Excellent! I didn’t spell it out for you in my previous reply because I really wanted you to take the time and read in order to get the most out of my preset pack.
Over time, I’ve been able to do quite a bit with these shaders, shader presets and video filters in my own setup and that’s basically what I’ve tried to document in the first post.
The presets which require corresponding video filters are all labelled “…for CyberLab (or Core) Blargg…Video filter…” so it’s supposed to be self explanatory and descriptive taking full advantage of long filenames.
There are also recommended shader presets and video filter combinations for the different cores bases on how I have mine setup. I’ll try to update that soon.
Yes, we’re definitely spoilt for choice when it comes to the venerable HSM Mega Bezel Reflection Shader powered by the amazingly versatile CRT-Guest-Advanced and more!
So feel free to ask more questions now that you have everything up and running!