Please show off what crt shaders can do!

Always liked your style, good stuff. Did you make use of contrast and black level in those pics?


Just a little comparison between screenshots I posted here 2 years ago as a CRT shader newb vs now.

2D games before (CRT-Geom default settings) :

Now (LUT, NTSC-Adaptive and CRT-Geom) :

3D games before (Old CRT-Guest) :

Now (My ReShade-VHS preset) :

(All images are from the standalone PCSX2 emulator with ReShade shaders.)


Thank you, I achieved this result without modifying contrast or black levels (gamma 2.2),I changed values for teexcoord,texel location for my gpu,clamping pi to 5 digits,tex2DblurNfast to tex2DblurNresize (11 precisely),put everything in gaussian,add missing dxdy_scale for bloom horizontal,add my own formula for “inline float get_min_sigma_to_blur_triad(const float triad_size, const float thresh)” and many others things.


No wonder why your name is Professor, that sounds like an experiment you cooked up in a lab lol. That concoction came out nice



You have to load full resolution, then open in new tab or window, zoom in or view fullscreen in order for these to look correct because of the mask and scanline settings.

CyberLab__NES__ADV.slangp + Core_Blargg_NTSC_S-Video_Filter

CyberLab__Ultimate_Virtual_Slot_Mask_IV_OLED_CRT-1P2RTA_for_CyberLab_or_Core_Blargg_Composite_or_S-Video_Filter.slangp + Core_Blargg_NTSC_S-Video_Filter

CyberLab__Ultimate_Virtual_Slot_Mask_IV_OLED_CRT-1P2RTA_for_CyberLab_or_Core_Blargg_Composite_or_S-Video_Filter.slangp + Blargg_NTSC_Turbo_Duo_SNES_PSX_RGB_CyberLab_Special_Edition.filt

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Quick update, so far I’m satisfied with how my presets came out but the one thing I’m trying to achieve is get a sharper image on my 8-16 bit presets. Here’s how settings previously looked:

Here’s how they look now after sharpening things up a bit:

My goal is to get the sharpest ntsc image I can on these old systems while still maintaining all the dithering effects along with that sexy rainbow banding (Sonic waterfall rainbow effect). You can grab the latest update in my previous post here.


it’s a pleasure to see after quite a while that you keep updating your presets. Thank you once again for the awesome looking around buddy. Keep it up !

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it’s a very good pleasure that you keep on with modding and updating your wonderful presets buddy. Thanks to you as well for the variety and awesome looking. Always looking for new updates !


Hi, nice collection of presets.

Would it be too much if you could create a folder (like the other Mega collection authors did) with your pack? (that’s because when I unzip your presets, they have to be located along with many other presets I use and then everything gets very confusing and crowded inside shaders folder. You could create a folder with your name to be located inside shaders_slang, for example.


Thank you I appreciate that you like my presets. I can whip that up for you and then post up an updated link but I need your help as well. The reason I settled on placing them in the root shader folder is because that’s the only place they load up for me at, any other folder and I get the failed to load message. What do I have to change to get them to load up from the slang_shaders folder or any other folder besides the root folder?

Here’s a log after creating a “sonkun” folder and placing it in the slang_shaders folder then trying to load up a preset:

=== Build =======================================
Capabilities:  ASIMD
[INFO] Built: Jun  7 2022
[INFO] Version: 1.10.3
[INFO] Git: 8ec1f32
[INFO] =================================================
[Vulkan]: Failed to load LUT "/data/user/0/com.retroarch/shaders/shaders_slang/sonkun/shaders_slang/crt/shaders/guest/advanced/lut/trinitron-lut.png".
[Vulkan]: Failed to create preset: "/data/user/0/com.retroarch/shaders/shaders_slang/sonkun/01-ntsc-j-warm-crt-guest-advanced-slotmask-8-16-bit.slangp".
[Vulkan]: Failed to create filter chain: "/data/user/0/com.retroarch/shaders/shaders_slang/sonkun/01-ntsc-j-warm-crt-guest-advanced-slotmask-8-16-bit.slangp". Falling back to stock.

Seems it has something to do with the trinitron lut.png

You’d need to edit all paths inside each preset. That’s why Retroarch can’t find the shaders.

Other way to do it easier is as follows:

  • Create your shader folder inside shaders_slang folder;
  • Now, open Retroarch and enter the config menu-> directory. You need to define a new path to your shaders. Enter directory and then shader path and choose the location of your new folder.
  • Now if you loads a preset, change its parameters on-the-fly and then choose to save this new preset, Retroarch will save in your new folder with correct shader paths inside.
  • So, you just need to load each of your presets and save again, now RA will save in its new location with correct paths.

After you create your presets, you can change again your shader path inside config->directory to the old location.


Ok it’s done. I changed it to where you will now load the shaders from shaders_slang/sonkun. I posted a new link you all can grab in my shader post here.

I guess this works out better so you won’t have 18 presets clogging up your root shader folder especially when I eventually make 4k versions. Thank you for helping me get this situated @Hyllian

Edit: I took things a step further and decided to change the naming scheme a little, since the 3 different types represent composite (8, 16 bit), s-video (32 bit etc) and rgb (arcade) I changed it to where it looked like this:


to looking like this:


Makes things look a little more official now. New link posted in the same spot above.


Not sure if you may have been reported but there may need a little fix in the start instructions to how install your whole project-presets since there seem to be non updated information about it.

CyberLab Mega Bezel Death To Pixels Shader Preset Pack - RetroArch Additions / Shaders - Libretro Forums

I was looking up to install in a different folder but didn’t work … The whole project NEED to be placed in shaders_slang folder (as Cyberlab to be set as the main folder of your project) or I may encounter several file paths that need to be tweaked in order to work.

In instructions says: to place in " Shaders\Mega_Bezel_Packs” folder. " which is not that name anymore. The bezel project comes with just “bezel” folder name to be placed in shaders_slang.

Also, I would like to know if anytime I do replace the files with your future updates then I may get or NOT unexpected behavior from the previous past saved presets. This question is, because I used to have some issue about this when updating CRT GUEST.R files. Since your project seems so big and complex to me, I would like to know because if trying to do anything I may get massive headache later on to find the proper files again and fix each one of the presets.

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This is thanks to one of your fixes for me to use in 1600x900 screen. Is ever intended to be seen this way in a CRT to crop off some game information from the top ? You gave me some little fix for my specific screen resolution months ago but couldn’t see this stuff happening. I also dont use CRT screens since like 15 years already so I can’t remember if they used to crop the game information like this.

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Seems like CyberLab Mega Bezel Death To Pixels Shader Preset Pack is making the rounds!

PSA: I use the CXA2025AS palette when designing, calibrating and testing my NES presets so if you use a different palette you may not be getting the optimal experience.

Seems like World of Gameplays is at it again, with even better quality this time!

It looks like World of Gameplays is on a roll today!

CyberLab Mega Bezel Death To Pixels Shader Preset Pack YouTube Playlist

I’m very happy your presets got some youtube attention. I hope it gets way more into the future bud.

Really great job to make all of them possible. I hope in the future can get a more updated proper computer to test them all properly but specially the most performance demanding folder of presets.

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Appreciate this is an old post, but I’ve been playing with Blargg’s NTSC filters for quite a while and find that the effect that code provides on composite mode to be quite pleasing to my eye at least. I’ve combined it with some simple SDL mask overlays and colour profiling, the obvious problem being that the brightness is reduced somewhat.

Snip with this (screen is only 1920x1200):


Curious to know how do you guys play GBA, do you use GBA hardware colors? I used to think that the games look so washed out but after comparing some screenshots, it’s a big difference. I can’t play GBA without it now :smiley:


Lottes + mGBA color correction raw colors gba hardware colors


Thanks @ynnad4! It has been an incredible journey!

Here’s a look at my latest creation:

You can use MPC-HC, MX Player or VLC Player to view the video.


You have to load full resolution, then open in new tab or window, zoom in or view fullscreen in order for these to look correct because of the mask and scanline settings.
