P3st´s Overlays for Mega Bezel Shader (Arcade,TV´s ,and more)

Ok I’ll change it, and try again, sorry to be a pain :joy:

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sry to be just awake ,most of the help was duimon ^^

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I agree, although I do release standard overlay versions of all my graphics, for hardware that can’t run the Mega Bezel.

Maybe we can talk @p3st into doing the same.

Happy to be of service. (As long as you don’t mind.)

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:thinking:wouldn´t be much work basicallaly just take screenshots and add the cutout

And the built-in masking does all the hard work for you.

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Haha yes a standard to keep to :joy:, honestly though I’ll give it a go and get back to you, thanks guys…:+1:


I’ve worked with gimp program doing that, stick a cfg file and your good to go :rofl:

the shader alone does the job ^^ its nice how many options this has

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The Mega Bezel has a “Simplified Preset” section that can display a black and white mask on the screen.

We can use this in an image editor to cut the perfect hole.

@HyperspaceMadness has always kept the needs of the artist in his heart. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


It works after the folder name change, , @Duimon did I read in your read me your doing new ones “boilerplate” ? thanks again :joy::joy:

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They are my new presets. If you have any old copies to compare… the new ones are on a different level.

I am glad you got things sorted out. :grinning:

But wait. Am I using your old ones ?, I couldn’t use P3’s shaders, as the “mask” screen area was flickering made my eyes go funny, they nice ones and probably working as they should , with your read me saying about boilerplate I guess it’s the old ones, also I like the " Game Gear " and “lynx” shaders although there quite strong so to speak Are the new ones available .?.


Old or new, in practice they produce the same result. You will only see the difference if you open the *.slangp in a text editor.

If you have a “Guides” folder then you are using the new ones. Give the introduction guide a read to see what is new.

In any case, stop by my thread if you have more questions. I hate to muddy things up here.


I know what you mean, I’ll take a look about the version, there are so many to try out I don’t know which one to stick with for each system :joy::joy:


you can disable the slight flickering if you set the Hum Bar intensity to zero ^^

@Duimon his handheld presets/overlays are non plus ultra use them myself :smiley:


I’ll try to disable them, I checked out some of the arcade and console ones, and prefer scanlines but unfortunately the GB/GBC and a few others " failed to apply" but not had chance to look why as yet. Duimon’s work really well but wanted to see the difference’s.

new overlay i working on for the tilted variation , the “frame” and its reflection in the controlpanel can be recolored


all 3 zoom variatons with this overlay


some further experiment with “fake” cab reflections on the speaker and control panel via the reflectionmask

here is a bit of parodius with it …

:thinking: it looks way better than i thought


improved the reflection mask a bit now i going to setup everything to load the art/rotation etc. via wildcards