Hgoda90 - Mega Bezel Graphics + Varieties

I am currently trying to add Mega Bezel to @OrionsAngel’s Candy Cabs.

Edit: Have to fix those scanlines.


I think I have the general settings down and just have to worry about positioning. Everything should go smoother with the others.


Sega Aero City has an interesting Bezel shape.


I have finished making all the settings for the parameters. The only things I have left to do is name the shaders properly and make the dark versions. I won’t be posting the parameters on here since there would be 17 files and there are about 13 settings from multiple different sections.

I can say that I have set the Aspect Ratio Orientation in the shader files to what the image is. If there was any light reflection on the images’ bezel than I tried to “delete” as much as possible.

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OrionsAngel Candy Cab

All the files can be download at the Github page posted at the top. The overlay image files can be found at http://www.mediafire.com/file/0swi98b44a7w4vu/OrionsAngelsCandyCabBezelsForRetroarch.zip/file

Once you have downloaded the overlay files just place the png images into the OrionsAngel/CandyCab folder.


I just thought about doing an Alt version of the Cabs where their screens are visible. Or I could just edit the screens into the current shaders.

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I am going to be adding a Screen variation of the Candy Cabs and then do variations for @Duimon’s Gamepark GP32 graphics. I already have so many variation ideas ready.

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I don’t remember offhand if you are doing night versions of these. In any case I would hold off for a bit. I will be updating the GP32 presets after the next shader release, using a new feature HSM is implementing.

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I will be since there is a Night version of the graphic. I am going to hold off than since you will be updating it and just decide on what colors to do specifically first.

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Just so you know. I plan on doing a color customizable Pocket Dream Console down the road, so you have that to look forward to. :wink:

Also, the tic80, uzebox, Arduos, and WASM-4 stand a good chance at being customizable. Since they will be mostly original creations (With the exception of the Arduboy) I can do what I want.

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I have decided to go with dessert style themes for the GP32, @Duimon. I thought this style would suit the handheld well. :sunglasses:

I am still going to be going with a few standard colors.


If you use a combination of Gamma and Brightness, instead of just Brightness, you can keep the shading from becoming washed out. (The reason I asked for a Gamma parameter.)


Shading of what specifically?

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The Device layer. The details are getting washed out with the color change.

Actually, the same thing is happening to the Decal layer.


Yeah I will check on those. The images do look washed out a good bit.


Using a combination of Gamma and Brightness acts a bit like the Photoshop levels adjustment.


Is this better?

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A bit. If you lower the Gamma on the Decal before increasing the Brightness, you can save it too.

And maybe keep the contrasting color for the triggers?

You also want to make sure the highlights have enough contrast, but that is the part that will change with the new feature.

In any case. What looks good to you is what is important. I’m just trying to help.


I will be getting better with time, hopefully and it is stuff like this that helps me learn.


I have created Screen variants for OrionAngel’s Candy Cab.

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