Hello Friends,
I stumbled upon this thread as I was looking into retroarch and HDR.
I read this thread but I still have a question (which i believe was asked earlier but without answer)
I apologise in advance if I missed the information I am looking for.
I have a LG CX Oled TV and retroarch is running on a windows 10 pc with a RTX 3070 card.
Cable is hdmi 2.1 and I run my desktop at 4k 120hz color bitdepth being left to auto (if that is important)
The TV input is set to PC and picture to Game mode.
Automatic Tone Mapping is disabled.
I am confused about the HDR settings to use with this shader and the presets.
Basicaly what I do is that I turned HDR on into RA with max luninance at 600 Nits and PaperWhite at 200.
When I enter RA the screen switches to HDR indicating that it is working.
The strange thing is that when i apply any preset for the shader (for instance one of the PVMs) the image will appear washed out and if i move the max lum and Paper white settings in the shader menu it will not change much to the washed out aspect of the picture)
So I am wondering if I am maybe doing something wrong.
Could anyone please advise ?
I am also trying to understand if the shader’s HDR settings will override RA’s setting.
I would also like to know if HDR should be turned on in Windows directly.
And lastly if here is anything that should be noted for the use of the shader on an LG Oled screen.
Thank you