Virtual Boy Shader Ideas

Now that VB core is available in RA, we can play around with shaders. Any ideas on what current shaders would work best for it? Possibly ideas for original shaders?

I have used with it, and turned it to greyscale. It looks a lot than the default colors.

Ah, yeah, that horrific redness presents some unique challenges :stuck_out_tongue:

Harlequin’s gameboy shader works pretty well and converts the red to a much more tolerable green palette: If you can stomach the redness, dot-n-bloom and cgwg’s CRT both look pretty good, too. I would guess pretty much anything that looks good for regular Gameboy would look good here, though you might have to put the gamma shader as a first pass to keep from burning your eyes out.

That looks really good with the gameboy filter. Unfortunately I’m getting a blank screen with mine enabled here are my settings

What am I doing wrong?I tried setting the shader present file .glslp and I tried loading all 5 passes both same result

Do any other shaders work for you? If not, there’s a bug we’re trying to track down that kills shaders on some devices, unfortunately.

Either way, loading the glslp is the way to go in this case because the Gameboy shader requires some lookup textures (LUTs), which have to be stipulated in the preset file. It just occurred to me that I’ve never checked to make sure that the cg-to-glsl script copies over the LUTs like it should…

So I tried the scanlines .glslp and got the same result (blank screen) Galaxy S4 Snapdragon

Yeah, shaders are broken on my HTC One, which also uses the snapdragon chipset. Hopefully we’ll get the issue pinned down soon…

Alright sounds good, let me know if you need a tester but apparently you have a snapdragon to use.

[QUOTE=hunterk;5415]Ah, yeah, that horrific redness presents some unique challenges :stuck_out_tongue:

Harlequin’s gameboy shader works pretty well and converts the red to a much more tolerable green palette:

If you can stomach the redness, dot-n-bloom and cgwg’s CRT both look pretty good, too. I would guess pretty much anything that looks good for regular Gameboy would look good here, though you might have to put the gamma shader as a first pass to keep from burning your eyes out.[/QUOTE]

First off, yes this is a huge necropost but I can’t for the life of me get my screen to look like that good when using Harlequin’s gameboy shader to play Virtual Boy Wario Land. It’s to dark and I can barely see what’s going on. What do I have to do to get my screen to look like that?

Been trying to fool around with the shaders but I must be doing something wrong.

Thanks in advance!

OK so I have been trying to get my screen to look like that for the last two days without any success at all.

There is a mention of here but in the full package of RetroArch that I downloaded from the Windows x86-x64 nightly section non of the folders under shaders had one so I found this:

I have modified the gb-shader.cgp and made sure to use the as a first pass but no matter what it won’t work at all. I have even made sure that the palette looks like it does in the image posted here.

Please, can anyone help me with this? While lcd-cgwg looks good I can’t stand the redness.

I think lcd CGWG is better for that system. I use lcd-grid-v2 where you can change the RGB value of the red subpixels: R 1.0 G 1.0 B 1.0 will make it white as an example. But that’s if you’ve got an nvidia card as it’s just working on those.

If on ATI/Intel use lcd-grid (v1) with (it’s in shader/misc/) to do the same.

Thanks for your reply!

I have a ASUS R9 290 card so I guess I have to take the lcd-grid (v1) with route then. Obviously no matter what I do I can’t seem to get Harlequin’s gameboy shader to work at all, not satisfyingly though.

The image I posted is from a super-old version of harlequin’s shader that was more stylized (I have a backup of it here: His later version(s) look much more like a real gameboy, which may not be what you’re after here.

If you don’t like the red palette, the mednafen-vb core now has an option to change it to black-and-white.

[QUOTE=hunterk;29400] If you don’t like the red palette, the mednafen-vb core now has an option to change it to black-and-white.[/QUOTE]

Oh yes, that’s easier! :slight_smile:

Thanks for your reply hunterk!

I tried what Tatsuya79 recommended adding to to the lcd-cgwg.cpg but that didn’t work either as I don’t know how to properly change values in

I’m familiar with harlequin’s shader and it works perfectly on Gambatte. If I were to download your backup would it look like it do on the picture? Old or not I would be glad to see something else preferably a smooth image that doesn’t turn out to be red…

That should be like this for mangler-lcd. Drop it in your shader folder, or change the path.

The values : r, rg, rb will change the color.

It’s a bit blurry compared to lcd-v2, you can turn GRID_STRENGTH higher and perhaps add brightness… well, experiment.

I did it!

I used the files you supplied hunterk, but that grid in the old shader was awful so I removed it altogether. I modified gb_shader.cgp to only use in which I then modified to remove the grids.

Now I got a clean crisp image, and better yet I can change the palette to whatever I want so no more red ugliness!

Thanks guys!