Been playing around with Koko-aio’s tv-PAL-my-old and I think it’s my favourite shader so far. Really reminds me of the TV I grew up with. I’m posting some before and afters as well.
I liked it. Is this still royale? I’ve never managed to get it as that.
Yes. As crazy as it can be, I just cleaned up the slotmask available inside Royale and tweaked some parameters and got it. I’ll put it as a new mask option inside crt-royale-fast eventually. I still need to tone down green subpixel, though. But the results are really good, IMO.
You just keep delivering, my man. When it’s done, it will be the first time I’ll pay royale the proper attention.
I managed on these settings, colours, brightness and gamma look similar to my CRT. I’m using mask 6.
That Psycho Fox shot is clean. I appreciate it more after seeing the new possibilities you can pull off with guest.r’s new settings.
Thanks, I can’t download last Guest settings yet on android. I’m working from there. I’ll wait to the official Retroarch’s repository.
You’re welcome and it’s all good. Man everyone has been killing it lately with their presets, it’s like I’m watching everyone’s style evolve in real time and it’s amazing. Best part about it is each of us have our own type of style so that gives plenty of variety to choose from.
Here is a video gameplay of my settings. Although the shaders are in 1080p, you can watch the video on 4K so you have better quality image possible. Youtube compresses the video.
I recommend you to watch it on a mobile device, it looks stunning and you can zoom in …
There are different videogames in the video so you can make an Idea how it looks.
This is how it looks in reality on my lcd Screen.
Tomorrow I will update my new 1080p settings, soon as I come from work. Stay tuned.
You should be able to if you change your Shaders Directory to a user accessible location.
After that, save your configuration then run the Online Updater and you’ll have access to all the latest shaders.
Use this guide here that I put together. With that you’ll never have to wait again. You’ll gain access to the shader folders and be able to manually update guest.r shaders etc just like pc users.
There’s already my settings to download on my section. Here are some pics of the last update. Also included last Guest’s update. Here are some examples…
crt-royale BGR mask
360 / 450 / 600 / 900TVL
What is the name of that game? I remember playing it in my childhood.