I know the standalone Megatron has some Slot Mask presets included. I’ve never really used any of the Potato presets that much though so I’m unfamiliar with their capabilities. Perhaps @DariusG or @HyperspaceMadness might be able to chime in or you can probably read up in the GDV-Mini thread.
Thank you for making these shaders they look impeccable and I really like what I’m seeing.
Sorry for being naive about this, I’ve downloaded the file in your original post, used the password, but it looks like the entire Retroarch folder was downloaded, not the shaders.
Can you please tell me how do I install this?
Thanks again and congrats on this!
At the moment I think Retro has only released one preset. I believe they included the full RetroArch folder because that is the version that their preset works with. Once you unzip and open up the shaders folder you will see the preset titled “RetroGames4K_Sanyo CE1AT08-C_Mega Drive”. As long as you have version 1.15 of RetroArch and Mega Bezel V1.12.0_2023-03-11 all you need to do is copy Retro’s one released preset to your already installed shaders folder.
Much appreciated thank you for guiding me, was a bit confused but this was really helpful : P
The pack is included with the version of retroarch that it was tested on, just in case it doesn’t work with other versions.
Nice work. Would be nice to also see some examples with finer beam focus. (I.e., more discernible scanline gaps)
Thanks, but just starting😅
What option is Finer beam focus? My Crt depending the game scanlines are thin, so I don’t know what you mean… Apart Dreamcast makes interlaced scanlines and is barely visible.
Pretty much all the options under “scanline options” will adjust the shape of the scanlines.
Higher TVL TVs and larger TVs had more pronounced gaps, but it’s also a result of beam focus and calibration.
Well My CRT is a 14" and is about a 300TVL I think, but I will try with scanline type GSL 1, I was in 0, and number 2 is too dark, I don’t like it. But I will post a screenshot with these 3 options too see how it looks… I’m trying with PS1.
Different scanline types will require different brightness mitigations because of how they’re calculated.
Well I’m only going to post different scanlines settings right now…
Scanline 0, This setting is like my CRT.
Scanline 2
Thanks. I think next post settings will be N64. Just need slightly tweaks and I will upload it.
Ah gotcha. Regardless this is impressive work thank you for sharing it : p
I think Type 1 or 2 is nice but with some different brightness mitigation. I like using bright boost over other methods because it preserves the mask. Post brightness can also help, and maybe saturation. I think scanline falloff also helps in some situations.
The thing is I don’t know how to use bright boost, it’s a bit confusing to me. Which is the correct method to use bright boost dark, and bright pixels? And which brights Which? Sorry for the ignorance, but I tried it before and never knew how to use it, but always is good to learn new things. Thanks
Bright boost dark boosts the brightness of dark pixels and bright boost bright boosts the brightness of bright pixels. Sometimes it’s necessary for one to be higher than the other depending on what other settings are being used, but you can raise them both to the same level to boost everything by the same amount.