Please show off what crt shaders can do!

Won’t these settings cancel one another out? Why not maybe try Mask 10, CRT Mask Size 1, Mask Zoom - 0, Slot Mask Width - Auto and set the Slot Mask Height based on how it looks when you go close to the screen?

Also, let’s say they don’t cancel one another out, how do the triads look? Are they still RGB and properly aligned with the subpixels of the display?


I posted 2 shots here. Looks pretty good to me. I don’t think I tried that combination you posted yet, I’ll try it out later when I get home. For now I like how the colors look with the combination I posted.

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When I asked how do the triads look, I meant how do they look when you go close to the screen? Screenshots don’t always look the same as what you see on the screen at the subpixel level. That all depends on if the mask layout output by the shader aligns properly with the subpixels of the display.


Ah got you. From what I remember the triads looked pretty good. Then again with the way I use all those brightness/glow/bloom settings it kind of “gels” everything into one another.


Is mask zoom the equivalent of adding /substracting pixels per zoom unit, or is it some fraction of the number of pixels of the mask? I forgot how it was, possibly because there was change at some point. I’m not sure if even “mask size 2.0” is the equivalent of just doubling pixels. I think I was kinda baffled with some inconsistent results when experimenting with the mask shift/transform to shadow mask feature in this regard.


Mask size 2 is doubling the mask size, while mask zoom enlarges or shrinks the mask by one pixel.

With mask size 2 shadowmasks should look consistent, because the overall mask size is even.

Mask zoom 1 or -1 with mask size 2 makes the overall mask size odd (2n+1 or 2n-1), so the result is not consistent, because the shift is not centered regarding to the prior mask “line”.


Thanks, to clarify, what I meant by consistent is that the results didn’t match when you substitute zoom for mask size. I.e. I assumed a 4 pixel mask should look the same if mask size = 2 or zoom = 4

From your explanation, it still seems this is how it’s supposed to work, but I just tried this out with mask 10 while having transform to shadow mask parameter set to 1.0, the result is different between size and zoom variant. Am I missing something?


Mask zoom is not an equivalent procedure compared with mask size, it also comes with the mask sharpen feature.

For example mask 6 with zoom 3 and sharpened will look similar to mask 6, size 2. Without sharpen it will be “fuzzier”.

Here is a compare between these two procedures, as mentioned:

Sharpened mask zoom:


Using RGBX mask leads to a nice slotmask effect for 1080p.

Under the hood it is not like the real thing, but the global effect is really good and convincing in emulating a low TVL display imho:


I just been messing with mask 10, size 2, zoom -2, height 2, and looks really gorgeous. I was always using mask 12, but this one looks better, I’m going to stick with mask 10 from now on :smiley:


Yup, told you mask 10 at 4k hits different lol. Mask 12 would probably benefit something like a 8k resolution more, I think. For now I’ve completely stopped using mask 12 for 4k.

I discovered even more combinations you can try out for 4k:

mask 10, size 1, zoom 2. mask 10, size 1, zoom 3 (chunkier mask). mask 6, size 3, zoom -3 (or -2) and mask 6, size 4, zoom -4 (or -5). Each one gives different results so you’ll probably be playing around with them all like I have the past few days lol.


Mask 10 has a purple tint when too fine, most noticeable in grays. The ground sidewalk in your screenshot has this tint. I’m not sure if original CRT’s behaved this way or if is unique to CRT emulation.


Mask 10, size 2, zoom -2 is a safe setting. It’s not advisable though to do negative zoom with size 1, as there exist perfect total mask size 2 and 3 alternatives.


I’m still messing with mask 10, I really love it. Dynamite-Headdy-UE-c-240902-000223


I’m going to add two presets to the development version that leverages the new Mask helper function.

They will come with a wider/harder rgxb mask for not so big monitors/higher viewing distance and a softer one better suitable for bigger monitors:

By pure luck, I just noticed them to be totally moire free, go figure :slight_smile:




I’m waiting with open arms lol.


This time I’m being cautious and meticulous and I’m not trying to rush that much. This is a photo made to the PC screen. So far so good.


So far so good…:smiley:

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I’ve improved my settings before posting. I think it looks way better now. Gaming test was good for my eyes…