Hgoda90 - Mega Bezel Graphics + Varieties

Changes to CA Stick 4x3 and OrionsAngel Super Ghouls 'n Ghosts have been added to the repo. I plan on creating a separate topic for standard OrionsAngel overlays presets under OrionsAngel Overlay Mega Bezel presets.


Individual Variety Packs v2.2.8

To download the release updates follow the GitHub link at the top of this topic

Console Arcade

  1. Add
    A. Tube Colored Gel Image to 4x3 presets
    B. MegaLab Arcade 3DS to NES presets
    C. setting labels to params
    D. Amber and BW preset to DOSBox and Generic-[4x3]
  2. Change
    A. Trim images

lfan System Overlays

  1. Change
    A. TV Bezel settings

OrionsAngel Game Themed Bezels

  1. Add
    A. Super Ghouls 'n Ghosts

Edit: Didn’t add lfan Overlay TV Bezel changes


I am going to be working on changing OrionsAngel presets to use strict 4:3 and setting up for standard presets under their own topic next. The Console Arcade presets will be put on the back burner until I can get it done, which hopefully isn’t too long.

The longest part of it all is going to be adding the param labels, but I think it is worth it.


To give a quick update on the presets, I have completed Candy Cab and will have to essentially start over on the console overlays. Since it will be the standard overlays, I was going to just set the bezel behind the background instead of using separate Frame and Bezel colors. The bezel sizes will still be close to the settings I posted earlier, depending on overlay.

The naming is generally set but it’s not 100% right now, since the variation folders will need to be renamed generally as well. The main set will be in OrionsAngel-Overlay folder and each individual set inside i.e. OrionsAngels-Overlay/Candy Cab.

After messing with the Console presets I thought to do them over to keep them in line with the images. So I will be doing the NES Box Art Overlay presets and creating the topic tomorrow. Candy Cab and Game Themed Bezels with variations are currently completed. I will do the presets for Realistic Arcade with a link to MagicHat’s presets for those wanting autoload.


OrionsAngel overlay changes have been added to the repo and OrionsAngel Overlay topic has been created. Let me know if there are any recommended changes.

Thinking of getting rid of the current OrionsAngel Console variations. The idea is to base variations on glass, possibly color and bezel shape.

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Just got a 27" 1440p HDR Monitor and wanted to check Console Arcade. I plan on getting a 4060 and 12400F next month.

Still looking good.


Remembered what @Ranmori said about channel 2 in Japan and changed the Japanese exclusive TV Backgrounds Intro to 2 instead of 3.


Thanks for your consideration!
But are there any other Japanese besides me? :joy:

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I would say possibly @Telmo.

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Went ahead and added a Red variation real quick to Nintendo VS in Console Arcade.

Something went wrong with the reflections :slight_smile:

Is there something wrong with the presets @kokoko3k? I can’t find anything.

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Maybe it is intended? the reflections are not mirrored:


It was intended with the Tube Colored Gel Image. I did change the reflection scale from 125 back to default in the repo, I just didn’t change the params where they are placed on my end.

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With finishing up OrionsAngel Overlays for Mega Bezel, I will be changing the variations for the overlays first with Consoles. I came with five different variations:


Default Bezel

Modern Bezel

Retro Bezel – B&W

Retro Bezel – Color


A quick update, I was going to do default bezel in the default color as well but decided against it. The colors that the presets will be using will be dependent on the overlay itself even within the same system. I also decided to add a screen variation to the mix.

Default Update



Added lfan’s Arcade Overlays to the repo. MAME has been renamed from Arcade to MAME to compensate the addition of independent Arcade overlays.


I will be using __global and changing the preset names on all the appropriate preset files. Will be a little while since I still have a decent amount of stuff to do.

I have been using something similar to Duimon’s but I wanted to have one completely custom.

Edit: To clarify I meant custom preset naming to those who might have been confused by the wording, which could have been better.

In the image Night became Dark but decided to go with Dim instead. Change Night to Dim is literally just based on semantics. I also changed the name of a select few folders ie Super Nintendo US -> Super Nintendo, NTSC