The white subpixel isn’t screwing anything up. Where’s the evidence of that? That’s an assumption based on theory.
I think we’ve moved past that now. It could just be that we need to find a mask that fits the OLED Subpixel colour order because it doesn’t seem to work well with “standard” subpixel layouts i.e. what we’ve seen before in LCD panels which were either RGB or BGR. There are even LCD panels with White subpixels and other “new” non-standard layouts.
Look at these pictures here. Where do you see the white subpixel screwing anything up?
Here is the output of CRT-Guest-Advanced for comparison and reference purposes.
CRT-Guest-Advanced - Slot Mask - BGR Layout
CRT-Guest-Advanced - Aperture Grill - BGR Layout

CRT-Guest-Advanced - Aperture Grill - BGR Layout
This is what I would call progress.
Even if there were two masks that work well enough with OLED Subpixel Layout to produce even “phosphor” triads in Slot Mask and Aperture Grill Presets I would say that’s a step in the right direction.
Samsung’s QD-OLED implementation obviously didn’t consider this use case. Maybe it might make a good Shadow Mask someday but let’s focus on solving 10 year old WOLED first as it has proven and established itself in the market and there have been recent breakthroughs in suitable CRT Shader Preset development which address their particular design.
I’m merely trying to assist in expanding that and continuing this development. Pretty soon this might actually be behind us but don’t be distracted by this white subpixel. Nothing I’ve viewed on an OLED TV looks like those RTINGS subpixel macro pics. I’m not saying that they’re inaccurate, I’m just saying that LG’s algorithm does its thing silently and seamlessly and it does it well.
But this thread is about Sony Megatron Color Video Monitor and I have a feeling it’s going to get even more awesome pretty soon!
Couldn’t it be as simple as just using RRBBGGX or XRRBBGG for Slot Mask and BBGGRRX or XBBGGRR for Aperture Grill?
Can you possibly add those experimental Mask Layouts and some of us OLED users can test them and see if they work better than what is there now and report our findings?