Thanks. This is my preset, based on my Sanyo CRT that you can see at the top of this post. Soon I will post a N64 settings. I only made a setting for the Sega Mega Drive version, but also I’m going to update it as well, but last mega bezel update broke my settings, So I have to save a new setting. I will check the N64 and when I have it I will update new settings.
I’m in love <3 I can’t wait to get my hands on these presets
They look so beautiful
Thank you. Tonight if nothing happens, I will post N64 settings, they are ready. Also I will update Mega Drive too. Now looks better.
Big Announcement!!!
If nothing happens, tonight I will post N64 settings, I’ve finished it. Also Mega Drive settings will be updated too. Now it looks better. Stay tuned…
They look so crisp and nostalgic at the same time well done I love the colors
When I look at the white areas from about this post onwards they’re starting to look slightly red. Have you noticed this as well?
Well, I don’t know why that happens, I only have ntsc color activated and smpt-e activated. I don’t know, but I’m working on the arcade, not finished yet, gas another setting. Any Ideas what it could be?
Does that mean you’ve noticed this as well?
It could be due to this:
I think some of the Grade Colour settings were intended to be used on a professionally calibrated display in conjunction with Look Up Tables. Can’t remember exactly which of the settings are affected by this. I know the Colour Space setting is one of them. Not sure if the TV Standard is also affected by this requirement.
But what do your eyes tell you?
Any further suggestions @Nesguy?
Also, now that I’ve brightened up my phone screen a bit, the whites no longer have that slight reddish tint. Relatively though, I think there might be a slight red bias because when I noticed it, I looked at other screenshots using the same brightness level and didn’t see the same thing.
My apologies if I caused any unnecessary concern.
Without mentioning any technical issues, something that I don’t know and I don’t discuss because of my lack of knowledge, I can say that for my eyes it looks good:sweat_smile:. The only thing I can think of is that with arcade games used different gamma than home CRT’s, because with some mame games, color and gamma looks a bit off if I use the same gamma as home consoles, but maybe I’m wrong. I only use my bare eyes perception, nothing else.
Don’t worry, I’m always open to others opinion
Sorry I forgot to mention this before, sometimes I read too fast and didn’t read this… I didn’t saw what you mention, but I’m open if something is wrong, so I can correct it.
Looks great! Did you adjust any settings?
The only thing I don’t like is what happens to the mask at the edge of the box with Billy’s face. Perhaps this is something that we should get @guest.r and @HyperspaceMadness involved in because a mask is applied to the inside of the tube so if there is curvature in the tube, the mask should conform to this as well, shouldn’t it?
Maybe there can be a toggle to have the Mask follow the screen curvature?
I’m not losing sleep over this and definitely not trying to influence you or anyone else to alter their presets but I can’t unsee it and I find it slightly immersion breaking along with the distortion, warping and magnification when scrolling using curvature.