Hari's 1080p Shader's Presets & Screenshots


I included some, very general, basic info about presets in Presets info.txt file but they are not very specific, I frequently change things around and I’m a little lazy to keep an updated reference :sweat_smile:

Anyway, different letters have slightly different mask/scanlines/colors difference.

for example in the standard, aperture grill folder: B have a different temperature compared to A, C have a different mask set up: lighter and less “aggressive” mask and D have a different scanlines set up “simil” pvm.

Yeah, as I mentioned in the last release post:

But they should work (with the latest uborder release) I just quickly checked and they do work on my system.

what preset did not work for you?


I don’t remember if I tested all the presets. I’ll check it out and let you know!


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I suggest you to include in your pack the shaders of uborder you use too (except the default texture border). As uborder shaders are tiny scripts, it won’t impact in your pack size and you’ll be sure to not rework the presets if I update the shader params (which I most probably will, because it’s in initial development.)


@Hyllian nono, the presets are working, the “ntsc rework” is due to me switching to guest’s advance ntsc (I was using ntsc adapt) so I need to re-do some params file related to that, plus I just see that you included gdv ntsc in the new bezel reflection so I will try that as well! :nerd_face:

@ROBMARK85 just replaced the last update with a new zip, added presets with MBZ ADV using SGPT blending, not sure about the result since I didn’t use it for a long time (I tend to use ntsc presets with machines that needs blending like mega drive).


Thank you so much!!! I absolutely have to try it tomorrow also because I wanted to dust off Street Of Rage 2 for Genesis and this preset comes in handy. Thanks for your availability!

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@ROBMARK85 just out of curiosity, what model display do you use?

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Hi @Cyber ​​- I use my laptop monitor (an MSI RGB SDR at 1080p with 120Hz) or a Sony Bravia television connected to a MiniPC. I don’t know the model since it was given to me by my brother who wasn’t using it. I only know that it has a maximum resolution of 1080p at 60Hz and that it’s several years old even if it works perfectly.

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@hari82 I renew my compliments especially for the BVM aspect which I’m really liking - thank you very much!

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