Show your current theme!

K, here we go for the remaining pictures.


i really like the icons of the systems

if someone wants to help me with the theme

Hi!, grat work. Can you share this theme

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Hi, take a look on my custom theme.!


Hi, there is a video of my custom theme with sound.

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sorry about the quality,the light wasnt great when i took the pics. The screen is actually white not blue btw, but I just couldnt catch it right. the pics shown here were individuals and done for a friend but as a new member here I am limited to a single pic so threw these together for this post. its not a theme, its a small selection of the many wallpapers I created as backgrounds utilising the gbz35 theme as a host/donor. I only finished adding the final images a few hours ago so that all my currently installed emulators now have appropriate backdrops along with the extras for almost every other I have seen in the lists but not actually used yet. gbz35 had a few missing that initially I couldnt find a way to add, but after looking at a few other themes configs I managed to come up with a bit of a kludge that worked fine and gave me the ability to add the missing items. I think I am down to around 8 I still need to add though. I need to add a big thank you to the creators of the pacman and gbz35 themes as without them I wouldnt have been able to get my machine how I wanted it. I dont know if anyone would ever want the images, but just in case, I am trying to complete the set, even though I know there are a few machines there with no interest to me. That and I already have half a dozen or so that do interest me but arent actually working for me yet. plenty of work ahead fixing issues I already have.

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Anyone use Krita to make themes? I didn’t make the background or the thumbnail. I added the custom thumbnail to a Metal Slug game. Would it be possible to make a live wallpaper with gif or webm? A Metal Slug theme could work nicely, I have thought of maybe using a few sprites from the games as Icons.

Any of the themes posted here have a a repo for them or another site that has them? I have a RPI4 as well but its a shame some of the live effects don’t work to well without slowing down the platform. Any good tutorials on making a theme to accommodate RPI4 running Lakka?

ENG: hello people, for some time I was working on these glass-based systems and as close to the texture of the XMB of the ps3, now that I have finished all the icons I make available to you, the themes include the Rodin fonts of the XMB of the ps3, and the Segoe UI Windows Aero, Thank you all!!!

BR:ola pessoas, a algum tempo estava trabalhando nesse stemas baseados em vidro e ao mais proximo da textura do XMB do ps3, agora que terminei todos os icones disponibilizo eles a voces, os temas acomapnham as fontes Rodin do XMB do ps3, e a Segoe UI do Windows Aero, Obrigado a todos!!!



I built a basic themed set of backgrounds for the 5 systems I’m using.


Um hey can u add ur own animated background?

Download the soundpack here since there doesn’t seem to be any audio in this video.

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This is the theme that I use.


Is there a link or site where these user base generated themes are available to download and/or share?

I use the Launchbox frontend with Retroarch, with the wonderful Colourful theme for Bigbox:

And I’m trying to make the BigBox -> RetroArch transition as seamless as possible (or to “integrate” RA into BigBox), so I made some custom wallpapers for each RA core based on Colourful:

I added a blur effect in order to improve readability.

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where can i download this theme?

This is my first theme, there is some things that aint good, like the font that doesnt show the “u” for some reason and the date not being inside its containter but overall i think it is actually kinda cool :slightly_smiling_face:


Made another theme (its actually really fun to make this not gonna lie). Spongebob based theme. Its a little better than the other one i made

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