matter.


:joy::joy: I must have got “community” from somewhere lol.

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i have them all in /Mega_Bezel_Packs/ so my gameboy edits will also only work if duimons pack is also under /Mega_Bezel_Packs/ :sweat_smile:

That was the recommended folder name until about a year ago, we (The Mega Bezel Team) changed it to “Pack”.

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I’ll change it to be the same… I’ve always used overlays with shaders, these " built in ones" are much better, I think the ones you did are great, I’m a bit behind but I’ll get there :grin:

give the tv-auto a try ^^ it does many things on its own

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